
LORD HAW HAW PRISONER OF WAR THE WAR COST OF William Joyce. better known rica and become a naturalized, THE UNITED NATIONS In Loving Remembrance Of Two Endeared Lives The eternal God is the well spring of our bliss, therefore even when the disappointments of life come thick and fast we counsel and comfort ourselves that God knows best.
It was His plan to have called Home our darling daughter and sister BERYL BERNARD OCESS SERTA (MAY 15, 1943) year after our sorrow was widened with the death of ourleving husband and father Christopher Bernard For the two precious lives gone from us we cherish fond remembrance.
Mother. widow. children 11 For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele Sest The People Tailor os Lord How How. is a pri German citizen in the year soner of war in the hands of 1940. Washington release sto the British authorities. He is Another outstanding perso es that according to investireported to have been captured rage Dr. Bernhardt Rust, Gtions conducted authorita by some officers and men of said to be added to the list nively in the United States of the Second British Army in a hose who will be placed on Imerica, the war has cost spel forest near the front er of Dencial for attrocities wanton vast sum of one trillion and mark y committed against civiliza hrity billion dollars.
Lord How How become on. The doctor was Hit er The amount spent by the notorious for his anti Bri Minister of Education and United Nations is placed of rish propaganda over the Ber Science, and according to the one hundred bi lion in excess lin radio during and for some United Nations Commission of that expenced by the Axis time after the high saddle cays in Crimes, is one of the No combine while the United Sio of Germany aerial Hacks cis most responsible for using tes of America invested one ver Eng and. It had alwayuman bodies in all sorts of hundred and ten billion dollars been thought that Joyce was experiments and practices more than did Russia.
a Britisher and consequently which cost the lives of thou These fiagures are, however a traitor, but according to an ends of workers and prisoners regarded in well informed cir advice emonating from Lune confined in German concentracles as an incomplete estimo borg, Germany, he was born tion camps, te of the phenominal sacrifiin the United States of Ameces which humanity has hod to foce in order to e iminate LEGION OF MARY TO STAGE ELOCUTIONARY the evils of Nazism.
CONTEST CHILDREN DAY We ore in receipt of the assured, be young talents of gratifying information that the Parish. The entertainment WITH BAPTISTS under the effective guidance will consist of two parts snap of the Legion of Mary, one of oly preliminary will bring toget The ay annually assigned to the Auxiliaries of the Catholic her many Stars of the popular the children of the city BapParish, an Elocutioner, Con stace, and be to lowed by the tist Church wil be celebrated test will be presented in the main feature the Contest tomorrow, Synday the 10th Hal of the Day School on the The decision will be given by. There is reason believe the night of Monday the 18th, in competent judges. Acord al youngsters will acquit themse tant invitation is extended the ge ves o creditably, on this occa The participants will, we are neral public.
sion, as they have in the past They invite the presence THE DEATH OF DOÑA RAFAELA MONGE the general public. DE AMADOR similar celebration wil The very sad report is to bind found condolence to don Fermin be held on Sunday the 24th that a week ago, death transfe and his esteemed wife: Roberto instant, for the children con Tred to the higher realms, the much and Antonia de Amador: Eduardo nected with the church at Guc regarded and widely known con and Tule de Amador: Dagaberto cimo. It is understood that tho Rafael Monge de Amador, who and Gloria de Quirus: José and se youngsters are also eing was the mother of our esteemed Franesca de Mata: Ramon and orwell prepared with their recitPostmaster, don Fermin Amador milia de Castro: Angelina de Aing and singing items, and are The sad event occurred in the Ca mator, and other relatives. May anxiously looking forward to pital the departed rest in peace perpe the wholehearted support of The ATLANTIC VOICE adopts tual.
the frieds of Guacimo and this medium to express its pro vicinity.
Notice To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Our Prices for the following Products ar of CACAO, per quintal. 46. 00 Colores COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones GOCOANUTS, per hundred. 27. 00 Colones HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation jenta no RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager ANOTHER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY JOSE ACHIONG NG.
With the revolving of the, tizens, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley HTC spokes in the nove of the years Blake Comerciante detallista there wil appear topmost. Cordially we greet them on morrow, Sunday the 10th. this pleasing occasion and rei LICORES, ABARROTES, CRISmong other commemorative Lerote our sincere wish for the TALERIA, MATERIALES DE events, the sixth anniversary continuation of their happy TODO, TODO SE ENCUENTRA FERRETERIA ELECTRICOS, of the marriage of our good cil and prosperous union.
THE SUCCESS ON THE SICK LIST TO IVAN BOLTON, LIMON CITY In the ATLANTIC VOICE of Saturday, the fifth of the past month, you made a publication in regard to your authority to organize a branch of the British Order of Mosaic Templars in this city.
As members and officers of the already established and duly registered British Order of Mosaic Templars, we ask you, through this medium to publish your authority. By this, we mean to convey to you that we doubt you have any from the Kingston Headquarters.
George Davis.
Robert Brooks.
Day and Night Services Completing the Limon most important eating and drinking Circle at 6th Street and 5th Avenue is the Short Orders, Meals, Coffee, Cool Drirks and Pastry up to date spot Regrettingly we release the informa tion that Mr. Egbert Jones, a much re garded citizen and responsible em ployee of the Northern Railway Company is a patient in one of the Intitutions for the sick in San Jose We wish him a speedy recovery SUCCESS Well cooked well prepared and sanitary Service is our endeavour. Prices to meet every Pocket. KENTON and WIFE, PROPRIETORS.
Acting on the adice on the atten ting medicos at the San Jnan de Dios weeck in the or Mr. Sydney Cox. ther may be gone across the Great Hospital, Mr. Deslandes, retur Perchance, ere this issue koes in cir. Divide, as we are informed he lies ned to Siquirres the course of the culation owr dear friend and bro between life and death.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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