
1945 SATURDAY, 23rd. June 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page DEEPARA USTED, TIENDA WRAP. IT UP CELT Lancha Santa Elena 17, Mercado de Limón IGO. si ust Si usted es un caballero de buen gusto, en la TIENDA WRAP IT UP encontrará lo que necesite, todo a precio moderado.
enes el e esta La nueva Tarifa de Fletes y Pasajes, entre BARRA DEL COLORADO. LIMON y viceversa, es la siguiente: u.
Pasaje para la Barra, incluyendo desayuno. 10. 00 Toda clase de granos, vegetales y merraderia en general (el quintal) 50 Cigarrilos por carton. quintal) 00 Estañones con Dissel y Gasolina de 53 galones 80 Estañones con Petróleo, Licor y Aceite Lubricante de 53 galones 10. 00 Maquinaria, pesando más de 400 libras precio convencional.
Otros no especificados aquí se encuentran en la Tarifa General.
Estañones vacíos devueltos de 53 galones. 50 Estañones vacíos no devueltos de 53 galones. 50 Jabas botalles vacías, devueltas, cada una. 50 Otros envases vacios devueltos, libres.
Estañones para licor, vacíos devueltos de 10 galones. 00 NOTA: La carga deberá ser entregada en la plataforma de la Aduana. Aceptamos carga con an ticipación en nuestras bodegas, siempre que esté perfectamente empacada y en buenas condi.
ciones. La carga y descarga será por cuenta nuestra.
mente FOR YOU If you are a gentleman of good taste you will find all you need in the ampesi Kin to de COM pensa STORE WRAP IT UP at moderate prices.
ALFREDO JALET, Proprietor.
ENRIQUE MANGEL ROSAT, Administrador todos James, who had to respond EAGLE ACES CLUB EARNS COMMENDATORY EXPRESSIONS at on va LEGION OF MARY GLADDEN MORE THAN to an encore, rechar Cunningham presided with zrade FOUR HUNDRED HEARTS marked efficiency the todas packed scene was tevi gem in her Crown. She had, piano, and was assisted by resta denced in the Hall of the a splendid selection of en Mr. Gibbs with his bass. The Eagle Aces Friendly furnished the music, which in ación Dayschool of the Catho tertainers a group la Club have earned commenda cluded sparkling melodies Itc, Parish Tuesday sses and lads, who would The opening remarks were cory expressions in connec The scene became a floor night the 19th, instant. have, we opine touched the expounded by Mrs. Bertion with the Buffet Supper shew with a sensational There were citizens and soul of old King Pharoah had nard. The Elocutionary Cen and Dance given in the Hall riety of Sanding, Swing und HAY more citizens who would no he returned to life and been test was well presented. Mr. of the St. Mark Parish last Dest my arm on your should doubt, have paid any sum of prese.
Jos. Thomas presided as Saturdoy night It was a splen er The refreshment feature of 2TH money to obtain an entrance Charmingly entertaining Chairman. The Judges were did act of generosity on the the event rode the sun tuo but there was no available were the song hits rendered Mr. Clarence Sankey, Mrs. part of the members to have us waves with quality a joint space, hardly any for the by the Misses Green. Muriel Hayling and Mrs.
CE vis free circulation of air provided such a fine treat collaborators Every phase of Reid, Dunn, Kivers, Bernard. The con estants for their friends. a pleasure the festivity was a new crea. his Mrs. Daisy Blackman, the Gayle, Bernudez, were Miss Maria Bermudez in which we participated tion Our congrats to the Ea and moving spirit in the promo Smith. Evans, and with the poem If we only The Riverside Orchestra gle Aces Friendly Club ex of tion and presentation of the White, Mrs. Lilly, Messrs. knew. Miss Mrajorie Hart from function, has added nother Barnett and Master Oscar necited Barbara Freichie. Yery and Miss Delrita Hunter The place Vanity of Human Pride.
DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA of our WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON The latter was accomplished MEDICO CIRUJANO so effectively and and sition cingly by rich gestures, clear abrió su consultorio médico en los bajos del articulation and other marks ter of Park Hotel Hispano Americano, contiguo Compo of distinction that it oficina dental del Dr. Pachsco.
first honour for Miss Hun!
The ter: The decision of the JudSUT Agents: ges was received with Horas de consulta: p. a p.
incere uproaring applause. SMYTH COMPANY es and The Rev. Fr. John distrias left buted the Port Limon and San José For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele prizes to Miss Hunter and Miss Marjorie The People Tailor Costa Rica Hart and expresed the thanks of the Legion of Mary to all concerned. MUL EN. OL he Te FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC The so shores LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR our ci MANINA, SI USTED SABE AHORRAR Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash COMIENCE HOY DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el and Dentrifice.
convin REPUBLIC OF PANAMA won well mis sis in the a. His arvard tha se and soy Greet blic BANCO DE COSTA RICA (Sucursal en Limón)
IN Realiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria MA TA RAL ALKALINE TABLETS good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular painn.
minor colas, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS TO GET YOU SORER. Very effective, try it.
TATAVAM SAN JOSE DIVAS IA LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO, HORRO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón izano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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