
OLIO NON ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK He who suffers the slightest breach in his morality can never tell what will enter, or how wide the defect will become; for when a pasEditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 sage is opened the influx of corruption momentarily wears down opposition and by slow deYEAR LIMON, MAY 19th. 1945 NO 467 grees deluges the heart.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN, PREMIER CHURCHILL AND MARSHAL STALIN The young people, particularly those of coSOON TO MEET lour, whose fortune it was to see the light of It has been reliably ann. 1929 yting the possbility of his hav day in this embracing and truly democratic cunced that President Truman large. His, whereabouts is, ing taken refuge in Ireland. Republic, are blocking their own advancement Premier Churchill ond Mars however, suspected and his Berlin is said to be resum industrially, socially, politically and otherhal Stalin will meet in conte capture may be announced at ing normal civic conditions as rence within the coming fort any moment.
the work of dlearing the wre.
wise. by reason of their chronic procrastinanight or so. The meeting may The balief that Hitler is licuaua ar spagoud 260 tion with regard to complying with the Govern take place, it is thought, in still alive persists, and os. expected that Marshal Montment offer to extend them full national rights, Berlin, in view of the fact result of the many enquiries gomery will be appointed the provided they fulfil the legal requirements that both the British Premier mode of him on the subject, British Representative before within a given period.
and Marshal Stalin are known Premier Churchill has intimat the Allied Control Committee to be anxious to visit the ed his intention of investiga in Germany Territory.
Among the many important advantages obbadly chastisei German Capitainable by nationalization would be the accutal. It is furthr stated thou JAPAN STARTS PEACE NEGOTIATIONS mulation of more than four thousand votes, General De Gaulle and Marsexercisable at the usual constitutional periods, hal Tito iwll be called for con. From Washington we have that the protection of the Em and which would undoubtedly earn them a not sultation during the period of the very significant onnoun peror os suggested would be the conference.
cement of the receipt by the the means of proventing revs unimportant voice in matters directly affecting The matter of the proced Government of the United lutionary activities within the their interests. Are these youths not seriously ings to be ta ren against the States of Amreica, by means Empire It is also thought that reading the signs of the times? Do they not Nazi war criminais wil we are ofthe Department of strate the Emperor is the only one visualize the approaching changes in worldtold, be one ci the outstond gic Services, of a proposal for capable of putting an end to wide conditions?
ing items liste concidera. Place from the Japanese. the war on the mainland of tion. It is now receiving the The proposal includes it is China.
What of the green fields an drich meadows special attention of the Alle said, the promise of putting Meantime the intensive of to which they can become beneficiary citizens?
high military bite al. Russia an end to the wariare in the fensive the Allied Command This truth is embodied in the fifth, sixth and has submitted a demand for Pacific regions, provided they continues to severely castigate seventh Points of the Atlantic Charter. We the delivery to the Sovet secure the guarantee that the the metropolitan area of Jaauthorities of all the German person and instituion of the pan.
quote them.
offie cls charged with Emperor will be protected and The British Commonwealth of Nations commission of crins; during preserved.
On Wednesday lost thibe and the United States of America desire to the invasion of Russio, in or It is thought that the offer thousand five hundred tons of bring about the fullest collaboration among all der. to have the fred be wal not be entertained as it incendiary bombs were dis nations in the economic fields, with the object fore Court Moriel.
does not comply wich the Allid charged on Nagoya, Japons of securing for all, improved labour standards, With a view of preventing Powers demand for an uncen third city of importance. Des the escape of those guilty of ditional surrender. It is never truction of far reaching cra economic advancement and social security.
crimes, the Allied High Com theless, the opinion of many racter was caused. After the final destruction of Nazi Tyranmand have ordered the closing ny, they hope to see established a peace which of all the western frontiers of THE HORRORS OF THE NAZI will afford to all nations the means of dwelling Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg in safety within their own boundaries, and and France.
CONCENTRATION CAMPS which will afford assurance that all the men in While a large number of According to a press re The pictures disclose, it is all lands may live out their lives in freedom those were prominently assc lease, the British Legation said, the barbarity and ho from fear and want.
ciated with Hitler in his pro in San Jsé is in receipt of rrors which held sway in gramme of barbarity have authentic photographs of the the entire German territory Such a peace should enable all men to fallen in the hands of the horrors committed by the against those who did not traverse the high seas and oceans without hinAllied Powers, the arch crimi. Nazis in theih concentration adhere to the Nazi creed, as derance.
nal Himmler, Chief of the no Pamps during the later also against the men, wo We again urge all who were born in this torious Gestapo, is still at months of the war.
Pasa a la pág. ONCE country of alien parents, to secure their constitutional status before the 26th day of August of the current year, when the privilege will expire. Remember. time waits for no one Change to that a nail in the horse shoe at the right time would have saved the lives of both horse and rider, and that the American Continent will be for Americans at home and abroad.
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Hours of Consultation: to p.
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