
The dispatch on the subject of the Federation of the British West Indian Colonies, which was sent Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 to the eight Islands concerned by Colonel Stanley the Colonial Secretary, has been made public, YEAR LIMON, JUNE 30th. 1945 No. 472 The document is regarded as of considerable importance, both in itself and as an example of ALLIED AIR UNITS CONTINUE DESTRUCTION OF JAPAN the temper in which the British Colonial Office discharges its vast responsabilities. The Federation is Advices from the Far East, The Australian troops are peninsula appears imminent ern war zones disclose that extending their position on It has also been stated that presented as the final objective of the West Indian the North American flying the Island of Borneo and North American troops have constitutional progress, for the conclusive reason superforts continue their de have captured important oil disembarked on Chinese te that federation alone can create a political unit, vasting raids against the prin fields. Fighting of an inten rritory, preparatory to the sufficiently large and diverse to be capable of full cipal military and industrial se eharacter is reported in invasion of Japan proper. self government in the modern world.
districts of Japan. Last Tues progress on the Island of An advice states that GeSelf government emerges in all British dealday night fifty of these ant Kume, 80 kilometers west neral Mac Arthur has planes attacked the princi of Okinawa nounced the compete libera.
ings with her Empire as the guiding principles bepa petroleum refineries in dispatch from Singapo tion of Luzon of the Phili hind progressive proposals. No attempt is being Utshuve near Nagoya Four re states that the landing of ppine Group.
made to force federation on West Indian opinion.
teen hours previously, a for Allied troops of the Malay The Caribbean colonies are invited to obtain the mation of 450 of these suopinions perfortresses also discharg PRESIDENT OF BANANA ASSOCIAtheir legislatures upon the proposals.
ed a thousand tons of bombs TION VISITS CAHUITA The dispatch we are told, places all Britain during the daylight hours Fulfilling his notice to dustry, especially as they mature political experience at the disposal of the over ten factories engaged bring to the cultivatora ci affect the producers. people still in the formative state of their constituin the production of war ma Cahuita and Hone Creek the The information gained tional life. Federation, it is held, is brought about programme of the Atlantic from the reading of the Con by the consciousness of a more comprehensive The North Americans, in Banana Grawers Association titution of the Association pursuance of the work of we had the welcomed visit of was self convincing that unity, and by a desire to surrender local rights in clearing enemy troops from the President, Mr. Stanley there exists fertile fields the interests of that unity. Until recently, such sen the Island of Okinawa, arn Britton, on Tuesday the 19th which are untilled and that timents were alien to West Indian thought, it is said to have taken 800 more instant.
all concerned should lend a claimed. Each Colony was said to be more concern prisioners on Tuesday of The very stirring meeting hand and have them ploughed with local circumstances and more conscious of the present week. These was convened at the store of ed. As a proof that Cahuita bring the total captured on Mr. Tobash. The introduci and Hone Creek fuly endorse its association with Britain that of any link with its that Island to 9, 500. The to tion of Mr. Britton was effee. the aims and objects of the fellow colonies in the Caribbean. This attitude was tal Killed is given as. tively accomplished by Mr. Association, every cultivator not unsubstantially broudened until the first Cari.
111, 500.
Robert Buchanan, one of the present at the meeting en bbean conference in Barbados last year.
In the Philippine zone most progressive of the far rolled as a member.
Differing as they do in resources and aptitu the enemy are reported retirmers in this section. About The President expressed des, the West Indian colonies are believed capable ing from the important posi forty of our banana growers his fervent gratification retion of Tuguegarao on Lu were present and they lis. garding the success of his vi of greater mutual trade interdependence than zon, consequent on the ad. tened with special attentio. sit which was mainly the reexists at this time and political unity would be vance of the North Ameri to the discourse in connection sult of the good will of his precarious onles it rested upon a stable economic cans. The occupation of the with the possibility of improv fellow agriculturist and foundation.
Island of Mindanao is being ing the very unfavourable other well wishers.
pushed sucecessfully. existing conditions in the in Cahuita Farmer It is possible that complete federation will come through stages marked by the progressive associa tion of the several colonies.
EARN MORE MONEY: It has been suggested that proposals might be formulated by West Indian delegates to a constitu.
tional conference. By invoking such co operation the dispatch is promoting in the opinion of the British press that community of sentiment upon will buy all the which progress toward federation and thus to selfgovernment depends.
LA JABONERA NACIONAL, COPRA PERSONAL or dried Cocoanut pulp that you can produce at. 70. 00 PER QUINTAL PLACED IN ALAJUELA The visit to our city of Mr. veral days among us, he left Norman Findlay, who has on Tuesday of the week in been residing in Alajuela for course. Our good wishes go some time, was highly wel with him.
comed After spending seThe Banco Nacional in Limon will pay on the presentation of the Railway Invoice and according to the weight of the copra shipped and stated on the Invoice.
Ship the COPRA direct to Alajuela manifested to the JABONERA NACIONAL, ALAJUELA You can either collect at the Banco Nacional in Limon or at the Jabonera Nacional, in San Jose.
The empty sacks will be returned three days after the arrival of the Copra in Alajuela.
For further information enquire of the Banco Nacional in Limon or the Jabonera Nacional in San Jose.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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