
TOTES SATURDAY, 26th. Mayo 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE Page MOTHERS DAY CONCERT BY THE BAPTISTS RECUPERATES PLEASINGLY FROM SURGCAL TREATMENT In Ever Fresh Remembrance On the 22nd May 1942 the grave was enriched with a pre.
cious treasure and was left very sad indeed. She was my loving sister (MRS. LYN WILLIAMS miss her more than words can tell, The loss of one dearly loved, sorrow that only Jesus can heal, Yet know thou art just gone before me.
on Clara Samuels IN MEMORIAM RECTIFICATION We again make public our unfading memory for our dear departed father SAMUEL CHARLES NATION (MAY 22nd. 1943)
Our friends of the Baptist to instil in him a proper mo Denomination earned addiral and Spiritual training.
tional laurels on the night Their negligence resulted in of the 21st. instant, when their son being charged bethey charmingly entertain fore the tribunal for the Mr. Jos. McRae, the well edir father representative crime he committed. known proprietor of the audience.
It became the opinion of dern Drug Store in this city.
that the State has returned home and is, we for the The well prepaved and lack of their parental respon are pleased to soy, pleasingly efficiently presented progra sibility Mr and Mrs. Citi recuperating from his indispo mme was opened with the lzen should be placed sition, consequent on the opsong Welcome to our Motrial.
tical treatment he recentiy un thers The choristers chan The other cast of charac derwent in the Capital. We wish him a full recovery.
ted with seasoning effects ters in the setting of the The youngsters kept aloft Court were. Mr. Oscar their well rned distinction McRae, as Judge Justin: in the rendering of their co And, Oh, we got the kick Tlective and individual items from his wig. Mr. Walter Bar We are sorry nett sailed in the turbulent In the article oppearing in space does not permit our ef waters as Prosecuting Attor, our last Saturday issue un fecting individual comments, ney Joseph Laws. The yo der the caption Mothers but we sincerely say eve ung and brilliant Defence At Day Tribute by Baptist. we rything was TOPS. torney. Max Shield, was Mr. are sorry that, inadvertenily Alfonso Taylor role, but he the name of the speaker was The loftier jollffilation met with a Jury whose he mentioned as the Rev. Rodo o was spread with the presen arts were of flint As the Cruz Aceituna, it should have tation of the playet We the Rallicf. PMr. Hammond been the Rev. Professor Roge Jury find. This was a narra was marvellous. All hearts lio Archilla, We apologize.
tive set to awaken the mind were thrilled with Mr. Ben to the necessity of fighting Escoe as the Registrar. His crime so rampant in almost most humorous words were der the pains of his high co all Christendom. It hinged Kiss the Book. Witness ar.
on the prosecution of Mr. es for the State were MY The witnesses for the de: and Mrs. John Citizen. Victor Gourzong, Chief fence were Mrs. Teresa Hen two characters which were of Police fr Jamaica Town; ry as the maid, Ann Work, effectively personified by Miss Vera Gilling as the Pu and she provoked much Mr. Stewart and Mrs. blic School Teacher, Jane musement. Mrs. McRae Stewart. They are said Pedant; Miss Iris Williams, personified nesar Bid to have lived in a very beau as the Bible School Teacher, personified Jane Bridges, a tiful home and enjoyed life Ruth Klassen; Mr Sydney Club Woman, and Mr.
to an autstanding degree Stewart, as Secretary Carl Berrick filled the role of the They however, negleted to Boyce of the Insurande Agent, Bert As give their son a sufficient and Mr. Roy McRae as the hur. The Jury returned a amount of their time and Rev. Paul Churchill. Our verdict of guilty of negligen Christian guidance in order good friend Roy sweated unce against the parents.
Though worms have destroyed his mortal frame, We have the assurance his spirit lives.
The love we possess for him cannot be told by words; But on the tablet of our memory he a sainted prize. 2 is SONS AND THEIR FAMILIES in IN MEMORIAM In never fading memory of our beloved brother TOPPIN who was of the British Independent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria of Jamaica, the Re public of Panamá and Costa Rica, and also the immediate Deputy here in Limon.
He served us long and faithfully Until his thorn became his flower, Till death itself his life did rise, And human sorrows midnight hour Ring his first chimes of Paradise.
May his soul rest in peace perpetual.
Jane Poyser and a dear Fraternal Brother Limón. Trading Company For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele The People Tailor PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR PREPARATION CLASSES IN SPANISH LANGUAGE Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER As a means of remedying, is open to all children of celas far as may be possible. the lour, who do not speak Spanish, unfortunale situation whereby provided they are within the many children of colour have ages of seven and eight years.
been denied admission to the Children older than eight years official schools in this city at will not be admitted. As we the commencement of the believe that those who take usual educatonal terms. due, advantage of this good offer principally, to their complete will be afforded preference in lack of knowledge of the Span the 1946 school term we ung ish language, preparatory clas all parents and guardians with ses in this dialect are to be eligible children to see thot conducted teh General they attend the classes.
Tomas Guardia and Pofael Yglesias Schools, thanks to the We are sincerely grateful to far reaching vision of our es don Gonzalo and all concerned leemed Inspector of Schonis, for this movement on behalf don Gonzalo Cordero of the children of our Admission to these classes Imunity.
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