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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 26th. Mayo 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN THE 3 BOMBS: BATTLE OF THE ELEPHANTS of flea settlement of PERFECT INSECTICIDE SAYINGS In his speech on Sunday Britain (May 13th) Prime Minister Scientists of Imperial Cheminate locusts. In mical Industries Limited of hundreds of tons Machinery for the ju Churchill referred to the fiinternation nal horrors which the GerA hotly contested battle Great Britain have discove and beetle powder have bedifferences must be found mans had planned to inflicti for elephantine prizes nas red theperfect insecticide en manufacterd, using Without sucht machinery upon the British people. It been going on for three ye cheap to produce, simple to 666 iu place of derris, the entire world will hay was only. when all the ars in Burma Elephants apply, and non injurious to and it has been used with: their human and animal life, but outstanding success. Prelimi The world will be doonte to remain an armed cam preparations being made on are generally worth the coast of France and Ho weight in gold as workers, deadly to insects. It is kno nary experiments have de to deadly conflict, devoid Hand could be examined in and the Burma variety are wn as gammexane, or 666. monstrated the high efficien hope for real peace.
detail that we knew how worth twice that in warfa and is said to be five times cy of gammexane a soil in secticide.
grave had been the peril, re; for they can do the work as powerful as DDT President Truma and of a bulldozer and are much not only from rockets In 1934 began its Gammexane can be supflying bombs but from mul simpler to look after. Search for an infecticide plied as a powder or a liquid. My earnest and urger tiple long range artillery The Japanese captured which would be free from It is exceptionally stable to advice is that all the ha which was being prepared most of the trained elep the disadvantages of exis high temperatures, and thus against London, Only just phants, with their mahcuts, ting types Arsenical poinson can also be used as smoke million Londoners who ar now ommodated in the in time did the Allied ar when they invaded Burmafor example can be dange directly against insects, or ception areas under the mies blast the viper in his and the British only manag rous if sprayed on fruit or as a toxic film on walls.
vernment evacuation schem nest. Otherwise the autumn ed to smuggle out fifty du vegetables, while pyrethrum should stay where they of 1944, to say nothing of ring their retreat As their reland derris are expensive to HAND FOR THE for the present.
1945, might well have seen covery was vital, a unit of produce, and the supplies London as shattered as Ber British Forestry officers are limited. United Kingdom DISABLED Mr. Churchi lin.
was formed to recapture chemists prepared and in launching site of Germa them; commanded by Ele vestigated a thousand chemil new mechanical hand The Germans have bee ny third secret weapon at phant Bill Colonel Jame: cals. Early in 1942 they for Mimoyecques, near Calais, Williams who has wor und fheir objetive ben designed by an English en well and truly defeated was visited by the press, but ked with Burmese elephants zene product with the for gineer was recently demon They have uo possible hop momentous events in quick for 25 years, they operate mula of 4C H CL trated by an ex sergeant ma of doing any more good succession seem to have far ahead of the front. 666 for short. The active jor who lost an arm in Italy, this war. But the Germa crowded out the story nes and have for three years agent in this compound is Before an audience of lea military machine, which The 3 site was designed been fighting to win backgammexane, which is ding surgeons and technical in the hands of the Nazi pa pre to fire a continuos stream of the elephants to the Four sent to the extent of ten to advisers to the United King ty will never surrender twelve percent.
dom Government he rocket shells on to London. teenth Army.
made they will just go on fightid The instruments were to be Extensive tests have shown skilful use of metal saws, to the last.
fifty smoothbore gun ba The Japanese made good that gammexane has a dead screwdrivers and file; he did rrels, each 400 feet tong use of their elephant booty ly effect on a wide range of acetylene weiding, Hamme Field Marshal Montgomer sunk 350 feet into the chalk working them in the compa insect pests, including wee red nails in pin point posihills at an angle of about 55 rative safety of the jungle, vils, mosquitos, sheep ticks, tion, and planed wood The If we are to restore our cour hand works degrees.
on a far from their much bor:bed ants beetles, house flies and simple try quickly after the The placements for the road, rail and river supply fruit tree pests. It has esta plug in socket principle, prevent unemployment we mu barrels had been pararfged routes Then, when they in blished itself in North Africa and can be mass produced have a balanced national labor in two batteries of 25 each, vaded Manipur, they us as a possibly effective mate One machine alone can turn force Mr. Bevin, Ministe both trained on London 95 elephants to haul supplies rial with which to extermi out a thousand daily. Not of Labour.
only does it enable its wea miles away If they had ever across the Chindwin to their Price control must go on rer to use standard tools in been completed they proba forward troops. During the houts began to desert and bly would have rained roc British counter. offensive many of the elephants bro stead of the special applian supply has overtaken deman That will not be for some yea ces needed hitherto He can ket shells on London at the more than fifty of the be ke loose. Since then maat least also change his tools as quic. Mr. Hugh Dalto rate of ten por minute. asts were killed by houts and elephants have President of the Board of Trad Although no ammunition bombers kly as a fit man Mr. Har been retaurning to British lilow, assistant manager at was found, it is estimated With the failure of the Janes in large numbers, the Government Training disaster which misapplied scien The only hope of averting that the shells would have panese attack came the dis that the Fourteenth Ar weighed 120 pounds with a integration of their elephant myys dlephant force is al Centre at Leeds is the in can inflict on humanity is an ventor of the device. He forty pound explosive war force. The Burmese ma most up to scrate again.
ternational brotherhood of scie wants no financial recogni tific men with head. Apparently they some comm would have been carried to tion, and has handed over ethical standard by which pote all rights to the Ministry dial crimes would be exposed ar the guns on the standard gu of Labour age railway which had been prevented. Professor Hill built up to the site and into the chalk hill through a turi und it difficult to believe nel 700 yards long.
WE SHALL NOT ports of Nazi barbarism The tunnel is solid concre wards their political priso te 30 feet high and 25 feet FORGET ers. These last weeksha across and has an unloadrevealed the extent of ing platform inside the hiui The Allie triupmh over man inhumanity Lowa Running off from the plat the tremendous German mi those in their grasp form are chambers and ga litary machine has brought The monstrous oppressid lleries Small tunnels run, at BVINE joy to every freedom low is nearing its end, the mo a lower level. The whole in ing heart. It has brought re unparalleled tyranny in stallation is protected by well, for it has history has been broken concrete 18 feet thick cove ught relief as well, for it has the complete picture of the ring several acres. If the meant the end of concentra depravations of the Nazi sy work had been completed, tion camps, the most noto tem, with organised cruelt they would probably have Mrs. Clementine Churchill, wife of Britain Prime Minister rious and evil of Nazgi ins its most sordid mania ben invulnerable to and is presented the order of the red banner of labor by Nikola Shver titutions.
tion, is laid before us been invulnerable to any nik in Moscow, for her oustanding services in organizing collec.
For ten years and more a picture which leaves an tions of funds in Great Britain for rendering medical assistance to bomb yet introduced the red army.
the civilised world has fo delible mark on history, war an SO lief as It Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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