
נוס Friendship is seldom lasting but between Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 equals, or where the superiority on one side is reduced by some equivalent advantage on the YEAR LIMON, MAY 12th. 1945 No. 466 other. Benefits which cannot be repaid or obliDe Coc. 0000000000000 HSVOLDOGODODD. CO. 0000 CO. ECCO gations which cannot be discharged do not usually increase affection; they may excite HITLERISM FINALLY AND COMPLETELY DEFEATED gratitude and heighten veneration, but generally, take away that freedom and familiarity of After what will ever be and Stumpf on behalf of standing the disaster which intercourse without which there cannot be real known as the longext and Germany, Marshal Zhukov has overtaken their copart friendship.
most gruesome and blood of Russia, Marshal Tedder, ners, the apanese declare curding war of modern ti who represented General they will continue the strug mes, during which the Unit Eisenhower. General Latgle.
ed Nations suffered untold tre de Tasigny of France This will only heap more WATER IS INDISPENSABLE FOR THE MAINsacrifices, and irreparable and General Spaatz of the sufferings on the nation, for losses. Hitlerism and all its air forces of the United Stathey cannot avert defeat of a TENANCE OF GOOD HEALTH associated evils have been tes of America. The pact nature likely to be much finally and completely de provides for a total disarm more drastic than Germa From the early issue of the 1945 calendars feated civilization has been ing of the forces and the de ny President Truman and originally drawn up by the office of the Intersaved and the human race livery of all war material in Premier Churchill have an national Co operative Public Health Service, assured reall liberty and tact.
nounced their intentio o.
we noted with marked interest the significant equality.
throwing every ounce Realizing the futility The Accord also stipulates their available fighting pow) caption of the section which referred to this continuing the fight against that the Germans who contier into the conflict and Ad! Republic, The Friend of the Family.
the Allied offensive, which nue fighting after the annou miral Nimitz has stated be It is the general understanding that, on the would have only caused the neement of the act of sur jis all ready to initiate the fi background of this great Institution is the deuseless sacrifice of more hu render will be regarded as nal assault against the ene sire for the upkeeping of good health. There man lives and the destruc lawless elements and not en my metropolitan area.
is also the well known willingness of our Mition of a greater amount of titled to the protection valuable matexial Admirall the war regulations, France and Brazil have nister of Public Health to always strive for the Karl Doenitz, who had a su The Far Eastern warfa also expressed their willing betterment of our health conditions, and to do med the position of Fueh re still remains, for notwith ness to partrafate.
all the things necessary for the maintenance rer on the announcement of Hitler death, ordered RED CROSS AMBULANCE SERVICE NOW One of the primary essentials in this respect Monday last, the immediais, as none can deny, the Daily Bath: but sad te and unconditional SuESTABLISHED to say, there are times when not even a Weekly rrender of all the military for Wash is possible, under the bathroom shower, ces of Germany. The order Our highly este med cities, the needed subvention was quickly adhered to all zen, don Alfredo Cañas, Pre has been obtained for the em due to the irregular and very limited supply of the battle fronts and in the sident of the Limon Anxia ployment of a chauffeur water in the circulation system of our city.
occupied countries. The sig ry Red Cross Comu, tee, and who will be at the service The taking of this very precious liquid from ning of the document which his associates have added to of the public at all times distant public hydrants is now regularly obofficially constituted the their triumph in comectior in order, however, to obtain served.
act of surrender was effec. with the service of the new the use of the vehicle, the ted in Berlin last Wednes ly acquired Red Cross Ambu party interested should get This condition is bad enough, where the day, the signatories were lance.
in touch with an authorized home requirements are concerned but there Generals Keitel, Freidelmerg Through their good offi representative, who will, in is the far graver danger to the general healt turn, notify Captain Noe Al of our citizenry, consequent on unflushed sanivarado of the Volunteer Fil tary services and unwholesome odors.
LIMON VICTORY PARADE re Brigagde, who has been In view of the menace which faces our peoNo ordinary human eye reachers for the victory of assigned the care of the am could easily have kept pace the Democracies The girls bulance. It should also be ple, we bring the matter to the attention of the nation highly esteemed Minister of Public with the movements associat declared they were told that borne in mind that the ser with the greatest public de at the sound of the sirene, vice of the vehicle is for the Health, who will we are sure, ne to the aid monstration which, so for os whatever be their occupation transportation of the sick. of our Municipal Fathers in their efforts to we are aware, has ever graced should be abandoned and not the dead.
improve Limon Water Supply.
they fall in line for the great Every corner and nook was procession. Amusingly, but emptied of their occupants, not without significance, one as al flocked to the Cuartel of the girls said her teacher Plaza at the evening hour of had told her that even if she Change to six on Monday of the week in a were in her pyjomas, her pre course sence would be needed in the Grom on early hour of the Victory Parade.
Such was dey it, was hinted that the the spirit and manifestation.
Nazi forces had surrendered, Men, women, children, and unconditionally to the Allied even sucklings, were on the BLENDED CIGARETTES Powers The news, so long scene The National Emanticipated, brought joy to blem of Costa Rica, the Stars every true christian and peace and Stfipes, the Union Jack, scientifically Blended loving citizen. All eagerly the insignia of the powerful awaited the official announ and indefatigable Soviet Union cement by the Commander of of Russia, the Tri colour of CIGARETE Police Colonel Enrique Esqui France, the Standard of the vel.
Chinese Republic, were flown Rather impressively we over triunghantly. Hunareds and heard two public schodl girls hundreds of small hand flags, discussing the approaching bearing the insignia of our Re hour. Their falk displayed public on one side and that of ON SALE EVERYWHERE the marvellous spirit of their Pasa a la pág. ONCE this city RAMESES RAMESES MESES STEPHANO BROTHERS You ll Like it!
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