
CECA THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Though the passions of small minds may not fill the world with bloodshed and devastations, yet they destroy individual quietude and BOX 199 insensibly undermine the happinesse of the NO 465 world.
Editor: JOS THOMAS YEAR LIMON, MAY 5th. 1945 000. 000. 000. 000. 000. Recoccoce.
THE SEWING OF GOOD SEED 3 a the general HERATY WELCOME TO CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVE UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF GERMANS ON ALL FRONTS With the observance of May (odequate and regular supply The unconditional surrender of under the costs of Caserta, as also Lieutenant Ge Day on Tuesday of the week of water also found a place the Nazi fighting comes in Indy Colonel Heinrich von Vettinshot neral Nogon, wherer rein course, the local Federation among the inscriptions industria bes ben officially and General Kari Wolf, sentei General exander of Workers have sewn good released. The surrow. de: was efec. The document of capitala: The surrena: desmit seed, which we think, is destin The scene was, on the who led or about midt Wednes was executed by the two Nazitions of the racps. Tighed for progressive growth ond le, both picturesque and sig.
day and atfeets at 200. 000 offices in the Royal Palace 012 heir losing game to terit is expected at moment. The an expansive yield. The nur nificant The march, headed announdement may probably be sery was prepared with a by the Flag of Costa Rica, BENITO MUSSOLINI PAYS THE PENALTY made before this impression of our must colourful demonstration borne by two able bodied lasWeekly gets into circulation, as it The inscriptions on the bon sies, storted from the Plaza 115d they been collectea mony death penalty as traitors to their is known the Soviet forces are and many a gallon would have country. The executions 105 no attacking the last of the Nazi de ners of the different branches Yylesios. In order followed of the Syndicate of Workers the Military Band, dishing out been filled with the tears shed ce Saturaday morning. enah: days (ences in the doomed city, by fathers, mothers, sons, daugh logo, and their bodies were exhi The death of Hitler has again were expressions of real nece tuneful strains by the way, ters, husbands, wives. lovers and bited in the city of Minus been announ. He is said to have ssities.
then the Boy and Gin Scouts others, as a consequence of the tuits body is said to have been died while taking part in the Much ottention was given in splendid formation. Then heinous crimes cruel asustation spat upon and kicked by rate Gight in the Reich Chanvery. Adm the mule drawn cart, accu some of the units of the Fe and wanton destructions Tento public, ral Karl Doenitz, Commander in Mussolini inflicted on the into Chief of German Navy, ispied by several men and wo deration, more organized wor cent peoples of the ancient Ennyi.
stated to have been named his men, who represented our kers, and last the re of Abyssinia, then on those of successor by Hitler, shortly befo smd agriculturists and who public. Passing along seventh Albania and Greece, and ovsan te his death The new Fuehrer pleaded for the urgently need street, the procession moved his own tellow natinals. in his is not in favoude with the peopleed help to lift them out of the into fifth avenue, down to the rabid desire for self and empire of Germany, it is stated aggrandisement.
The announcement has also been dungeon filed with hards Seawall in front of Park Var released that the Allied Nationships and indifferent treat gas, then into Commercial For a period of more than two do not intend to pay any attenment.
avenue and terminating at the decades Musolini dominated, Highly pleasing was it to lion to the reported death of Hi Much observation was also starting point, where the oraDictator, the affairs of Italy, and Calling beneath the spell of the contact in this city, last Tues ller until they are presented with directed to the banner beartions were emotionally delihis dead body Nazi Adolf Hitler, joined him in dal, don Hilario Alberto Byers number of prominent Nazising an appeal for an improve vered.
This fight for world donjaation and who occupies the important are also reported dead or taken ment to the Penshurst Pon May the seed grow and pro the enslavement of humanity. His position of Consul for Costa prisoners. Germany Minister of dora transportation system. duce an abundance of rich beloved Italy was the first the Rica at Bluefields, Nicoragua Propaganda, Goebbels is said to The city dire need for on fruit.
suffer defeat at the hands of the have died some days ago combined fighting forces of the Señor Byers is, we gather, a Marshal von Rundstedt, who had Democratic Powers. He the native of Bluefields and has been relieved, by Hitler, of his sought refuge in Germany, Lut been in the diplomatic service position as Commander in Chief For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele realizing that a simi ar fate was of this Republic for a number of the armies on the Western front, The People Tailor in store for the Berlin Dictator, he of years He left us the some has been captured at a place 34 Ded thence and established him kilometers south of Munich. Hans self in one of his remote haunts day for Son Jose.
in his homeland. There, we are We bid him o hearty well bassador to Italy has also been von Mackenson, the German Am told, he, his concubine and a come and wish him a very made prisoner.
number of his partners in crime, pleasant stay in Costa Rica Since were located and seized by a body He has promised to writing the above, we The ATLANTIC VOICE learns, the country of the men, providof antifascist warriors who sub spend have received the advice of the mitted them all to what has been some time in this city before unconditional surrender of the through a very reliable medium, ing, of course, they present evi.
Nazi forces, in Berlin, termed a summary tra, when returning to his responsible effects, it is stated, about 60, 000 somewhere in the Almirante. Bo tier in response to the present which that there is need for workmen dence of having crossed the fron.
they were condemned to pay the duties at Bluefields.
menting officials. Germany or cas del Toro regions. It is said special call for labour. The Good ganized resistencia is now regar.
able bodied workmen are assur Neighbour Policy, which exists AMONG THE BAPTISTS ded as at an en.
Pierre Laval, the noted French ed living wages and very good between our Republic and Pana Premier, landed in Barcelona Jast treatment.
ma, will, we are confident Seven more days then the staged on Monday night, the Wednesday along with other We also understand that the smooth out all the minor difficul.
down of Ithe 13th will be 14th.
French and German refugees with us the day on which we Without any intention of They were arrested by Franco and governing authorities of the Re. ties which stood in the way of placed will pay our annual tribute to taking Moles out of school. Allieds.
the disposal of the ublic of Panama are fully dispos workers in searen of honest la.
ed to facilitate the admission into bour.
Mother. In this connection templation raps us to say ew the Baptists of our city are have noticed a much esteem reported 61 ready for the ed townsman, assiduously giv special services, as also for ing attention to the role ossig the Condert which will be ned him in the big Cose Change to We, the Jury, Find.
few 1 AN OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR UNEMPLOYEDS at THE SUCCESS RAMESES BLENDED CIGARETTES RAMESES Day and Night Services Completing the Limon most important eating and drinking Circle at 6th, Street and 5th Avenue is the Short Orders, Meals, Coffee, Cool Drir:ks and Pastry up to date spot SUCCESS STEPHANO BROTHERS scientifically Blended CIGARETTE You ll Like it!
ON SALE EVERYWHERE Well cooked well prepared and sanitary Service is our endeavour. Prices to meet cvery Pocket PACSF5 KENTON and WIFE, PROPRIETORS.


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