p. 12


Penicillin, the wonder drug dis After five a half years of pa There is to be no respite for dard writes in this leading ar. ple those who followed him be. Japan after covered by Sir Alexander Flem. vation the British people ar victory in Europe.
ticle: Britain was in her des hind to press close upon his heels. Already Allied strategists ing, has achieved such fame that ondering when they ay perate days. She sought to do her His speeches were more than mapping out intensive plans for major achievements of United of normal life. The followin it tends to overshadow other going to enjoy the amenitie all. She could do no more, but brilliant commentaries on events, elaborate action in the Far East Kingdom medical science during review by a London press co she might easily have done less they were windows on the world It was recently announced in She needed a man who by the through which his countrymen Washington that men and mate Britain wartime developments the United Kingdom, at leas the war. One of the greatest of rrespondent shows that fol force of his own personality and could see the changing scene and riel are already being shifted courage could bring her to the the part they had to play in it from Europe to the Pacific. Two nicillin itself is DDT, the new between the end of the wo. which rivals in importance Pe there will be a long time log pitch of her endurance. There They were an addition to the na. disclosures were made by Ame. anti malarial anti typhus powder and the resumption of peace was no hesitation, The British tional armament. The orator ex.
rican Army spokesmen. The first horted, the strategist planned was that a shipping scheme has Another, and 693. has time standards With the most powerful array of been apranged in which cargo the treatment of pneumonia and as food supplies are concern secured phenomenal success in FOOD RATIONING: As fol hostile might the world had ever ships will carry grain to starv. meningitis. It is the best knowned the United Kingdom seen, mustered in a menacing are ing Europe and bring back sol of the British discovered sulpho now in the tightest year of the from Norway to the French At. diers. It is believed that this will namide drugs all of which have war. Prospects for even small lantic coast, Churchill, Minister advance the entire redeployment played an important part in step increases in rations are almos of Defence, had the vision to schedule by at least four months make dispositions for a long war.
ping up the health not only of out of the question, and ra The second disclosure was that Britain, but of the entire free tionng will be contnued long This nation has a long history there will be very little cut back world. Another important disco otter Day. United Kingdom Never has she had a worthier in war production and ration very made by United Kingdom food reserves have been so se!
representative. Unflinchingly this ing will remain the same, if not man assumed war reesarch workers is a syn riously depleted to send sup a responsability tighter such as few before him have been thetic vitamin, consisting of two plies to Europe they are a real Some special engineering as therapeutics, menaphthone and called upon to bear. He has dissault units have already been acetomonaphthone, whcih is be.
y down to the minimum.
charged it to the full. He has transferred to the Pacific. Furth. ing used to combat infant morta. Nobody knows, but experts in CLOTHES RATIONING: failed us in no single particular.
ermore, General Eisenhower people turned lity. In the field of tropical medi. the trade expect very gradual Winston Chur. As long as men speak of En stockpiles in England have been cine to the United Kingdom has easing, though rationing will chill. To many beyond the con. gland, and England story is re.
fines of this beleaguered islands corded for all men to read, Wins sifted for some items which Ge. made many notable advances remain for a long time.
it seemed that he came but to ton Churchill name and deeds neral MacArthur can use in pre. One of the most autstanding was TRAIN SERVICES: Therd preside over the obsequies of his will be remembered. Those who paring bases for full scale attack made at alboraotries in ETAOIN will be a long wait for better on Japan. made at laboratories in England, troin services people. Yet his first utterance come after will see in him the It is stimated that 70 percent and is now being used to combat this include a shortage of 101 Reasons of Cage was of Victory. You ask what mirror of this nation virtue, a our aim is, he said, can ans soldier statesman ranking with of the American Army Euro kalaazar tropical fever, which comotives (we have already pean material will be sent to the has been fatal hitherto. This well sent one thousand to Europe wer in one word. Victory the great soldiers and the great Far East.
