
1014 Britain Coalitions Government Falls tions will be deprived of the DELEGATION TO PRESIDENT RETUR WITH Churchill resigns his important positions of Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Deffence, but will on request of British Monarch, form a new Cabinet THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK On Wednesday last, the until the elose of the war yal Proclamation for the fif Rty Hon. Winston Leonard in the Far Eastern area teenth day of June, and will He who spends more than he receives must, Spencer Churchill resigmed Among those of the Party be followed by the general in time, become indigent. The spendthrift mohis outstandingly important who occupy high Cabinet po elections on the fifth of Ju ves so rapidly in a whirl of pleasure and is no position of Britain Primesitions, are Clement Richard ly. As Mr. Churchill will, intoxicated with gayety that he never takes Minister. He personally deli Attlee, as the Vice Premie: in the meantime, be carrynote of the approaching ruin.
vered the resignation to His Herbert Morrison, as Minis ing on the duties of the Pre Majesty King George VIter of the Interior, and Er miership, neither the British at Buckingham Palace It nest Bevin, as Minister of Empire nor the United Nawas accepted. The resigna Labour tion also affects Mr. Chur Immediately after accep. invaluable services of the. GOOD REPORT chill other positions of ting the Premier resigna one who has played so im First Lord of the Treasury, tionn, His Majesty the King portant a part in all the ac and Minister of Defence. Jis stated to have requested tivities which have been the Consequent on the serious difficulties our Mr. Churchill decision Mr. Churchill to undertake means of overcoming the de to demit office was taken, the work of organizing a termined efforts of Hitler citizenry have been experiencing in connection we are assured, as the result new Government This he and his adherents to destroy with our city water supply during a very of the Labour Party refusing has agreed to do.
our civilization and enslave lenghthened period, our widely esteemed Goto continue to participate in The dissolutio of Parlia humanity.
vernor and Municipal Fathers again placed the the Coalition Government ment has been fixed by Roconditinos before the Republic Chief Executive, His Excellency Lic. don Teodoro Picado, by medium of a Delegation composed of Lic.
Francisco Fonseca Chamier, Lic. Daniel Zeledón, and Messrs. Hernan Salas and Joaquin Hernández of the Municipal Council.
The representation was effected on Friday Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 the 18th. instant, and we are told don Teodoro YEAR XLIMON, MAY 26th. 1945 No. 468 re iterated his willingness to do everything he possibly can for our city and people.
The existing unsatisfactory service can ADMIRAL DOENITZ AND HIS COLLABORATORS ARRESTED AS only be remedied, we understand, by the acquiWAR CRIMINALS sition of two new diesel motors, and as the cash needed for their purchase in the United It has been officially relea be proceded nigainst war States of America is available, His Excellency ahat Admiral Doe tz, who suc criminal ceeded Adolf Hitler ne ferrer The number under arest help is urgently desired in order to expedite tas been arrested by the Alied given as three hundred officers delivery. Our delegation was assured immediaar. thorities along with all the end an unknowon quatt.
te action. In view of this promise, we look formembers of his governent, troops.
ward, with much interest, to a marked improveand the High German Command Marshals Hermion Gooring ment in our city water supply system at no They are being held as prisoners and von Rundstedt have been distant date.
of war and will, it is expected, removed to England.
ATLANTIC VOICE of HIMMLER KILLS HIMSELF 500 TONS OF INCENDIARY BOMBS FALL ON TOKYO id Change to RAMESES London Flash states that sedly took Death took place at Himmler of the Gestapo Fame four minutes past the hour of In keeping with their an Arthur continues his success is dead. That he died from the eleven in the night of Wednesday nounced determination to ful operations in the Philippoisinous effects of Potas last in the house in which he dispose of the remaining pines and other areas. Ma HIMLER sium Cyanide which he purpo was being held a prisoner member of the Axis Combi labalay, the capital of the ne as quickly as possibly, agricultural province of Buy the Allied High Command kidnon, in the central part effected the most devasta of the Island of Mindanao, ting assault against Tokyowas occupied by North 1 during the earlier hours of merican troops last Sunday.
wednesday last On the Island of Luzon, the The announcement states enemy is being forced to the that more than 550 super interior regions though they forts discharged not less still maintain their organiza BLENDED CIGARETTES than 4, 500 tons of incendiary tion intact, it is said.
bombs during a period of The Australian troops are one hundred and five minu reported to have seized Cat tes on the city, particularly pe Moen, the last stronghold in the important industrial of the Japanese in the rearea of Shinagawa.
gion of Weval on the Island STEPHANO BROTHERS It has been released that of New Guinea.
the United States of AmeriAdvices coming from Chung ra and Great Britain intend king indicate that the Japa to use the German naval nese are preparing to aban units, now in their posession, don south and southeast Chi their offensive against the na and to establish themsel e japanese ves strongly in Korea and Meantime, General Mac Manchuria RAMESES Na scientifically Blended CIGARETE You ll Like it!
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