
LAS SATURDAY, 19th. May 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Página 11 THE DIZZY PEAK OF SUCCESS WAS REACHED Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES ve No true hearted observer, domain to the great pleasure it asked to express his views of her subjects.
om the scenes in the Hall and The sponsors of the gay on the lown of the dayschool festivities are Mesdames Loui of the Catholic Parish, on se Gaston, Post President of the afternoon and night of the the Auxiliary: Tesorina Reid 14th. instant, could fail to President; Cooper, Vice Pre tune in on the grand chorus sident Miriam Lewis, Trea The dizzy height of success surer; Miss Adelina Campbell was reached.
Secretary, and Mrs. Daisy It was however evident that Blackmon who had charge it was not a sudden flight by of the voting and all other the Ladies of the Auxiliary, arragements pertaining to the but the result of their toiling Coronation She efficiently while others slept. Hands and and very effectively accom hearts had obviously been anitplished her assign ed to put over the wonderful Our sincere congratulations measure of whole some enterore wide spread for the splentoinment, particularly for the did Fourteenth of May emuyoungsters, who filled and sement.
refilled their pleasure vens from early afternoon to bevend the midnight hour in THE HORRORS dancing and wrapping the Maypole with calcurful ribbons Viene de la pág.
children in the in swinging and other diver men and sions. Nature graciously her occupied countries. They have been placed to the view monized with a sweet prevoi of the public.
ing temperature It has also been stated The Lebert Brown orches that a film will shortly arri tro, comprised of twelve musi here from England col go getters. readned their which will include all the tographs. These should congool. They are timely shaping scenes depieted in the pho vince the most sceptical.
WITH THE METHODIST DENOMINATION themselves in a general com petitive formula Soon after the evening sho For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele On the night of the 9th the selves to God in divine dows fell, if we borrow a well known sogon, People just The People Tailor instant, there was conducted worship, through the mecovered the grounds. The in the city Methodist Church dium of His Church.
coronation of Her Majesty a special service of intere The regular services on Queen Lend de Brossart we NEW HARLEM CANTINA cession to God for His grace Sunday the 13th. were inEffected in Ithe Hallot the and terder me sies in ha terwoven with Tribute to hour of nine. She presente, AND RESTAURANT ving so strengthened the ther, in line with the in her glittering gown a DIC leaders and forces of the yearls commemoration. In tute of grace and beauny A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE Allied Nations, bodily, intes addition, the Young People Her princesses were the Mis OFFERS: lectuall yand spiritually, as entertained a representative The Cradle of Confort and first Class service to its patrons.
ses Auria Reid and Adeline to have enabled the ringing audrence at three o clock in Campbell MM Jose Cu NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN of the joy bells of Victory the afternoon.
accompanied Her Mojesty as AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
on the previous day. In his The programme slated for Prince Consort. Mn Jos. very interesting discourse the night of Tuesday the Tlnomos performed the cere the Rev. Holmes im 15 th is now listed for the monies of Coronation; ond at pressed on his congregation 22 tid instant, on account of the termination of this spicy that the time was ripe for the difficult situation occafeature, the Queen and the all peoples, particularly, sioned by the city lighting members of the Royal Court Christians, to dedicate services troversed the grounds of her Our heartfelt CongratuHations are tendered the Rev. MUL EN. OL Fr. Francisco Acosta in his FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC having, last Thursday, arri ved at his eightieth birth NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR anniversary Bürnis, Cuts. Insect Bites, etc. FARM SITUATE AT SANTA ROSA The Rev. Father has been Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash MOUNTAIN associated with Vica and Dentrifice.
Iriate for a long period of IS. GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND years and is highly esteemed PLEASANT OB TASTE.
cultivated with Yams of every description by our entire community, and sufficient to feed the inhabitants of regardless of religious per MA TA RAL suasions. Though the has Limon. Also three or more hectareas in best been privileged to pass the ALKALINE TABLETS bearing Cacao and a Dryer. 10 12 feet plotted span of three score capable of taking off three hundred pounds good for sees on the stomach, headaches, Musculac pains, ears and ten; we neverminor colas, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after at a time.
thes, sincerely pray he EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS may be blessed with health This is a Gold Mine to the kucky Buyer TO GET YOU SOBER: Very effective, try it.
and strength to continue his labours among us for the AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Apply. Burrell Williams, Cieneguita spiritual and general uplift PANAMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
of our poeple for many moSAN JOSE meriyoa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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