
HOW AND WHERE THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SAFEGUARDED THEIR TREASURED DOCUMENTS The Libray of the Con jengrossed originals of thelly padlocked containers, by in front of the office of the Electric Light Compary. gress of the United States of Declaration of Independen armed secret agents, to a America has revealed, in a ce and the Constitution, the puilman compartment on the recent issue of its journal of driginal Articles of Corlie Baltimore and Ohio RailREMEMBER: Current Acquisitins, how deration, the autograph of road and transported to and where the nation most Abraham Lincoln inaugu Louisville, Kentucky, where highly treasured documents ral address and the first and they were met by four moWe make all kinds of men garments. Suits in the latest yles. Riding Breeches, all designs. Sport Shirts. Dressing safeguarded during second autograph drafts le secret agents and a scout Gown. Bath Robes. Military Uniforms.
the period in which War of Lincoln Gettysburg troop of the 13 th Armored We specialize in the making of Ladies Coats, Suits, Skirts, shington was considered as Address, Division. They were finally Slacks, Breeches and Jodhpurs.
being in possible danger Shortly after the Pearl deposited in the United Stafrom enemy bombardment Harbour attack, he docu. tes Mints gold bullion deSATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CALL OR WRITE The documents included the ments were taken, in heavi pository at Fort Knox, Ten nessee, in a subterranean vault. beneath a massive SON CANTINA BATAAN structure of steel and conCORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH STREET crete. Also stored at Fort Post Office Box 83 Port Limon.
Knox were the Library sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss Saint Blasius Saint Paul coHere is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are the important topics of the Day py of the Gutenberg Bible and the British Government A PLEASING BIRTH ANNIVERSARY The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with Lincoln Cathedral cors of the purest of foreign and native Drink.
the Magna Carta.
San Clemente, La Estre becoming efficient and usethe Library gent 26 freight Remember you are cordially invited lla. was graced, on the night fal members of their race, canoads of other possesions of the 11th. instant, with a one which has a marvellous LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE to other repositories, inclugrand celebration in the re history.
ding the University of Vir sidence of Mr. and Mrs. Master George, the hoginia, Washington and Lee Fredankis. The function was nouree, proved himself the University, Virginia Militaheld in honour of the sixth star of the occasion with his WELCOME TO Institute and Denison birth anniversary of their leitation Litt: of great Granville, adopted son George. The men. Other Ohio. All are now back at children ofthe settlement, as were Miss Ermaline, LATE ALFREDO the Liberary.
well as a number of adults Brown, Master Eugene JaWe extend a sincere welThese documents were on participated joyously in the mes and Mr. George Clarke, come to the Rev. Professor CHONG ce before placed in hiding.
glad event.
Therefreshments were of an Rogelio Archilla of the BiIn 1814, just prior to the stuparsing and sumptuous ble Seminary of San Jose, occupation of Washington The duties of chairman nature. Much credit belongs who is also the Radio Pastor Announcement has been by British forces, they wewere competently, perfor to Mrs. Fredankis, the local and Editor of E1 Mensajero effected that a special ser re carried to an unoccupied med by Mr. George Julie. teacher, for having so well Biblico.
vice will be celebrated for gristmill, two miles up the In his opening remarks he instructed the children with This distinguished Chilsthe late Alfredo Chong, in Potomae River on the Virurged the parents not to ne their recitations and other tian Leader is in our city and the Cathedral, al the six ginia side, and later remoglect the education of their general educational advan will. we understand, best Monday the 21 st. instant. ved to an empty house in olelock morning hour of Leesburg, Virginia, 35 mioffspring and prevent their cement ying among us for severai days. We opine he will, whiFriends and sympathisers les farther away. There they 1e here, find much valuable are asked to accept this me remained until the British material for the Bible Mes diam of invitation to attend Fleet sailed out of Chesathe service.
WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON senger, he so ably edits.
peake Bay In its own name and on behalf of the generell community of Limon, the Atlan tic Voice again bids the worthy Missionary a hearty Agents: welcome.
Іy at contributors CHRISTIAN WORKER SPECIAL SERVICE FOR University REPUBLIC OF PANAMA Notice SMYTH COMPANY To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Port Limon and San José Costa Rica COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Cur Prices for the following Products are Fábrica de Hielo y Refrescos Agencia Cervecería Traube INVESTIGATION INTO WAR CRIMES TO START MAY 31ST.
CACAO, per quintal. 46. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones ULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones Inove FLORIDA ICE AND LIMON The Special Commission of It has also been released the United Notions, charged that the Commission with the work of investigating made the necessary arrangethe crines committed by the ments for the differert 90 FARM CO.
enemy during the wa, love vernments in Europe to serd announce that their interno representatives to Germany to LA FLORIDA tioned conference will be inau assist the military outributies Ma deras gurated in London on the in the gathering of proofs of Fábrica de Hielo 31st. at the current month. the crimes committed there.
41 Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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