
NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO PLEASE YOU PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR JACK ORANE, SUCS. 1 LIMON Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER For Best Fit. Wh Go to Clifford Steele The People Tailor FROM THE NEWS BOX REMEMBEP WE PAY THE BEST PRICES VISIT BY THE STORK The transportation, from tre nights of the enchanting John Streistobal docks to this port, of the le Libert Brown orchensta is atta quintity of merchadise and ting unusually large gatherings. er goods which had been lyug the addition to the dancing enthusiasts, for some time, has intensit. there may be seen hundreds of unon our wharwes the aduana to lookers and participants in the revery pleasing extent. It is hoped freslinucnt departament. At last will continue for an appreciable dal night entertainment, a dancing couple, apparently of full Indian blood, became the spot light in San The Departament of Foreign Reiding Swing and Rumba. Believe is has we understand. cinsel it or not dear reader, they were po rition privileges to a number of ſtographic and arrested the attention who solicitud some to ena of all their travelling to the neighbom Republic of Panama for the Ex President don Leon Cortes has While effecting his prover sible porpose of securing em announced his determination of bial evolution during the nient as entetainers in ca. tiring from active politics. He will morning of Thursday the The discoveries somewhat not participate, he states, in eithe: 31st ultimo, the Stork depo.
try made in connection with the approaching Congressional elee sited a precious package Withe slave movement in the lions of the for the Presidentiat containing a baby girl in the tal is believed to have been the period 1948. 1952 care of doña Margarita de ve for the refusial, especialita It is excedlingly grativing learn Lazarus the esteemed wife Soliciants were of minors that work of reconstructing the of our good friend con Jer.
Drying Plant recently destroyed by ge Lazarus. The little stran: nr very good friends Messrs fire at Guacimo, has been started ger and her mother are reBarrientos and Oscar Bolius We thank the Minister of Agricul ported keeping well.
certainly to be congratulated for ture the National Committe on The coming of the bade vlendid improvement, socially Production and the Institute of Te has not broken the May anni Terwise, now in evidence at the ter American Affairs for the splen versaries of our other two nicipal Bath House. The new did nterest they are displaying in little friends, Amira and for on Saturday and Suy the matter.
Our sincere congrats to don Jorge and doña MargaTALLER MECANICO rita.
MACHINE SHOP ELEJE రవ Guldberge New York LONDRES OPINA SOBRE LA NION CENTROAMERICANA FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING NO 89 Conducts general Repairs. First class workmanshop guaran.
iced. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springs and other Household things.
DANCE BY FRIENDLY YOUTHS CLUB PRICES MODERATE THOMPSON, Proprietor LONDRES, UP La anuncia la fusión de Guatemala con ΕΙ Salvador podrá convertirse según dicen los observadores londinen.
ses en una unión general de estos The Coloured Youths ios paises con el de Honduras y Nicaragua Friendy Club Manicero Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: We be so call you rattention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: Dance is slated for the night of Saturday, the 23rd. instant, in the Hall of the Universal Negro Improvement Association. As the functions sponsored by this Club have always proved great dray.
ing cards, it is expected that tte approaching exercise will be observed in high gear.
This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month ste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 dias de cada unes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su ervicio Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which wo would much regret to take COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON The Riverside orchestra is listed to furnish the music with the sensational El Ma nicero Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    León Cortés

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