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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 2nd. June 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN JAP PREPARATION IN DEMOCRATIC WAY MANCHURIA stead, Hitler armies then strengthening their defenses and peace. worked in a hum TR tro dias Se in 25. POUNDER BLAST. LED WAY TO VICTORY ED WAY FOR TEN The colapse of the Nazi Meanwhile negotiations had OF LIFE won machine. the most pe been opened for a security Chinese spokesron recenTON TESSIE verfu engine aggression pact with Russia. These ne Hy arriving in Chungking from Great Britain, the United ever created comes just over gotiation failed. The Russions Machuria revealed that the States, France, and Russia Air history was mode wher six years efter Greet Bretain signed o pact with Germany Jopanese have Lancasters dropped on a Ger took the first definite step to man target the RAF largest rustrote the German plan for voded Poland. The United and war prepatrations there. ble way always for thot as bomb. Ten Ton Tessie world dominaion, and save the Kingdom, in concert with Fran They have already complet Foreign Minister ona Presiweighs 22, 000 pounds. blos. vorld from one thousand years ce, dedlared, war on Germany. ed the construction of docte dent. The people at home will cemolition bomb, it has a pet Nozi tyranny.
This declaration was rapid y tracks for the main roilways decide whether the Londori netration even greater than When German swallowed followed by those of the Sri in Korea ond are now engaged Government tulled its mi.
that of the 12, 000 lb. earth Czechoslovakia in March 1939 sh Dominious in laying double tracks thro ssion, and what shall be done pul quake and it is packed with and the last hope of popre in tis to the undying honour ugh the w provinres after the liberation of Cze yec an explosive more highly con Sur time perished, commenta of Great Britain ard France and Jehol which com. choslovakia is completed. gre centrated, therefore even moreors and students of cities that they first od voluntarilyprise Machuria. Those milways shal accept the verdict. Cha highly effective, than that olol over the world attacked Nol took up the challenge et which already possess dounie om profoundly convinced thot ver the earthquake. The devasism and colled for a stond Nazi aggression. Fronce was tracks include the Dorrer my people will never abandon tolo ticn it couses is almost incre lecainst it by the freedom lov. defeated but Great Britain Harbin section of the Sout the democratic way of life. 50 ditre.
ng nations.
and the rest of the Coromc Manchuria Railway and the Bitter experience has cusht rep In view of the fact that, sc Britain alun tok med o wealth staved in the ring alo Antung Mukden railway them that a Government div. yect far as Germony at least is con te action. On Mar 31st. ne against the powertul ond The double track for the orced from the consent of the estir cerned, this 22. 000 lb. 1939, the Anglo Polish Pact highly mobilized enemy, then Mukden Shanhaikwa section governed, becomes tyranny bita probab y represents the culmi was announced, making it reinforced by a new partner in of the Peiping Liaoning Reil Our common tas! is not ben nation of the gradually, ye!. ec. On that tiene aggression, Italy.
way is under construct on, finished. The British are still que most impressively mounting lep in her corner of age csson The United Kingdom war whi e plans are pe ng mode engaged in two maic wors.
nefi weight of singe bunshs it is on ottack on Poland would front has been relatively the to build similar tracks for the Czechoslovakia still has to interesting to note the ncrea involve wor with the United greatest among all the beli Harbin Peian and the Peion expel the commoi enemy, bomb weight and in Kingdom. France identified gerents. But the key position Heiho Railway settle liberation problems, re bomb. lood from the cathrew herse with this stond. Two Great Britan has heid throug In order to protect these vive industries, restore broken of war until the present day. months later for the first time out the struggle is due to the railroads from guerrillc atta social order. believe in the During the last war, borbs in history the United Kingdom fact she entered the war with icks the Japanese have cons moral strength of my people, Comparatively few of which introduced conscription in out having herself been atto fructed many reinforced con am sure of the success of our we ghed more than 25 pounds peacetime. All men at twent. cked, hot she carried on the screte fortresses along the rell postwar efforts.
were at first thrown by and twenty one had to regis until the stern logic of events lines. The shortage of Japa From a fareweli massage hond from the aircraft end ter for military service. Work hod ranged beside her o figh nese pilots has forced the ene broadcast to the British peop e На loter released through an aper was speeded up on the shadon tycoalition of cooles.
my to recruit Chinese bomb ng by President Edward Berles onderm ture in its floor. At the beginn factory scheme for swift expca The Germans never lost missions. Whenever a Chine. Feb. 21, 1945. ofici ing of the present war the sion of war production. sight of the fact tho: Britain se fyer is sent in com ct duty, diari heaviest bomb lised was the ws was their key enemy Everin he is given only limited chte 250 pounder, although the iner very important deve op the first flush of victory over amount of fuel and no parachu Si500 pounder soon come to be ment, that of the incendicry France, Goebbels reminded his te.
