
45 THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE 5 a An In forming our friendships we should always Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 1991 endeavour to combine virtue with pleasure, as the major part of human gratification YEAR LIMON, JUNE 9th. 1945 No. 470 nearly approach vice, few who make the del of others their rule of conduct are able to ay SATISFACTORY PROGRESS REPORTED FROM FAR EASTERN WAR disingenuous compliances.
ZONES The campaign for the strategic eight of the North American suIsland of Okinawa RUSSIA ON RACIAL PERSECUTION perfortresses is said to ha ve reached the phase of clanning The Kuriles Islands are said to On the mainland of China, the up the remains of the benten Ja have been subected to one of the Chinese forces have reconquered most disastrous attacks by planes the old Allied base of Liuchow According to press annonce panese troops.
their backs until they have The North American troops on based on the Aleutian Islands. and dislodged the Japs from the ments, Russia does not intend to cei it out, pulled it up by the Island of Luzon are stated by Kobe, another of the more import of Saipu, northeast of Fooregard racial persecutions as a pu roots and taken all measure General MacArthur to have regis, portant ports of the metropolitan chow.
rely internal affair of any coun cainst its recurrence.
tered other important gains in the area of Japan is reported prac North American troops have di try, after the complete termina He further states that whe Cagayan Valley. He also announ tically destroyed by the three tho embarked on both sides of the tion of the world war.
zountry gives shelter to the ces that aerial formations, have us and tons of encendiary bombstrategically located Gulf of Da lerites or their ideas in the form discharged more large numbers of dropped on it some days ago. The cao southwest of Mindanao and to information bulletin of the of discriminatory legislation bomby over the enemy positions initiaeri de ence attacks were have destroyed important enemy Soviet Embassy in Washington re cist organizations оr a Shanghai and the Dutch Indies intense and caused the loss of installations cently released an article by Vladi press, it is no longer an inte mir Komarov, Prident of the affair of that country. It a Academy of Sciences of the USSR, bour should uncover in his brick in which he calls attention to the yand a contained of poinson Notwithstanding the fact that difficulties. France demands that mass extermination of the Jews which threaten to spread over the the wartrodden countries of Eurotivities of the French. This has the important regions of Frank by the Germans in the Maidanek entire town, one would not wa pe have not yet had time to resuso seriously affected the friendly fort and Cologne be placed under and other camps, and emphasizes time by asking permission to me normal conditions and the Far relations between Great Britain her control, while, it is said, that that these were brought about byter that backyard and ave!
Eastern jstruggle still progress and France that the government Cologne has been assigned the Bri st id anti Semitic jokes in the death of thousands of people. T1 the post war difficulties, anticipa of the United States of American tish and Frankfort to the North beer halls of Munich it is with racist ideas, the ted by many, seem to be shaping is said to be doing everything Americans. Rutisia has also laidi more dangerous than poison themselves and paving the way possible to bring about a better claim to certain regions west of The Professor goes on to state The writer concludes by decl for disorders which my nullify derstanding between the Awo Berlin, actually Occupied by Bri that this is why their attitude to it is the present generation all the benefits so anxiously awal The British High Command are, tish and North American forces ward racial hatred is different to duty to the tuure, to the caue ited from the destruction of Na according to the statement of the Poland is in urgent need of food what is was in the days of their of progress, civilization and zism and its associate evils. Prime Minister, not disposed to and clothing, and Russia is said outh, when merely nity, not ony to put out the Difficulties of a rather serious permit activities in the Near Ea to be placing obstacles in the way felt like turning their backs on an in bonfire of Fascism, but to u po nature came about between the tern regions which may, in any of these being supplied by functio ing mous and vile spectacle. To ver and extinguish every one French and the mandated terriway handicap them in their cam naries of the Commission of reha day, however, they will not turn its smoldering coals.
tories of Syria and Lebenon. Ar paign with the Japanese. bilitation and aid to the peoples med clashes occurred, the city of of the United Nations Damascus was attacked by French The important matter of the: France is reported to be acti gunfire. general uprising of occupation of Germany by the vely endeavouring to foment a re the Arab peoples threatened, The Four Powers, England, United Staj volution in the Valley of Aosta, British government intervened tes of America. Russia and Fran North Itely, with a view of anand put a stop to the militant acce, is another motive for future nexing it.
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