
SATURDAY 7th. July 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page POSITION OF TEAMS COMPETING IN NATIONAL BASEBALL LEAGUE, ABSENT IN BODY BUT LINKED IN SPIRIT Worms have, no doubt destroyed, ere this, all that SAN JOSE was mortal of our beloved daughter, wife, mother Teams GP GW GL this would be the first occaand relative Gul Douglas MacArthur. 3 1000 sion on which our boys Gold Smith 3 MARY MAUD SMITH ROBINSON 750 would be afforded the oppor Soca Cola. 2 500 tunity of Jdisplaying thier who died in the Island of Jamaica on July 8th. 1944, Costa Rica 1 250 efficiency in the pepular after the birth of a pair of boys.
Cruz Blanca 0 000 exersise, we urge that they We miss you Mary more than tongue can tell, start getting themselves in But Jesus loved you best and called you home Last Sunday game bet selection will be leaving for trim and co operating with Sleep on dear one until we reunite SATAM ween the General Douglas Caracas, Venezuela, toke the efforts of the Manage On that Golden Shore where parting is unknown. McArthur and Cruz Blanca part in the World Amateur ment of the General Mac Albertina Smith (mother. Father, Widower.
teams was called off during Series in the month of OcArthur team, who are maChildren, Grandmother, Aunts, Uncles and the latter stage of the fourth tober this year. We unders nifesting such praisewarthy inning.
other relatives.
tand that many of the pla activities in the interests of The Mac Arthur were at yers of this city will be in their players and for the ge bat with three runs to their cluded in the teams who wi! neral betterment elhe credit, one man on first base represent our Republic. As excercise Life We Shall Always Remember two outs and Chick Levy (Cliff Edwards) batting Monday, July 2, 1945, brought the third sad a anniversary The Cruz Blancas had five since they laid in the grave our beloved Son and Brother funs in their favour. Rain fell intermittingly, and NO 17, Mercado de Limón the ground becoming wet Si usted es un caballero de buen gusto, en la and, in the opinion of the (JULY 2, 1942)
Chief, Umpire, unfit for par Grieved is our hearts this very day, he called off the game.
As on the day you went away.
This match was the closDearest Son can it be, Your loving face we will never see; ing one for the first half of encontrará lo que necesite, todo a precio moderado.
Your tender care and loving smile the fixtures for the ChamAre hidden from us all this while.
pionship. It will, of course, Oh, what silent heartaches we bear, have to be replayed, and No irore son our life to cheer; FOR YOU Lord Jesus grant that we may meet, may be a double header. The In blissful silence at Thy feet.
second half of the games If you are a gentleman of good taste you will find all you wil commence tomorrow.
need in the MOTHER SISTERS It is expected that a team Jones Family. Cimarrones will arrive in San Jose from Panama in the month of Sep at moderate prices.
tember to play a serie of gaALFREDO JALET, Proprietor.
tioned that a PARA USTED, TIENDA WRAP. IT UP נוס SAMUEL JONES TIENDA WRAP IT UP STORE WRAP IT UP THE EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHINO mes. It has also been menJAPANESE WAR FOUP NEW TYPE PLANES ADDED TO BRITAIN AIR FLEET a London press report derived from the manufac It is bigger and is of faster releases the intportant in turers of the Spitfire. It has flight than its predecessor The onward march of time their national rights. She formatn that Great Bri a speed of four hundred and the Lancaster. It has a cabrings us today, the seventh has not been without the aid train has added four new sixty miles an hour and earn pacity for carrying the grea of July, the eighth anniver of fhe liberty loving peoples types of aircraft to her ed, we are told, a magnifi test, plane load of bombs.
sary of the war between Chi of the world, and since the na and Japan. During this outbreak of hostilities bet fighting power against the cent record in the destrue including the recent eleven ton bombs.
rather lengthened period the ween Japan and the ited Japanese They are said to tion of Germany.
be the speediest of all the The fourth is the powerful. people of China have. na Nations, she has, as an ally, machines built up to whole, maintained their cha refeived such intensified the four motored bombing machine christened Lincoln racteristic serenity, despite assistance as have enabled present for war purposes.
untald sufferings and adver armies to launch their reThe desigrds of the new sities.
cent intensive offensive modles were said to be un WANTED TO PURCHASE GOOD MULE The major invasion of which seem destined to pro der study for a consideraChina territory by the Ja cure an early, and final vic ble pericd and perfected in healthy condition, male animal preferred. Must be well, panese, was launched in the tory over their aggressors, shortly before the wapitu trained for pack and drawing of tram. Must be between four year 1937 which compelled In keeping with their slation of Germany.
and five yea, old.
the Chinese to throw the tablished oustom, our chiThe model. Vampire whole life of the nation into nese colony will solemnly designed and built by the Advise Editor of this News Organ the struggle in defence of observe the anniversary. Mosquito facto Avis single senter and has a fly.
Room 8, front of city Cathedral or Post Office Box 199 LIMON ing capacity of five For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele also stated to represent the dred miles an hour. It is The People Tailor best there is in airplane ma CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK IS NOW OPEN terial The Thornet. which co The Medical Consulting Office of TALLER MECANICO ms next. is equipped with two Rolls Royce Merlin DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA mts and somewhat simi MACHINE SHOP lar to the Mosquito. But MEDICO AND SURGEON FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING NO 89 although both types situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel HispaConducts general Repairs, First class workmanshop guaran two motored, the Homel.
teed. On Hand, at all times. Beds, Springs and other bly leaon of its no America, next door to the Dental Parlour motors Household things.
occupying less space, is of Dr. Jose Pacheco.
PRICES MODERATE claimed to be the fastest Hours of Consultation: to p.
THOMPSON, Proprietor fighting machine of the age.
The third is the Spiteful Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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