This is a precaution pa used for raids on Ge. cian in Early in the war it wc; disco countrymen: No ctory will crevent Chinese pilots from SAYINGS dustry: the 500 pounder re: vered that ton fer ton, incen be of any avail to us sacri seizing the opportunity to fly mained the heavist up to the diaries, in built up oraes, cous fice wil be worth whils unless to Free China. If the country is to achieved en la scmmer of 1940 when the ed roughly thrica the damage the British are loid low.
1, 000 ponder was introduces caused by high exclusives. But All these feverish preporo prosperity it must have indur los a When the Germans marched tions are of course futile, for trial stobility. Poverty is no use Si, out ong after this the 2, 000 to ensure the greatest etteer nto Russio the officiel Nazi very soon all Manchuria wit to any country, just as low ropounder arrived.
for incendiaries, eaves paper said that this me te within Allied bomberarge. tes of wages are no use to any It was not until 1941 ihati hod to be employed; the latter rely another phase in the industry in the ong run the BAF dropped its first 4, 000 blew cut doors cnd windows, struggle against England planes Anti aircraft Fire hos Lord Waalton.
pounder, not until 1942 that and removedrests, and when year later a Noz spokes been for the most part negi En this bar became a regular he incendiaries functioned man wrote: We must beenme gible, and fighter oppos An England where all have componet of the bonb load. most efficacious. The mixing fully mo conscious of the fact tich was encountered.
possed through the fire of war During the eighteer months of incendiaries. wih heavies! that the rea enemy Bri In the most recent raid nine is nearer than ever before to ending December 1943, 8, 000 the most effectuo preror rain Unid cirfields were attacked within the ideal of a sccial demo vías pounders were occasionally tion and the varying of Icads an hour and a halt These cracy. Lord Hailey.
corried, but the 4, 000 pounder to suit the various types of Felds stretched all over Kyusque was the most popular of the targe. these two question RAIDS ON KYUSHU conec hu from Usa in the north to The port that the Brtish heavier bombs. Aircrews called these two arts, received cose In addition to the stroegic Konoya in the extreme Scuth Commonwealth has to play in them cookies. a pleasant attention and much study tombing of Japan industries Aprovimately 325 miics from the new world order is essennome, for an ungainy and un Along with these developt which are largely contred in the northern tip of Okinawatia to the success or any new pleasant object; an the ments went the improvement Tokyo and Nagoya, gwars ollOther fields blasted were Ni. vorld order. We can make a 8, 000 pounders were corporal iot fuses and the introduction e 29s have been blestir. the tragohara, Kushira Izum, ko contribution which nobody else cookies.
of new explosive fillings; it is airfields of Kyushu southem. Ikubu, achiatai and Oira. can make, from our long hisEarly in the estimated that, bomb we ght most of the Japanes2 is a ds. Powerful and frequent co tory and experience cra cur 12, 000 pounders! is worthy for bomb weight, the effi These raids are aimet prima rrier plane attacks against geographical situatn. of recall that, cs the liest ciency of bombs has, since the riv at shattering the arfielcs Japon will supplement the Lord Cranborne.
form of the 8, 000 pounder con outbreak of war, increased which serve os stag point shattering B29 ottacks os soon sisted of two 400 pounders very considerably indeed. for enemy serial assaults ts Okinowo, has been comple It may be that ofter the joined together, the earl When you add that increase against the Allies.
tely conquered. The flow Roy o fighting is over he trade union iest form (used in late 1943) in the general efficiency hen Another purposef these 29s to the Mariana airfields movement will be the facton of the T2, 000 in con e in the destructiveness of raids is to break up the defenis increasing every day, and which will initiate between the sisted of three 4, 090 pounders tombs to the increase in ces dong Japan souten in the approaching weeks and peoples the contoets the will jonied together. But that we ght from 250 to 22, 000 flank.
months their missions wil in remove the bitternes develop est form of the 22, 000 pour pounds, you con the more The Superfortresses usually crease trememiously born ined by the war and put them der seems tohave been the readily get some idea of the numbered between 200 and number and in se pa and many cll together on the sur to thay single 22, 000 pounder. devastion caused by one of 300 have struck in daylight or more industries will be under new wor Sir Walter Citri There was, more ver. one Ithese new ten tonners. hangars, runways and Earkedlis Bristerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguer Obregon Lizano del Sister to tro Eficio y de 15 hiculd jaro Clerc tland Chica embal o un Seria tan lineas 1941 cama cjem biar En tocolo dio su de que 80 te fines de os del ne.


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