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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 28th. April 194 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ve WWW are THE SCHOOL MEDICAL) ANIMAL HUSBANDRYIN THE WEST INDIES SILK INDUSTRY IN THE BAHAMAS SERVICES survey of animal hus sing concern in this arca, Silk stockings may soon led. These experiments ha bandry conditions in the especially since it has been come from the Bahamas as been completely succes Since April ist, under the West Indies, supervised by recognized that a sound mi the result of experiments in in demonstrating that provisions of the new Edula professor of the Royal xed farming system is essen. silk culture. The first silk climate is congenial to cation Bill, comprehensive Veterinarian College, is tial if there to be a balancocoon produced in the Ba worms and that the soil facilities for free medical being carried out. grant ced economy and to ir pro hamas was recently unde right for the mulberries treatment other than that of 4, 800, under the Colo nutritional standards. Gences. which they feed Murter given in the home. are nial Development and Wel Over dependence on sugar PRODUCTION cuttings were imporred available for children atten fare Act will facilitate re has not been a whosesome August. The first eggs we ding all primary and secon search into special stock thing for the West Indies.
POSTSCRIPTS hatched early in Decembe dary schools maintained by breeding problems. Lives. Fortunately, stock has been and 26 days later the be public funds. At present the tock disease has been cau kept there for two centuries cocoons were being spun administration of this pro for working purposes as well Mobile flour milis, each silk worms. The achieveme vision is in the hands of lo LONDON as for the supply of milk and able to supply the needs of is the more remarkable cal authorities until such ti meat. The introduc ion of 50, 000 people, have been that most unusual conditio me as the National Health CAMOUFLAGE modern methods such as ar specially produced in Bri prevailed throughout. Ti Service begins to function.
tificial insemination and retain to help meet urgent longest drought in litt Under wartime conditions search into the breeds best food shortages in Liberated years occurred between Se this service is necessarily The war news has finally suited to the climate will be Europe. Despite their large tember and December, 194 limited. Local authorities are made it possible to lift res aided by this timeiy grant. output of 16 cwt. of whole and when the first woma trictions covering the work meal flour per hour, the were hatched the temper advised by the Ministe: of Health to concentrate on deof the camouflage artists.
mills are small and so simple ture had reached 45 11 London that they can be operated lowest in many years.
veloping clinic facilities for district, erected in view on BRITAIN AID TO by unskilled labour.
the present. The school medi pocoood possible invasion, included cal service covers treatment RUSSIA of minor ailments, diseases an outer ring of forts with British engineers hawe ROYAL NAVAL FIEL of the ear, nose and throat a, 100 mile anti tank ditch, completed two important un Britain most tangible aid, dertakings in Turkey a har ARTILLERY and defective hearing, diseas and two inner rings of pill ses of the eye and defective boxes, British citizens as at least in the earlier stages, bour costing 000, 000 in vision, orthopaedic and den well as possible invaders came with the fulfilment of the port of Alexandretta, sloop of the Royal tal treatment, child guida were deceived by the many Mr. Churchill promise, bac and two roads which link has put in two months ce, speech therapy, and the disguises concealing these in 1941, to give whatever Mersine with Alexandretta tinuous work in giving ch treatment of rheumatism. In defenses. The best camou help we can to Russia and and Ulukishla.
artillery support to the Br rural areas, school autohori flage results were usually the Russian people.
tish Fourteenth Army figl ties may arrange with genaobtained by disguise rather Milkcans being ting in Burma.
ral practitioners for the than by any attempt to hide mass produced at the rate This is considered as pr treatment of pupils referred the actual post. An inquiry of 250 an hour in Britain to bably the longest period to them by medical officers bureau at Whitehall, books supply the urgent needs of which one of Ship The enlargement of these talls in various parts of Lon farmers and milk has performed such a tas services will follow the pea don, a chapter house near a distributors for the Army. Because ce as soon as personnel is church and a tea room on the nature of the countr available.
the approach to the Kings At the request of Indian the Army was unable ton by pass all concealed industrial circles, British employ guns of heavy cal FAMILY ALLOWANCES which fooled even the peopillboxes strong points technicians of the Nuffield bre, so the sloop acted a Organisation are to help in their artillery, harassing Ja BILL PROPOSED ple who passed them daily.
the development of a motor panese lines of commun In rural places the innocent car industry in India. At cation, pounding his suppl looking posts or a fence or first cars manufactured will dumps, plowing up the fa The aims of the propusei, the brick work at the end consist almost entirely of rries across chaung Family Allowances Bill, of a bridge often were not CHURCHILL British parts, assembled by and bombarding his which will be available to what thek seemed. These Indian labour under the positions.
all, are based on the princi effects were obtained by What the Russians needed tuition of technicians, One of the greatest diff ple that, while it is in the covering loopholes and win so desperately then, when the new industry is financulties was navigation national interest for the Sta dows of strong cement pill the Germans were opening ced by Hindustan Motors Li carry out a close bombare te to help parents to main boxes with metal gauze their unheralded and trea mited with a wholly Indian ment, on one occasion th tain their children, the pa painted on the outside to cherous attack along a 1, 500 subscribed capital of sloop had to move up rents still must have the match the adjoining mate mile front on Sunday mor 3, 500, 000 channel stern first, as they primary responsibility. The rial, which enabled the men ning, June 22 nd, 1941 was. was not sufficient break scheme is not, therefore in of the garrison within to see supplies, aircraft, tanks, rather less than three years, turn around. She ult tended to provide full main attackers approaching while ammunition and, in fact, British factories sent Russia matel y finished only fou tenanco for each child. It is they themselves remained every class of war material. 150. 000 tons of supplies, miles from the Japanese rather a general contribuinvisible. All the defenders Britain acted once; tion to the needs of families had to do was tounmask one example of promptitude known to have arrived sa view by tall trees. The re of which 041, 000 tons were nes but was screened fror with children. This contribu the loopholes by releasing a was the shipping of half a fely.
sulting bombardment wit tion will be made in two string which allowed the million pairs of Army boots the help of air spotters wa ways: covers, hinged on the bo within a week of the German They included 17. 000. 000 highly successful. By a flat rate cash ttom, to fall outwards. The invasion. But that was just shells, 290. 000, 000 cartrid During her period allowance of five shilliogs work was carried out by one preliminary token what ges, more than 5, 000 lorries operation the sloop fired per week for each child some of Britain well was to come in the shape of and armoured troop ca total of nearly four tho after the first, and known architects.
vast shipments through the rriers, 4, 292 tanks. 3, 300 sand rounds of ammunition (B) By the provision, free Arctic ice to Archangel, and, aircraft, and over a thousand and on one particular og of cost to the parents, of by way of the Indian Ocean, and anti tank guns. casion she bombarded Jape shool meals and milk to all Education Departments. to the Persian Gulf and Raw materials ran into hun nese positions with mor children under the age of 16 The cash allowance will through to the Caspian Sea. dreds of thousands of tons, than seven hundred an attending primary and se come out of generai ta xa Totals worked out up till and the tonnage of foods twenty five shells in les condary sshools under the tion.
April, 1944, show that in tuffs reached 138, 000 than an hour.
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