
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 2nd. June 1945.
THE RALLY OF THE PLANETS FOR SALE TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PUTA, LIMN ON THE SPORTING CHART THE SUCCESS SUCCESS FOR THE INSPIRATION OF THE WEAK CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK IS NOW OPEN The Medical Consulting Office of According to the info me tion received by us, the DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA iaisis ni the vosaleler MEDICO AND SURGEON ar associated with the Su reme Grand Templars situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel HispaJamaica, are a rea. y in production and with other fruit trees no America, next door to the Dental Parlour tare their entertainment Located at Piuta. One measures, approxiof Dr. Jose Pacheco.
the night of Friday the 8t.
mately, twelve hectareas and is duly insinstant, in the Hall known a Hours of Consultation: to p. nu.
cribed in the Registry of Properties. The Balbour.
other measures about two hectareas.
e who will represen For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele For further information consult the different planets The People Tailor said to have gathered much ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA interesting data. while th musical features will, it is understood, be of a very Last Sunday the Lim unced, visit Bataan tomor: in his office opposite the Girls School.
rich character. The gener. Football team invaded the ow to engage the Boys of public is assured a hearty Siquirres play he Abaca District in al we come.
coniesteda game with that match of the grand old Exer township eleven. The cise. The Bataanites are For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele test was, we are told, held aid to be preparing to efunder very CASE Tietvely demonstrate, for The People Tailor EN tions ae benefit of our Boys.
The vis ting team won til ow risky it is to tread on los Estados Unidos?
nath by a four to two oreign soil. May the better nt: margin notwithstanding eam take the bacon.
e sirenuour efforts of the Comerciante reputado en todo el balcon 27 años de exreriencin mesters to eli them Day and Night Services nel ramo de tiendas, ofrece opory. th heavy casualties. Our city basketball en tunidad de exhibir permanente Long atulations are tender husiasts will be entertainCompleting the Limon most important eating and mente en los Estados Unidos pro ered the Limonites. by two formidable teams, Irinking Circle at 6th Street and 5th Avenue is the Short ductos de San José de Costa Frien the omorrow afternoon on Orders. Meals, Coffee, Cool Dricks and Pastry up to date spot y alrededores. Muy familiarizado con el manejo de tiendas y al de.
The cricketers of the Path Court of the General Tomas on bien relaciones con Club will, it is anno dia School 100 importantes compradores y dueño He einblecimientos detallistas, Well cooked well prepared and sanitary Service is our Envie por correo aéreo descrip in de sus profuctos y plazos en endeavour. Prices to meet every Pocket que puede entregar los pedido IN HEART five cotizar precio incluyendo KENTON and WIFE, derechos aduaneros de PROPRIETORS la mercancía puesta en el puerto None should, lose the Anyone can easily or readile entrada en Estados Unidos. Es quilibrum the moment so y function when all moves ecifioue la comisión o corretaje mething of an unusual cha smoothly; when nothing tra que está dispuesto a conceder en TROUBLE actor happens or dive tubles; but one must be pos las venta a las tiendas detallist de los Estados Unidos, from the accustomed course sessed of the right stuff to From poge from eppo, Harrs ad Ha or events. who do ackie above those things controlled by Frnce under a man MAX STENZLER he ability to overcome im which annoy or perplex, ha mondote given by the de. unct It was stated in the House pediments and carry on in nos or handicap. Such inde League of Notions.
of Commons, London, that the the face of unplea anines ed is the test of greatness The French Governmen: British Government was in The Joutstanding achiever will, it is stated, egree to recog communication with that of mients in al times have been dence of both countries, but the United States of Americo, as a matter of fact, accon wil not retire their armed in crnnection with the regretto plished, principally, by the trcops until certain conditionis ble happenings, and that conCORNER 5TH. AVENUE AND 5TH, STREET men and women who expeore complied with sideratio was beig given the sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be ince to discuss Frienced annoyance and per These nclude, we are to s, steps which should be taken. Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District ore ecution, and were sadly han guarantees for It is of note that the important topics of the Day eapped, misunderstood and terests, in keepig with riticized. They rose above their nuested Great Britain, North The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with all difficulties and successful terms of the treaties conclud America and Russia to with the purest of foreign and native Drink, ed 1918 Niether of the Coun draw their troops, On the OUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF purgued their life care tr es are willing up to thround that the wor in Europe THE HIGHEST STANDARD time, to accept the conditions having ceased, there was no Remember you are cordially invited The aches, the pains and In addition to that which reason he disappointments we ex far their continued LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE hos occurred in Domasco, dis presence in the territory erience should be seized of Proprietors.
nd used stepping urbances are also reparted Iran.
nes to success. When we ve way and bemoan them.
We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back e only afford them the op Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of receipt which reads: portunity of projecting the de su recibo que dice: ir dark sadows across our This bill must be paid at our office before atmosphere and of obscurEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month ng our sunshine de los primeros 10 dias de cada rnes The ir vividual who fcanBe so good as to comply with this request and do no!
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena not over top his aches and oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio pains, his set backs and dis wo would much regret to take ppointments, who is not big enough to rise above the thin whicn molest, Posa a la pág. ONCS SUS אחרי זה CANTINA BATAAN eu tural and Strotection the Government of iron hos er.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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