
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 23rd. June 1945 Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR TO IVAN BOLTON, LIMON CITY In the ATLANTIC VOICE of Saturday, the fifth of the past month, you made a publication in regard to your authority to organize a branch of the British Order of Mosaic Templars in this city.
As members and officers of the already established and duly registered British Order of Mosaic Templars, we ask you, through this medium to publish your authority. By this, we mean to convey to you that we doubt you have any from the Kingston Headquarters.
Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER George Davis.
Robert Brooks.
ROY SHAN FORBES REMEMBEP marriage ceremony of a son, and Mr. Roy Shan For rather appreaciative characterbes, an employee of the Costa was evidenced in the Cothe Rica Banana Company. The WE PAY THE BEST PRICES dral on Wednesday the 6th. Rey Fr. John officiated and of the current month. The impressively performed the contracting parties were Miss e igious Rite Ruby Hutchinson, daughter Fifth Miss Linett Green, in oddiThe Bride was exquisitely corried a beautiful bouquet of, Mr. Juar Mitchell of of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hutchin kownedi Crespon Flaco and the San José bridal varieties. Avenue. Mr. Jos. Thomas tion, contributed an appropria She was given in marriage by presided as Master of Cere te song The weddnig march Mr. Potesse Louis, Mrs. Cece monies To lend mirth to the was impressively effected at io Strown was Chief Matron celebration, eleven lasses com the hour of eleven to the stra and her dress was of marked peted for the catch of the ins of the famed Lebert admiration. The groom was a bridal bouquet. Miss Linda Brown orchestra. Dancers, Mended by Mr. Luis McRae, Brown was the winner. Miss afterwards, had their full un Mr. Williams was Best man. Linda Munroe and Mr. Ver til the wee hours of the morn.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation The ensemble, on the whole, non Sinclair competed in the The ATLANTIC VOICE wis evoked praiseworthy nota traditional cutting of the Cahes Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shan (Mixta)
ke; the later triumphed. The Forbes a long union filled pleasing reception was congratulatory remarks and with happiness and much pros held in the recreation hall of toasts were widely spread. perity.
Our Prices for the following Products ar.
Notice Change to CACAO, per quintal 46. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones HULE, per quintal.
145. 00 Colones RAMESES BLENDED CIGARETTES All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAMESES RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager STEPHANO BROTHERS scientifically Blended CIGARETE da en Estados Unidos Especifiqu la comisión o corretaje que está ti puesto a conceder en las ventas a las tiendas detall stas de los Estados Unidos MAX STENZLER You ll Like it! EN los Estados Unidos?
Comerciants reputado en todo. país con 27 años de experienca en el ranio de tiendas, ofrece oportunidad de exhibir permanentemente en los Es tados Unidos productos de San de Costa Rica y alrededores. Ma familiarizado con el manejo de sen das y al detalle y con buenas cela ciones con importantes compradores y duchos de establecimientos deta.
Envie por correo aéreo descripción de sus productos y plazos en que puede entregar los pedidos. Sirvase cotizar precios, incluyendo transporte derechos aduaneros de la mer.
cancia puesta en el puerto de entra We bey to call you rattention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada unes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y eavitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which wo would much regret to take COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON 02 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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