
WASTAZA SATURDAY, 26th. Mayo 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE. Página 11 TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PIUTA, LIMON WEEKLY SAILINGS and MOVE FOR NATIONALIZATION NOW NOTED Referring further to tha the other regions of the country just as it is in the realm of agri THE VOGUE TAILORS ther of the nationalization o5 our may not be accessible to foreits culture, so is it in other linenung people of colour and ners. They would however, the commercial for intance, which in front of the office of the Electric Light Company.
others born in Repuol of available to such on their offspr is being reservel, to a ce tair Calien parents, we are glad ting as are possessed of the re. extent to the native learn that some are new setting quired citizenship status vedy to do want we heal! My this not te an inentive Wie again recall the works of REMEMBER: along been advisio. The pirit fo: affording the aged fathers, the prophet Where there is c! patriotism is said to be awe the means of carrying on And no vision th: pecyle perist.
We make all kinds of men garments. Suits in the latest kened in the breasts of some end!
styles. Riding Breeches, all designs. Sport Shirts. Dressing they are giving deutsus then Gowns. Bath Robes. Military Uniforms.
the benefit: obtainable by!
We specialize in the making of Ladius Coats, Suits, Skirts, those posse sed of the consiituSlacks, Breeches and Jodhpurs.
FOR SALE tional voice.
It does our heart zood to SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CALL OR WRITE scme say that the time is no lowed fo: the pifspring of for eigners to place themselve JOHN ROGERS AND SON the patriotic front. the Sun that only indulges ia th: W31 of flags and the Waling vir Post Office Box 83 Port Limon.
rudes moving along our street Located at Piuta. One measures, approxiin production and with other fruit trees the strain of martial nius, but that which will show itself in mately, twelve hectareas and is duly insagricultural, industria and on cribed in the Registry of Properties. The COLONEL QUESADA HEALTH ON THE important movements associated other measures about two hectareas.
with every effort to do the grea.
For further information consult IMPROVE test good for the groast number We vill certainly be deply yra It is with a feeling of sin The Colonel has returned ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA tified to know that or young ceer delight we mention that from the Capital, and we are nien of colour are now convinced our highly esteemed Colonel indeed glad to once more have that the only way a which hey in his office opposite the Girls School. Quesodo, the Director of the his highly negarded services in get in the line of marcha is city Military Band, is satisfoc connection with the musical be the prossessor of the til torily recovering from his seri and other social features of zenship rights available by ato cus illness, which necessitated our communal life, nalization BANANA GROWERS MEET AT SAN a surgical treatment.
Their weary father and per chance, grandfatie 19ve tiled CLEMENTE and tilled their holdings in the zne until the soli is exhausted Acting on the invitation of plained that the principal reaaort but the lardbeins offered in den Sebastian Vargas, one of son why the cultivators had no From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HAR spot the faithful members and the accorded the Association bet BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA representative of the Sons ter support was due to their AN UNFORTUNATE cement of the banana crew having been under the impresa ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ers of the San Clemente ondsion that the Centre American For particulars, see or communicate with OCCURRENCE San Andres district, Mr. SD Banana Company was the con Britton, the Presicent of the roling factor, and that there BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents We experienced a feeling Benona Growers Association, fore nothing would eventually Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of much sorrow when, on Mon visited the district last Sundey come of it. He, however, stat Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON day of the present week, we the 20th. He was welcomed by ed that after listening to the contacted our highly regarded a group of about twenty Five reading of the By baws and the and widely known Mr. Cfarmers.
explanation of the ims and Acquart of the Rio Hondo In a few but pointed remarks object by the President, he IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE LATE MR.
Ce ao Industry and other agri Mr. George Julie introduced wes sure the farmers had chan Ch tural activities, with a bro Mr. Britton and exp. aned the ged their views and that hence FERNANDO ASCH OY En right arm The unfortu object of his visit. After thank forth their section of the de On Tuesday last, the 22nd. ever be remembered by the nate accident is said to have ing the men for their presence tric could be depended on for been caused by the dislodg the President proceeded to exo one hungere per cent co ope!
We visualized anew the sad ATLANTIC VOICE. He was a ment of the soddle of his rid plain the aims and objects of ration. The meeting then came scene of one year ago when genuine friend and a sincere mid a princely ciolihing mule the Association and terminoled to a close.
concourse of and zealous worker in every mourners and sympathisers, worthy movement associated of Mr Acquart was the recipiwth the reading of the Consti Clubient of First Aid of the local tution and By Laws by which the mortal remains of our most with this Zone, particularly hopital and left for San Jose it will be governed. DONS SALOMON BE Nando Asch Esocia, were borne rocter. May his soul be ever at worthy fellow citizen, Mr. Fer those of an agricultural chaFor further treatment. We sin Responding to Mr. Britton memcerely hope he will rapidly. re request for any comments or RENZON ILL IN THE to their last resting place. if rest.
ts frocover the use of the affected suggestions farmers might forgotten by others, he will have to make, Mr. Julie ex CAPITAL CANTINA BATAAN CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK Den So omon Berenzon, the widely esteemed proprietor of CORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH STREET IS NOW OPEN 30 261 the Hollywood Store. is. We sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss The Medical Consulting Office of negret to say, suffering from Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are impaired health. He underwent the important topics of the Day.
DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA a surgical treatment in the Cooitol, and is reported satisfac The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with MEDICO AND SURGEON torily improving.
the purest of foreign and native Drink.
situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel HispaTt is our sincere hope that OUR CUOCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF Hon Salomon will soon be sufTHE HIGHEST STANDARD no America, next door to the Dental Parlour ficiently recovered to be able Remember you are cordially invited of Dr. Tose Pacheco.
to return to Limon and resume LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE Hours of Consultation: to p. his important commercial and Proprietors.
the upstitiasi del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
out teel of Himb.
great bert me ve bs for post hos to o of en


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