
Notice of ZTWO URMASATURDAY, 12th. May 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE Página 11 CARTAGO HONOURS WINSTON CHURCHILLIMONIO COSTA RICA At what has been descriu dress was by Mr. Jose Maria SODA WATER ed as a unique ceremony in Chaverri, a former Director the educational life of the of the School, who mention FACTORY Republie ancient Capital ed that the idea of paying a Cartago, a most sincere and lasting tribute to Mr Chur Fábrica de Hielo To Members of Cacao Cooperation spontaneous tribute was pa chill, by the renaming y Refrescos (Mixta)
id Mr. Winston Church on the school, had originated Agencia Cervecería Saturday the 28th. ultimo, with Mr. Mariano Monteale Traube when the elementary educa gre, an ex Minister of Agri Our Prices for the following Products are tional center, up to then culture, and a great admiLIMON known as Los Angeles. rer of the British Premier.
CACAO, per quintal. 46. 00 Colonies will henceforth hear the na The Minister of Educa me of the blustrious Pretion, Lie Hernan Zamora FLORIDA ICE AND mier of the British Common was the next speaker, ard COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones wealth of Nations, in a most instructive and in FARM CO.
The exceptional function teresting address, directed COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones was conducted in the presen attention to the importance LA FLORIDA ce of more than four hund of the ceremony. for, sa Maderas PULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones red children. boys and id he, just as the maming or Fábrica de Hielo giris connected with the baptising of a child is a reli sehool, and was graced with gious sacrament, so the nam ESC Freight and Cartage will be at Expense which had an overwelmthe presence of the Repu ling of a school should be re of the Cacao Co operation blic Minister of Public Egarded a civic one; as such ing audience of more than three thousand children and ducation, Lic. Hernan Zamo an event marked an outstan RAUL VELAZQUEZ ra Elizondo; His Britamme aing period in the life of the grown ups. At a later hour, Manager Majesty Charge Affaires nation future citizens. He the same evening a tine con resident in San José, Mr. urged the children to imita cert was given in front of Norman Mayens; the Prese te the life not only of Mr. the School by the foll MiliAttaché of the British Lega Churchill, but also that of tary Band of San Jose which For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele the tion, Mr. Bruce; many the lamented late President was also sponsored by of the oficials of the coun Franklin Delano Roosevelt British Legation The People Tailor try (Educational System: The address was long and sesongenguose. En several members of the Bri loudly applauded.
tish Colony resident in Carta Mr. Norman Mayers, the TALLER MECANICO LIMON Viene de la pág. go and vicinity, as well as British Charge Affaires, MACHINE SHOP Great Britain on the other a large number of the gene appropriately expressed his ral public.
thanks and appreciation for FIFTH AVENUE. BUILDING N989 were freely distributed throue Grouped in positions the invitation to assist at the Conducts general Repairs, First class workmanshop guaran. gh the good offices of the Bri tish Vice Consul and the Ame which formed a large ceremony: and after refer teed. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springelarrd other Household things. 30 rican Consul in this city and with each one holding ring to the herculean labour The civil and military Aur sloft the national emblems of Mr. Churchill, aided by PRICES MODERATE of Costa Rica and Great that of Mr Roosevelt, for thorites the poice, the MiliC. THOMPSON tary Bond, the Boy and Girl Britain, the children initia the salvation of universal. de Scouts, the Cadets, the Orgated the attractive program mocracy, and the maintenan nized Workers, the Vanguar me with the singing of the ce of human liberty, implor DON ALFREDO CHUNG LOSES LIFE dia Popular, in foct every per Republic National Hymned the children of the scho followed by that of Great to always bear them in BY DROWNING months his studio, below the son who was not contined to Pension America, added lustre bed by illness, were on the Betain effectively rendered mind, and by remembering to his progressive career morch because of their thankin English. Miss Lia Valle, that all human beings are Destiny, seemingly, had o Young and exkentely court tulness that the evils which Directress of the school, brothers to treat their fer watery greve in store for don!
then gracefully unveiled the How creatures with kind Alfredo Chung who on Tueseous, Alfredo Chung tound had threatened cur civilizawarm place in the heart of tion and individual libesty hadi large and beautifully fram ness and tolerance.
doy of the week in course lost every one he contacted. His ed picture of England out The programme been successfuly eliminated was in his life by drowning on the death is profoundly felt. Up to Nozi fascism had been destanding Statesman. The act erspersed with musical it company of six others, he left this time of writing he body fente. the hercubean etíorts was loudly applauded. Imem and a playet by some of the cityn some minutes after has not been recovered Mayl of the United Natione, hod mediately after this, Miss the scholars two o clock and securing a his sould rest in Peace obtained the victory Vale pronounced an illumiDuring the afternoon of boots indulged in rowing nating discourse, in which the previous day, Friday, the sea bround the Cieneguita she stressert the praisewor MO. Bruce of the Bri airport Due, no doubt to the WE, GRACIOUSLY, HAVE WISE PUBLIC thy efforts of Mr. Churchill tish Legation effects of the under for the betterment of huma what we have been told eurrent dlways present in that TO WHOSE REASON WE APPEAL nity, and particularly direcwas one of his most interest orea, the boat capsized with ett attention to his marking and successful teine the occupants. All were saved We a number of respectful and law abiding casens, e tenacito The next ad Shows in the local theatre, except don Alfredo with honesty embedded in our souls, have united in a sercial The community, in general manner with view of establishing a Branch of the Order mourns the sudden passing of British Mosate Templars, without hinderance or grejacice o any persons on existing Lodges.
CANTINA BATAAN into eternity of the unfortu For the past forty or more years this very demanatic hote gentlemon, whose outst.
CORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET Republic has allowed the measures preliminary to the open onding personality and charm ing of the nearly thirty existing Lodges, and surely we will sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss ang character had earned him sot suffer any prejudices Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are the anchallenged confidence The Directie Body of the Royal King Obed Temple the important topics of the Day.
should tremble with ſean if all be well with them and regard of all His rapid de furthermore, why publish at so late a date the assumefi non quirement of the photogra sociation of IVAN BOLTON with the Order. Gracqusly The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with phic art, and his marva. ious we have a wisg public and for that we desire to mention that the purest of foreign and native Drink.
accomplishments threrewith IVAN BOLTON is in possession of authority to establish the OUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF British Order of Mosaic Templars in this country, a was THE HIGHEST STANDARD were almost unparalleled given under the seal of the Supreme Grand Temple of Kings Don Alfredo was first en ston, Jamaica, over the signatures of Messrs. E Smith Remember you are cordially invited gaged in the liquor business Supreme Grand Master; and Frederick Box, Supreme Crane LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE in the Cantine known as Ri Secretary, and dated January 29th, 1945.
vos Bär!
He changed to THE SOCIALISTS FOR THE NEW MOSAIC TEMPLAFS photography, and in a few Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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