
our thanks to God for the victory is forces were at Dunkirk Thip of the British Prim. Miof the United Nations over and how they succeeded in nister, Winston Churchill ADELAIDA GRANDERSON SIMPSON their common enemy in Euro getting out of the danger.
pe, the Rev. James Evans, Marked references were The Rector also paid tribu who departad fron us on 18th May 1944.
the Rector of the St. Mark made regarding the devetonte to the other fighting 50 Church held special services ment of relations between wors who constitute the Unit She will ever be remembered.
on Sunday the 13th instant. Great Britam and the Ueiteaed Nations.
Asleep in. Jesus, soon to raise The three o clock ofternoon When the last trump shall rent the skics, Then burst the fetters of the tomb, worship wos definitely set for MENACE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC And wake in full immortal bloom.
that purpose and was of highly representative characWe have received com. such business establishments MARTHA SIMPSON AND LAIDA, ter some of the diplomatic plaints from many respecWe have no prejudice representatives of the nations table sources that a number whatever, against boys who being present, as well as many of the youths of this city ha desire to earn their honest of the respective nationals, ve formed themselves into a bread by either the cleaning in addition to the church group and are becoming a of shoes or other primary CARD OF THANKS congregation and other wors.
menace to the general pu occupation, but we certainly.
hippers. Among the distin ENA DUGGINS AND MOTHER.
adopt this medium to express their heartfelt gratitude guished personages were the blic Some equip themselves wish that they go about it is said, whith shoe shining their activities in a decent, to the many ffiends and sympathisers who visited and Hon. Hy ton Wood, the North offered intercessions to God and words of cheer, in the American Consul Hon. Sora implements as a pretext to respectable manner. The cilocal hospital, and for having attended the funeral of Cerdo, Nicaraguan Consul and gain entrance their loving daughter and grand daughter Secretary to the British Vice catering places, where they gate way for the stranger to expatiate their foul expre Costa Rica and as first im: Consulate in this city; the Hon Roul Alvarez, penomo ssions and exhilarate them. pressions usually last, we THEODORA SAUNDERS nian Consul; the President of selves to the great annoyan appeal to our much esteemed our Chinese Colony and thirty ce of all. Some, we are assu Commanders of Police to display hostile bring in force the necessary who departed this life to join ths throne of the blest, of his fellow nationals. Alsored, even though she left us very sad indeed in attendance were seen Mr. attitudes when rebuked by corrective measures.
Storey Street of the Mer the owners or operators of chandise Department of the Costa Rica Bonono Company, MOTHERS DAY TRIBUTE BY BAPTISTS THE WILD LIONS PREYED ON THE Mr. ad Mrs. Kernick of he Northern Railway Company In conformity to previous of some great occasion, a ser BATAANITES vant American Colony.
the Baptists, in this city, willing to rise to any chrisThe flags of the United No paid their annual tribute to tian Another opportunity was the homesters toyed with emergency Thus, in tions were in evidence and Mother on Sunday the 13 th addition to the stirring dis 6th instant, for the players. Clarke and Taylor; and presented, on Sunday the the bowlings of Jones, lent grace and importance instant. Also interwoven in course ofthe Rev. Forde, of the Wild Lion Cricket no doubt, the hearts of Bathe occasion, as borne by the day worship were the the Pastor of the Church, at Club of Sliquirres to detaanites glowed when Binns, members oft he Boy and Gift Scouts of St. Mark The bow God for according the Uni voice and seasoning expre the good old English Game was given out!
strains of joy and praise to the evening service, the rich monstrate their strenght in the star bat of Costa Rica, nners of the several auxilio ted Nations the victory over ssions of the Rev. Rodolfo BW. wh do connected with the The Bataanites bravely in his score was only three.
their powerful and determiCruz Aceituno. of the Bible a or Church were als on display. ned enemy on the battle fie. Institute San Jose. feli vaded Siquirresbut the Wild Litle Nid they know, hoAmong the other expres elds of Europe Lions preyed on them. The wever, that the Wild Lions impressively on the ears of eleven wickets of the visi; had a Cub in the person of sions in his discourse the Rec The unexpected preend his listeners. Fall and clear tors fell for the moderate Muir, who played a swell for emphasised on the good of welcomed platform rang but his message of ness of God in having enabled guest, recalls the thought, thanksgiving to God for His the most they courd edumu before being caught by of twenty four runs, inning for forty three runs, the United Nations to defeat that there are times when mercy and grace, not only the common enemy. He clso fortune brings. onthe scene inthe achievement of a war and effective bowling of visiting team were made by late in view of the tricky Jones. Other catches for the DIL Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steel victory, but for all things James and solicited in His name. Fernandez, Patterson, White and For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele and the splendid ratching the wicketkeeper We desire, in passing, to abilities of Binns, The People Tailor mention that due to the in Leckie, Allen and The scores were Siquirres terruption in the city lig: Muir.
66 runs against 24 for the WOLL DRESSED MA NOTFORS hting system, the Mothers! In their response, some of Abaca District. WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS Day Concert, which was listed for the night of the A CHARMUT EXCORE SIEMENT AND CAP DESIGNENO 14th. had to be deferred. It HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING will take place on Monday ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND night, the 21st. instant. The FURNISHING HOUSE friends of the Baptists are From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARasked to bear the change in THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA mind.
TESTING PASSENGERSANTOS LESCE WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABLE, ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT EXCELSIOR TAILOR MRS. SARGENTA For particulars, see or communicate with BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents HOSPITAL PATIENT CLIFFORD STEELE TS Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE Now situated in an improved and convenient building.
The Atlantic Voice learns AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON In going to take the train and in coming from the train with profound regret of the am in your way itiness of our highly esteemed citizen, Mrs. Rosita Sarther of our little friend Don glad to hear, at this writing COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH gent, the wife of Mr. Anie.
satisfactorily improving. May VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE. Sargent, of the Laundry DeMrs. Sargent underwent she early have a complete partment of the Costa Rica a surgical treatment in the restoration of her former Banana Company and mo Ilocal hospital and is, we are sound health.
ries 2. 65 99 score WEEKLY SAILINGS REST Ol Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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