
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 19th. May 1945 FOR SALE Caribbean Packing Co.
TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PIUTA, LIMON CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao in production and with other fruit trees Located at Piuta. One measures, approximately, twelve hectareas and is duly inscribed in the Registry of Properties. The other measures about two hectareas.
For further information consult RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA in his office opposite the Girls School.
We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE AND SUICIDE AT 25 MILES OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE La Rendición Alemana The district of 25 Miles! It is said that an altercawas greatly alarmed on Sun tion of an amorous characday, a fortnight ago, whenter, arose between the man the discharge of a revolver and his common law wife, was heard. number of and resulted in the man fimen rushed to the desiden ring at the woman and turtial section, whence came ning the gun on himself the sound and there, in one afterwards As both were of the cottages occupied by however still alive, they we workers, the almost lifeless re placed on a railroad mobodies of two natives, a man tor car and rushed to the and a woman, con Costa Rica Banana Compafronted Iny hospital in this city.
were THE SUCCESS Day and Night Services Completing the Limon most important eating and drinking Circle at 6th Street and 5th Avenue is the Short Orders. Meals, Coffee, Cool Drirks and Pastry up to date spot SUCCESS Well cooked well prepared and sanitary Service is our endeavour. Prices to meet every Pocket.
an KENTON and WIFE, La foto muestra sólo una parte de los 317, 000 alemanes apresados por el primerno PROPRIETORS.
noveno ejércitos de los Estados Unidos al copar la región del Ruhr, donde la táctica de General Eisenhower asestó a Alemania una de sus mayores derrotas militares de guerra al ejecutarse brillantemente la maniobra de un inmenso cerco doble.
LITTLE LUIS SANKEY SUFFERS SAD ACCIDENT the needle, as the Xray ma. wer services. The little suffe MR. SIEBENLIST chine in the local hospital rer was taken to the Capital we much regret the kno needle into one of his feet, was in un serviceable by the passenger train on GIVES BIBLE LECTURES wledge that little Luis, the while at play last Saturday condition, and that at the the following day Sunday.
spin of our widely known ciſ afternoon.
Medical and Sanitary In connection with the seDe It is hoped he is now much teens, Mr. and Mrs. Claren Medical aid was immediapartment unavailable, due recovered from the effects rie of Bible Lectures to be de Sankey, experienced the tely sought, but, sad to say, to the interruption in the of the sad accident.
given in the Hall of the UniHitsfortune of the entry of a it was not possible to locate city electric light and poversal Negro Improvement Association, we have th presence of Mr. Siebenlist We ber to call you rattention to our remark at the back of San Jose, the RepresenNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of receipt which reads: tative of the Watchtower de su recibo que dice: Society in this Republic. The This bill must be paid at our office before subject of his last Sunday Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month night lecture was Will de los primeros 10 días de cada unes.
man succeed worldBe so good as to comply with this request and do not builder? splendid concernan Carina a man which Om as hila Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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