Many hundreds of known firm is also a leading ma. and most of those in the Victory at all costs, Victory in statesmen of all time. We who thousands of soldiers will be ship spite of all terror, Victory howev. walked with him at our head nufacturer of try parsamide, ped directly from Europe to Asia which has become the world transport traffic, and priority are overworked. overhaul er long and hard the road may through the abyss and out on the tic battlefronts in order to ex. main weapon against sleeping for important freight such a be. Such was the increditable heights will for the rest of our pand the Pacific to. sickness. a tropical disease housing materials There is ng daring, the indomitable will of mortal days cherish the man him 000. 000 men.
caused by the tsetse fly.
this man on May 13, 1940. The self. Long may he be the living hope for dining cars or pull When the conquest of Okinawa road was hard and long, but object of our gratitude and af mans for months after Day is completed, Japan can prepare Winston Churchill led the way. fection. concludes the leader.
becouse even after their mili herself for a violently intensive BRANDED INTERNEES tary uses end they will need aerial onslaught. Not only the renovating principal Japanese islands but PROTECT YOUR FOOD Japanese bases in China, Korea The Czechoslovak Press Bureau and Manchuria will be under fire reports that at the end of Ja.
Cleanliness is a cardinal health defeat that fly, doubly important In addition to long range bomb nuary the Germans transported SAYINGS rule and schould be applied with if you cannot get fly paper. res and fighters there will be by rail and in open coal trucks, vigour to the handling and keep.
thousands of carrier based air the internees from Oswiecim a ing of food. The Larder: Protect the craft. The British and American concentration camp in Poland, to The trade unions of this com There are four good general window with a fine wire gauze Pacific fleets will be continually an unknown destination. One try have made an outstanding con measures which sould always be sereen and keep the door shut. making powerful attacks from hundred and sixteen frozen botribution to the war effort of thi taken: The Scullery: Keep the re the least expected directions dies, with numbers branded on country, and take this opportul fuse bucket covered.
The British, Indian, African, the hands, were thrown out from nity to pay testimony to their Keep all unwrapped food Chinese and United States troops the trucks while they were pas. steadfastness and help in the pas covered: The Dustbin: See the dust in Burma are now infinitely. sing the Bohemian. Moravian five hard years. Co operatiod will be no less important in the Wash your hands before bin lid fits securely and that it stronger than the Japanese and frontier preparing a meal; is kept on not half off. Flies after the capture of Rangoon can The number of one body was years which lie before us. MI Churchill Keep all cooking and food are dirt carriers, and dirt spells be expected to launch decisive at over 200. 000 utensils scrupulously clean disease tacks against Malaya and the Scald milk if it has not great naval base at Singapore, many of these asaults may come Whatever may be the futur already been pasteurised. The Food: Cover all food Strong Australian forces are at the same time. Observers of politics in our country with muslin or net covered gradually destroying the Japa agree that only one thing will must make it clear to everyon In summer particular precau frames, uptured bowls, or any nese forces which remained be bring to a stop these sweeping on the Continent that what tions are necessary. Against flies, other convenient gadget. Remem hind in New Guinea, New Briand elaborate strategic plans: the say at the peace conference, ani for instance. One or two flies in ber to cover food if you leave it tain, and the other islands of the unconditional surrender of Ja. the negotiations that follow the larder may mean one or two out for some time on the kitchen Southwest Pacific pan. This is a factor that no one is not merely a passing view of members of the household ill in table and if you set the dining The capture of the Sulu Islands can safely discuss or predict. In particular Government but is the bed.
Among other things flies room table beforehand to cover in the Philippine Archipelago any case, it is not being taken considered view of the British carry the germs of summer diar the food you put on it, especially has already jeopardised the Ja into account in the preparation people and the view we mean rhoea. which is often fatal to milk and butter, sugar and chee. panese oil fields in Bomeo. of Allied war plans for the final maintain for a long perio anfants. Here are some hints to se.
It is years Lord Templewood Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregan to fino inconceivable that debattles in the Far Easter Ministerio de. WI


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