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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY. 5th. Ma 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN SAYINGS THE FUTURE OF PORCUPINE WORSE SUPER MEN FROM NEARING THE CLIMAX ENEMY THE JAP AFRICA are ove across Over a considerable area of It is only the commonest of the world the Christian year cor. commonsense to try to make our LONDON CHURCHES British Commandos of the 25ta The same job as is being done responds roughly with that of war potential our ability to Indian Division have had some now in the recaptured ports of the seasons Advent, the time make weapons of war and sustain grim moments fighting the Japa Western Europe that is the before Christmas, recalls a period the civilian population while we An interim report of the Bi.
ir Arakan, but they have aim of the East African Port Ar. of darkness, of preparation, of are at war. as invulnerable as shop of London Commission on Ise had a laugh from Burma tisan Works Company now train. waiting.
possible Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, the City Churches recommenda mal life ing under a British Marines Ma. Now, the long days of Lent MP that all those not destroyed bey.
The first Jungle Book epi jor Easter has come and ond hope of restoration shall be sode happened during an erenry Their story began in Ceylon, gone and we are in the time You do not win wars by preserved. Other proposals made counter attas the first night when the Major noticed the ex before Whitsun. We celebrate dreaming dreams and you cannot in the report are for amalgamaComandos held Hill 170. Lance tremely good job a group of East the triumph of Light over Dark build houses, you cannot build tion of some parishes, the erecSgt. John Salter, of Stroud Gate, African Pioneers was doing in ness. Nature, in turn, performs houses, you canot, build schools, tion of three institutes for social South Harrow, Middlesex, hear reservoir. construction and long her annual miracle, and bursts you cannot ensure full employ works on the sites of the destroy ing a scuffling and grunting in distance pipe. laying. He was so into blossom.
ment or social security or a na led churches, and the putting of the bushes, prepared to fire on impressed that he went back to Maybe, this season of happy tional health serviče simply by tithes in the City on a uniform a Japanese, Suddenly a giant the Pioneers homelands in East augury, with its hope of coming seeing visions. Mr. Anthony and equitable footing. The report porcupine with foot long quills Africa to find more of these su fulfilment, will lend its spirit to Eden, MP.
is published by the Press and Pu jumped into his foxhole. Salter permen.
the progress of the war. Abroad, blications Board of the Church made repeated efforts to oust It was not long before 60 ad our arms are reaping their re. The recent crossing of the Assembly. It goes on to say, No the creature and was rewarded venturous Africans, clad in upward, and the years of endeavour Irrawaddy alone, at points where Wren church, not already des.
with several nasty wounds on his to date diving suits, were prac nearing their climax.
it is six times as, wide as the troyed nor damaged beyond the hands and arms from the needle tising walking in the waters of uzan Thames at Waterloo Bridge, is an possibility of satisfactory restora sharp quills. The porcupine made a big Nairobi swimming bath GPO IS NATION epic achievement; and it is only tion, should be removed except such a noise when disturbed Within two months, they had one of many. Lord Louis in a case of most urgent neces.
that the NCO decided to leave it Istarted real sea diving off the BIGGEST SHOP Mountbatten.
sity. The report recommends alone rather than reveal his posi. Kenya coast. By the end of their that the number of churches was tion to enemy. He spent an un training they will be able to do We do not want the German in excess of the parochial needs happy night in the open with bul. anything under water from the marked that the Post Office was burden on the rest of the world work undertaken among its day postmaster General once re people to starve or to become a of the city, and that the social lets whistling past while the por. erection of steel seaffolding to the barometer of business. To day Our objective in handling Germa time population was handicap.
cupine slept in the foxhole. the laying of concrete founda we are still involved in the grimny is simple: it is to secure the few nights later, Sgt. Major tions mest business of all that of win peace of the future world. Preped by the absence of parish Joseph Radman, ot House Lane, What does the peace of the riture world Pre halls. It, therefore, proposes that The sea. divers, with comrades ning the war.
glass say?
sidente Roosevelt.
Arlesey, Bedfordshire, a peace now training to operate anything there be three institutes built During the financial year ending time wood machinist, led a nine from an electric crane to a ramp March, 1944, the total transactions comprising principal halls, with The Government regard no one hour patrol which involved, a landing craft, will soon be fol of the Post Office reached the re as having a vested interest in air suites of rooms equipped for re.
swin a 100. yard wide riwing up the Allied advances cord sum of 2, 427, 783, 000. The transport except the interest of the creation and refreshment, bodily chaung in the pitch darkness. As in the Far East.
