
SATURDAY, 5th. May 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page THE CUBS. LIBERTAD BASEBALL ENCOUNTER COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY The Unfanding Memory of our Loving Mother ELIZABETH WILLIAMS ELLEN MORGAN THE VOGUE TAILORS The Homesters triumphed by an inning Fábrica de Hielo and one run y Refrescos who departed to the Great Beyond on the 27th. April 1942 at the advanced age of 92 years.
Our sporting Fans turned 2A mirante two runs, Limon Agencia Cervecería Traube out in overwhd ming numbers nii. Both sides nil. Vi.
Three sad years have passed since she changed to witness what was indeed a sitors two runs. Homesters her mortal form to repose in the Province of God, LIMON leaving behind, three sons, two daughters and splendid diversion on Sunday Innings 5, 6and were scoseveral grand, great grand and great great grand afternoon, the 20th. ultimo reless for Libertad, while the children.
The amusement was furnished Cubs gained four in the 5th. FLORIDA ICE AND by the Libertad Basebaliersone in the 6th, and nil in the ENOS, CHARLES, BARTON, ZENDREEN, ALVINE of Almirante and those of the 7th. The Almirante Boys FARM CO.
Cubs of this city. The visi augmented their score by one tors were brought to us by in the eighth and two in the LA FLORIDA don ban Lopez of Bocos closing inning. Playing the Maderas del Toro along with the cther eighth as their final, the Cubs Memory That Never Shall Grow Geid Fábrica de Hielo excursionists were dismissed without makMAY 4, 1934. MAY 4, 1945 Mr. Harber, the ing any addition to their eight Yesterday registered eleven years since the grave re.
Manager of the invaders, prov runs.
ceived the earthly remains of our loving mother and grand.
ed himself a very able and hu.
tators, terminated with a vic.
mother morous sportsman Even when The match, which was high tory for the Limon Boys by on he and his players suffer ly appreciated by all the spec linning and one run.
from a doubtful decision of an She was called by our Saviour to rest in His eternal home, and though worms have, by umpire, he takes the medicinow, destroyed her mortal body, yet ne with smiles. His players her sweet frame is ever fresh on the canvas are very youngmen, who praiof our mind. Others may forget her, but we seworthily maintained a cheer her dear ones never shall ful sporting spirit. Theil piHilda Davis. Ruth Evans. Christina tcher, Roberto Bolma, shows in front of the office of the Electric Light Company.
Morgan and Grand Children signs of climbing the dizzy heights of Hurling Fame. Miller, who was entrusted REMEMBER: with the pitching for the homesters, maintained a very IN MEMORIAM We make all kinds of men garments. Suits in the latest good length, and had he secur styles. Riding Breeches, all designs. Sport Shirts. Dressing ed a greater amount of effec Gowns Bath Robes. Military Uniforms.
In fond and loving memory of our dear Husband and tive co operation from his We specialize in the making of Ladis Cats, Suits, Skirts, Father fieldsmen, his opponents might Slacks, Breeches and Jodhpurs.
GEORGE MYLES not have earned so high score.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CALL OR WRITE who departed this life on May 5th. three years ago.
We miss him more than words can say Two of the visitors earned The loss is of one we loved so well; two boses hits! respectively JOHN And while nature shispers what a loss, Altimont earned two boFaith meekly cries, bear thou thy cross.
9gers and Mišer, one for the home players. Quite Post Office Box 83 Port Limon.
a WIDOW, DAUGHTERS, SON number of the spectators IN THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA threw humour into the pictune whenever Iron Foot. one of the local Boys, was at the bat. He effected a sensatio.
CESO LA RESISTENCIA EN EL do anunció hoy que la sexta di REDUCTO DE BAVIERA nla drive in the seventh inning The announced service ay night of the week in cour: visión aerotransportada aliada hi.
zo contacto con los tanques rusos but it was unfortunately ruled lecture, under the caption se. The discourse by the Cuartel supremo aliado en París, en el área de Wismar. Anoche los to have entered foul territory. The Church under the Cross Rev. Holmes is said to ca Montgomery llegaron ayer a se abren paso sin encontrar la me UP Los ejércitos del maris, despachos agregan que los aliados The results of the play, by of Germany, became a reali have it been very impressive. la costa del mar Baltico por el nor dificultad por parte del eneinnings, were Libertad dis zation in the Methodist References were node to Ger puerto de Wismar aislando al puer migo por los límites exteriores del missed for nil, Cubs three runs Church, in this city, on Mond many happy state when to de Kiel. El mando supremo alia reducto Bávaro.
it lived within the narrow band straight path, but MUL EN. OL due to its expansive ideas and FOR SALE movements along the broad FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC and improper avenue of lite, NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR utter ruin has been its reward It was stated that this same Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
fote will be the end of all who Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash deviate from the right princi and Dentrifice.
pels of Christianity.
in production and with other fruit trees.
Located at Piuta. One measures, approxi The annual celebration of MA TA RAL mately, twelve hectareas and is duly ins Mothers Day will be in evi.
cribed in the Registry of Properties. The dence on Sunday the 13th.
ALKALINE TABLETS other measures about two hectareas.
instant. Young People good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains.
For further information consult Programme wit terminate minor colas, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after the commemoration on the EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA night of Tuesday, the 15th. cordial invitation is extenTO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
za 16 liivagt bnb 1971 ded the general public to all AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS in his office opposite the Girls School. the serivces on the Sunday PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A. 140 as well as to the entertain Bts SAN JOSE ment on the Tuesday.
ROGERS AND SON IN METHODIST CIRCLE TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PIUTA, LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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