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Production of arms, munitions and ot Soldiers from Nigeria and the it is especially fitting that Lom Mary, launched in 1934, wa lations (restrictions on citizens her military supplies will be continued Gold Coast, besides helping todon sould be the built to cary 2, 100 pasen liberties) were rescinded fully at a pitch needed to supply the drive the Japs out of Burma, aretings of the preparatory comme gers at a speed of about 32 or in part: British and Empire military, naval making maps of country hitherto sion of the United Nations knots. Her closest rival for The most essential of civil and air forces in the Far East. But unsurveyed. More than 300 square organization. It an object le speed was the Normandie, rights is the habeas corpus, already more thean a thousand Unitsmies of the Arakan Jungle, former on is needed to spur the peace bout in August, 1938, she which goes back to seventeenth Kingdom firms from every branch ly mapped only on small. scale makers at their task, it is to be took the blue ribbon away century England and guarantees of industry have been granted speal sheels. can now be studied and found in London, which never do from that ill fated vessel. that no person shall be detained facilities to devote a small proportion patrolled from large scale map, red close both eyes until the very Normally she would have without trial: During the war of their resources to preparing for thanks to the work of a Westlast minuteof the war. Cities of passed an uneventful life with enemy agents at work and peacetime production. These facilities African oivision survey section other Allied nations may bear ticking off the sea miles bet a considerable alien population include experimental and develop Thousands of these maps have bad or worse scars of battle, but ween Bishop Rock and Am in the country, it was necessary ment work on a long series of consa now been printed and will be a London are freshest, and by the brose Light But another in the interests of national secu mer goods, rang from engineering Vallable to the civil authorities nature demonstrate the raison kind of destiny was in store rity to give the government pow and acro engine production to ki: after the war etre of a security organization for her one which was to ers to detain suspected persons. chen equipment, from electrical ma better than oratory, better than take her, as George Horne The right has been used with the chinery to clocks, watches and radio The section is divided into wrote in this newspaper yes greatest circumspection abstract theorizing. For London even sets.
rear and a forward detachment. newest wound were caused terday, from the Clyde to in the 1940 crisis there were British industry will start peace The Comer do the survey work the iast satanic inventive inspira.
Sydney, from Halifax to the never more than 800 people me production with five years of an and the latter, marching with the tion of the Germans. the Ved stormracked Cape, to Sin detained under the order with paralleled wartime technical develop division, prepare tactical maps pons. These weapons might better gapore, Bombay and Trin the end of hostilities in Europe ment behind it. Of the British motor and in a day, prepare enlargements have been called weapons, sine comalee. Instead of 100 this fundamental right of citizens industry it was recently said: The of small jungle areat ready for their potentialities for destructio passengers traveling in style residing in the United Kingdom re is hardly a war machine that runs the patrol requiring them. Other though known to be catastrophic, she carried loads of 15, 000 has been restored.
swims or flies which has not been functions of the rear detachment are as yet inca culable. Enough is or more traveling to get Announcing the restoration of made either in whole or in part by are the preparation of new maps known to make Biblical prophewhere their services were these liberties the Home Secre. this industry.
from air photographs, sun obser cies of the end of this world seem urgently needed. Half a mi tary, Mr. Morrison, said: am While the production of militarvations and computations for the llion American soldiers went happy to announce the sweeping aircraft will be cut down, the aircraft calibration of compasses.
relatively unimaginative. unless to battle or returned on the away of these limitations and the industry is ready to start productica the nations unite to stay the hand Mary. One hundred thous relinquishment of the exceptio of a range of civil air Frers of destruction.
and British soldiers, includ nal vowers entrusted to the Home successors to the world famous la ing 11, 000 who arrived just Secretary, and to return to those BORNEO OIL caster, Halifax, Mosquito, Spitfire, in time to help hold the line traditional British freedoms Typhoon and Tempest. Air experts It is fitting that London should at El Alamein, were trans which all of us who hold the have already been sent overseas Oil is the major prize sought be th meeting place, too, because ported by the thrust of her democratic faith are zealous to form a direct link between foreign by the Australian troops who have no frevious consultation among 158, 000 horsepower engines. maintain.
