
FOR SALE. FOR SALE Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR FARM SITUATE AT SANTA ROSA MOUNTAIN detalyado veram not loncinia lyunin vis sroto nailarina cultivated with Yams of every description and sufficient to feed the inhabitants of Limon. Also three or more hectareas in best bearing Cacao and a Dryer. 10 12 feet capable of taking off three hundred pounds at a time.
Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER This is a Gold Mine to the kucky Buyer Apply. Burrell Williams, Cieneguita WE PAY THE BEST PRICES AUXILIARY PREPARING JOYOUS TIME Hearts are eagerly pan. Auxiliary on edge to furnish ting, we gather, to know on tip top service in every res REMEMBER whose head the crown will be pect.
placed, on the night of Mon day the 14. th. instant, Aci Due, principally, to the tizen, with much experience long period which has elap in such ceremonies, is said sed since the presentation of to be slated to do honour to this class of pastime, the the successful lass. All arran Lawn Fete promises, we are gement are also stated to be assured, to be a colossal complete, with the Ladies success WITERESTING DISCOURSE PRESENTED TO BANANA GROWERS For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele BLE AT SIQUIRRRES The People Tailor Keeping faith with the an!
the general good results ob ncements previously rele dience of forty cultivatorstainable from all well orga cd, regarding the desire and other interested pernized groups, and directed NEW HARLEM CANTINA of the Managing Personnel, sons. The meeting took pla attention to the fact that the Atlantic Banana Groce in the premises of the Ba the farmer, as the producer AND RESTAURANT weig Association to place nana Club.
of the commodity. has the their programme before the The introductory remarks right of securing a betten A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE OFFERS: cultivators of the Siquires were delivered by Mr. Geor deal than that to which he The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons, region who had not found ge Shedden, the Vice Presi has been the recipient duit possible to attend any ordent; then, in very convin ring the past several years, NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN the meetings held at the he cing language, Mr. Britton he also reminded the audien AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
adquarters of the Associa deliberated on the more im ce that if all would unite in tign. Messrs. Stanley Brit portant points of the aims the good cause there would ton and Jos. Thomas. Pre) and objects of the Associa be hope of success.
BABE PRESENTED AND ACCEPTED IN sident and Secretary, respection, particularly on the po: The Secretary briefly advoly, hsited that townsibility of its becoming an ded his appreciation with CHRISTIAN FOLD ship on Sunday the 6th. in outstanding asset in the life respect to the splendid res By means of the priestiy At the outset of the recep stants when they were cor of the Banana Industry of ponse in evidence, and read offices of the Rev. Fr. Acos tion given by Marva par.
dially welcomed by an au this Zone. He emphasised on the Constitution of the Asso, ta of our Cathedral Parish. ents during the afternoon ciation. At the close of the little Merva Leona Chake hours of the same day, do eading tae audience accep the babe of our young and zens of invited Tots had ed the laws in their entire esteemed citizens, Mr. and their pleasure baskets brin y, and signified their willing Mrs Philip Clarke, was preful. It was climaxed with WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS ness to become members atı sented and accepted in the swings and sanding by the CHARM he earliest possible date Christian fold by virtue of grown up. The refreshment They were advised by the the Sacrament of Baptism. service was in splendid har HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND President of the manner in the sponsors were Miss Clamony with the other featu FURNISHING HOUSE which their enrolment, as rice Ruddock and Mr. Luisres of the happy event.
nembers, can be effected.
WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABLE Petgraver of the twcnship delivered a very intesting dis EXCELSIOR TAILOR WEEKLY SAILINGS ourse during which he men cioned that a plan was undr way to secure govern From LIMON to CAHUITA OLD HARCLIFFORD STEELE nent lands for individuals BOUR. CCLORADO BAR. PANAMA signments, in order to inten Now situated in an improved and convenient building.
th: going to take the train and in coming from the train vify the agricultural activi ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT For particulars, see or communicate with am in your way ies of the Zone.
In closing, the President BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH re iterated his pledge to for Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower Floor of CE. CONSULATE AND AIBPLANE BOOKING OFFICE. vard the Association proPension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLR gramme to the benefit of all, AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Hits components Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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