Post Office, then, more than main travelling public; the publicare and spiritual, and so situated as tains its title of Britain Biggest the only people who have a ves to be readily accessible to youth.
they were about to plunge in Business ted interest that the Government ful workers from all parts of the they were warned by a returnFACTS FROM The handling of the mail is, of can properly recognize. Lord ing Indian patrol that the chaung course, the largest part of this Swinton.
was alive with crocodiles. business. Postal items dealt with LA HOME FRONT We are now engaged in trying bunch of very unhappy Com.
numbered over 6, 500, 000, 000 of to create from the rather choatic ar that mandos splashed across Tanks, guns, boats, and ar.
which 235, 000, 000 were parcels, educational institutions of this Some 270 tons of stamps had to be country a system, flexible and vo de river. Safely over, they obtained mour plates were among the Printed to meet this demand.
ried, which will be worthy of a the information they wanted: 10. 000 outofgauge loads car.
De nation that has saved civilisation, One fear lurked in the minds of ried on the London Midland and New Strain On Staff a system which will be the ex It has taken a war to bring, ED these men who have never fear. Scottish Railway during 1944.
pression of that fredom and de ed a Japanese the crocodiles For such consignments the path made a new record of 139. 000. 000. fought. Mr. Atlee.
Registered letters and parcels mocracy for which we have home to many of us the beauty PO on the return swim. They retur of the train has to be plotted to of Britain. In the days of peace This last record placed a severe ned without incident, but all avoid trains on adjacent lines, Istrain not only on the staff but also We took it all for granted. Some The United States now exerts tore through the countryside in GE agreed it was the worst patrol and an inspector has to examine on the available special accommo vast influence in the cause of they had ever been on.
the load every 25 miles. dation which the conduct of the peace throughout all the world. It car or coach looking not to right The same Commandos have a service requires. Curiously, some will continue to exert that influen nor left. Others walked to get people seem to think that regis Ice only if it is willing to continue an appetite. not to see the un.
nont front line mascot. Jacko. a Over two million of the all day tration expedites delivery. little to share in the responsibilily for rivalled glories of their cola native monkey vetera nof three Arakan tickets costing one shilling have thought should show that this can keeping the peace. It would be land.
Landings. Jacko has plunged Inow been supplied by London never be the case. No one should our own tragic loss were we to ashore on the shoulders of his Transport to and Allied register unless the contents of the shirk that responsibility. PreThe war has changed all that owner, Pte. Thomas Hall, who Forces. These tickets were first packet are valuable.
sidente Roosevelt.
lives at Cocker Avenue, Cwm. Introduced in November, 1940. popularity. The massive sales of Postal Orders do not decline in Men and women serving overseas bran, Monmouthshire, at Ak for the use on the Board system sixpennies for football pools ha have to deal with an entirely terms of green fields, trim hedger Public authorities are going to remember their homeland in yab, Myebon, and Kangaw, and by Services personnel on leave ve been reduced: but in spite of different woman than existed in stately trees, the little cottage knows well the sound of enemy in London. They are issued that some two hundred million 1909 in the domestic side of our wheer tea was served in a flower fire.
When our own artillery mainly fro mService Clubs and orders of various values were sold hospitals. There will be a shorta.
opens up Jacko doesn twitch lat certain London Transport sta talled rearly 24, 000, 000 last year. Money orders old to ge for years to come. want to lit garden.
see the old slut method, the old Nor are the thoughts of those an ear, but at the whistle of a tions in the Central London area. system comprising 1932GO charwoman idea abolished Mr. who are left at home so different Jnpanese shell he in a slit trench, miles of underground wires and Bevin.
In a life made rigorous by stres a split second ahead of the Com in past weeks have been the 772, 000 miles of overhead wires mandos mangrove swamps, muddy wou would seem capable or bearin any 480, 000, 000 believed to be the of war, our minds have turned arbe Jacko does countless tricks chaungs, and paddy of the Mye Post Office has had to asic and bank. At the outbreak of the war le things we terded to ignar Hosta strain. It is not however, and the largest balance held by kings instinctively towards those simpvasal and will fetch a packet of ciga. bon. Kangaw area, where some still asks the public to telephne there were just over 11, The falling leaves, the bird rettes or a box of matches at an of the most beautiful multi co. and telegraph less positors with 550, 000, 000 to the song, the riple of the river, scoa order from his owner. He loves loured tropical birds in the world There are now Od cigarettes to chew and enjoys abound. At night jackals une.
Huge Sum Reached 18, 750, 000 depositors mcon on water Thore Sa end tight. rope walking on the Sig arthly cries make the detection vings Bank figures take no recatint The Savings Bank is a big bu of the yast sums handled by the War has helped us to joc pero nals phone.
of approaching Japanese more siness by itself. Deposits nave Post Office in connection with something we can with advan The Commandos battlefields difficult documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacidomioiguel Penehedenotheistehuseneribolasitev nigerioCertificateselud, Costa Rica. tage always retain.
THE LAND WE LOVE Vien Est lo credit.
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