Her captain for over three airline operators and the United Kinglanded at Brunei Bay, on the wes the great Allies has been held There is no let up on rationing dome aircraft industry.
tern coast of Borneo, on from the England. The menaces from years has been Sir James in Britain, and the Minister of programme is announced by Brunei region, which once wa skies prevented it. A. Grou Gordon Bisset, commodore Food has even forecast some other industries notably the grew a refueling point for the Japanese ko, head of the Soviet dele of the Cunard White Star Li further tightening of belts iron steel, textile, chemical and elec fleet, could be transported by at San Francisco, made the ne, whose age brought about Recent polls have shown that trical industries all stress the saine tankers to American warships o tion for London selection, an his retirement from the Bri the British people support contish Naval Reserve twelve tinued rationing in order to point switchover to peacetime eco perating in the western Pacific in it was accepted unanimously. The years ago. On the quarter make additional supplies availab. nomy will require organization as a fraction of the time it takes to interim commission will bring re deck of the Mary, however, le for relief in Europe.
skilful as that which made the Udi carry it from the United States presentatives, other than regular he was hardily in relire.
The bulk of the population ted Kingdom war effort the highest The rubber of Borneo, for which diplonats, of her Russian ally to ment The most amazing will still be frozen to its work in the world. Huge quantities of Brunei Bay is a distribution cen. Great Britain for the first sane feature of the story he told No one can yet leave his job it st soods must be produced for the de ter, also is of interest to the inva. when a meeting is held in London reporters was its lack of is scheduled under the Essential pleted home market, for Fberated ders As the war continues, reserve later this summer. It is composed narrow escapes. The Mary Works Order. Workers discharg Europe, and for Britain other brer supplies of natural crude rubber, or representatives of the fourteen needed in considerable amounts nations forming the executive com never submarine, ed from war factories which are seas markets.
never fired her guns at for mixing with artificial rubber mittee of the world organization a declared redundant will have to become lower and lower Even blueprinted at San Francisco, foe and was never fired go where they are sent by the modest shipments Borneo upon. The Italians sank her Employment Exchange, but re.
could be of major importance in once, but only on paper The laxation will begin with the rel. TRUE FRUIT OF nearest she came to action ease of elderly women from war military industries.
was two years ago when a work. Men and women are still VICTORY The campaign to win the oil and rubber is being conducted by Aus geyser sponted up 300 feet registering for national service off her beam near the Bri both sexes for industry, men tralians, who have dont a good in recent months have been in Prayer is not always vocal, not bit of the most difficult and costly action in an area where there wetish Isles, but no harm came only for the services. always made in chapel and church fighting in the Pacific war but re few correspondents. They have to her. No one was ever Conscription continues since Throughout the years of war, washed off her decks. No large forces must still be mainI have not received their share of been struggling to clean out Japa.
people prayed earnestly and conAmerican soldier died of any tained to garrison Germany, and stantly for peace they prayed the credit. The Australians are nese strongpoints by passed cauße aboard her. But going for drafting to the Far East to silently in their homes, they pra.
colorful and valiant warriors, but General Mac Arthur in New Guinea. Thi job, far behind the Ame to sea all alone, relying on relieve men who have been fight yed in the streets while bombs rican spearheads on Okinawa and her speed for safety, she ing there for years. Young men Iwo Jima, has been a bloody af was ready for what might from 18 to 27 are still register were raining down, they prayed on the battlefields of Africa and come She is a fair but has had little attention, modern ing for military service.
yessel, complete with all Asia and Europe they prayed on worthy of it.
Now that the Australians have a the up to date gadgets the crew.
Half a Let us ask Almighty God in spearhead of their own, it is to but we know that what took American families have reaThese prayers have been ansour churches, in our chapels, in be hoped that their achievemente her through every danger son to be grateful to those wered. Peace and victory have our homes and in our hearts, to again will have the reputation was an old fashioned thing British seamen who carried been given to us. Now we must grant us the true fruit of victory they so well deserve. the heart of oak in cap our boys safely over the pray that the peace may be just to grant that the peace may entain and every member great watergropiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionadorestigen came tradisowel de payete gedeelterio de Cultura y Juventus, Costa Rica.
saw a from by million the Seven Seas.


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