p. 12


GERMANY STAY IN PACIFIC GO EASY BREAKDOWN POWER PLANNED WAR TO END The first thing the Allies Demobilizofion of monpo As o roce, we British have undertake is to strip GermaIf the saying is true that wer has begun. About 750, 000 cummunica ny of all her conquests obta WELLINGTON, , In always enjoyed a well deser the history of men and women will be reindustry tions is the history of civiliza leased from the forces by the ined by fraud or force. They the Pacific war New Zealond ved reputation for roll back the boundaries of has only one just course, to and thrift. That reputation ion. the outlook for Japon end of 1945. Each man as he Germany to what they were play its part to the full, and has been maintained and en offers little hope. In the bomlis released will be given eight on Dec 31, 1937, which me the Government intends to do hanced since the outbreak of bed cities the effort to resto weeks resettlement leave plus ons that Germany must for so, Acting Prime Minister Wal hostilities in Europe. Our in re a skeleton transport servi on eday for each month of En tre mally disgorge all the territo ter Nash told the Foreign ve dustry has been unquestioned ce becomes more difficult with foreign service with full pay. esto and our thrift has been proved every attack. In Tokio most After that he will be free to ries Hitler annexed namely, terans Conference.
by the success of the Natio workers are now walking to return to his former civilian Austria, Czechoslovakia, the The suggestion that New Ze Memel territory, Poland, Eu aland had done enough and nal Saving Movement and the the factories. More than half job or start on one of the tre pen and Malmedy, Alsace Lo should bring her 20, 000 sol Salvage Campaign. of Japan lorries are laid up ining and educational courses anddiers and 7, 000 released pri Hence, However strong the for repairs, and railway tra provided by the government dente mercio, Northern Slovenia. All this issoners from overscas to hep temptation to relax at this vel has been reduced to the men wishing to start dented done without prejudice to who in producing food for export time, we should not find it be barest minimum. At least half small businesses will be given Condor, tever further decisions a pea had coused reactions and he ond our ability to keep up of Japan shipping has been an extra grant up to 150.
ce conference may make in artburnings in Australia la Com a rigid economy until the war used in many cities to distri (approximately 660. 00. for Costa the future. But for the pre which there was no real justi in the Far Eod is ended! We bute letters and parcels.
Men who return from Gerestudiar sent, Germany remains an fication, he said, In shall not leave all the fighting 1942 feature of Japanese cul many, Italy, the Middle East oy en entity within her old borders, New Zealand made a solemn to the men at the front. ture was the monsters and ele, or the Far East, can be confiExtravagance brings little gance of Japón women. They dent that under the Reinstacon mo and any premature annexa poct with Australia that, if mercado tions are specifically bared. the Dominion were menaced, credit and nd lasting good to were docile to a fault, and potement in Civil Employment do y pa She is neither partitioned nor Australia would send a force country, for waste is to no sibly one of the best results Act there are jobs awaiting one interest capacide dismembered, and the territo its aid and New Zealand of this war for Japan will be them. The factories which are Parece Because peace in torial claims advanced would help. Australia if ago Europe that it may take her women not producing arms and mate the próxima has come, and the blackout a long step towards emancipo rials for the Far Eastern war inst her either by the Big need arose. New Zealand must Four thomselves or by others keep that bond, Mr.
dron a has been lifted, we may be tion. But their gentleness and will be working to full capaci Nash doscient apt to forget the necessity for reserve were a disinct part of ty on civilian goods.
must await future settlement said.
caderias continued economy in the use the culture that is now break This sets a precedent which The government intends to rá las should rule out unilateral for prepare a land force for the of fuel. Most of our fuel, wheting down in Japan. They haSAYINGS ferrocar ce in the solution of other te Pacific, he added, but the fin her we use it in the form of ve entered the factories ar. it reverse Lend Lease and pre witorial problems in Europe, al decisions and number and coal, gas or electricity, comes is reported that their speech estas se some of which have already dispos). ion will be made of from the ground. As a nation, has become coarse. According Lend Lease must continue as nidodd the produced tension that has ter consultations with Sir Be we cannot alord to waste to one newspaper, it has lost o military necessity on coal.
threatened to impair Ailed rnard Freyberg and the Chi for Ad its beauty and its grace. scale required to build the ov Our coal supplies are limitduanac unity efs of Staff of Britain.
The evidence could be deve erwhelming power which alo quien and ed, and we cannot replace loped at length. Japan sone can save American The reconstituted Reich it and naval activiticsl continue.
them when the existing se ciol fabric is under an un Allied lives and bring an ear Rof sum self is being divided into fo datos ur, or ams are exhausted. Every un bearable strain. It is possible ly and complete end to this rather five zones, LEARNING THE WAYS necessary bucket of cool that that should she persist in her terrible war Tento which are to be occupied for we use now means a needless present suicidal course, she persona President Truman.
an indefinite period by the OF PEACE depletion of industrial streng may exemplify what was tea We are going to feel that Ferrocon forces of the four signatory dur capacid Powers, Russia will th, and a wasteful use of lo red before this present world glish speaking peoples occupy When the lights go on at bour in the mines.
pachar wide conflict began, the cowe are Europe. It is in our the east. Great Britain the night we remember the impe tonelad northwest, the United States rative duties that only a short tricity. The light left burning war.
Fuel includes gas and elec llapse of a civilization through blood. We are representati ves of what the Romans gave jando he southwest, and France a zo time since encircled us the when it is not really needed, que es Me in the west. The exact bo the blackout, the firewatch, the gas burner that we forget to the West.
Mr. Haro Nicolson, undaries of these zones are the first aid post, end safe Royal Siguals to turn off, are eating away at Se abre still to be announced, but the guarding the children as far the country vitals. Then, tap Of more than 17, 000 piindications are that they will as posible from the Aeons qwhich have been special search parties to find danger water has to be pumped and dropped into enemy occupi. them, and death was require a considerable reolig that might come in the dark pumping machines need fuel. ed country, only 1, 700 have penalty for being found in dolan the nment of the occupation for ness.
Our bath should still have ces, and that the American All that is behind us. Ways only five inches of water, the great. The enemy was algot home. The risks were possession of one and British armies in particu of peace lie ahead. The even tap must not be left running. ways watching for them.
Corporal. W. Firth, of for will haye to retreat up to ings are our own once more and when it begins to drip a the Signals he was a pi130 miles to the west. This to be spent as we choose.
One pigeon, William of hobby new washer should be fitted Orange, brought a message before the war infiltrated gleon fancier for a Firm again sets a precedent that Children, too, who follow the at once.
occupation zones must be fi spirit of the times will soon from the airborne troops at with his men and his pigeons xed by agreement, and not forget their warlike Arnhem to London, 460 mi into enemy territory when games by right of conquest, as moond play, in every sense, at les in hrs. 25 mins.
BIRDS OF WAR the battle for Normandy was intained by Marshal Pigeons brought us news at its height. He sent back hich should facilitate a sett The paths of war have led us of the location of flying Le Noir, a favourite pigeon lement of the problem of to the lanes of peace. Some past four years a window in us to cripple the attack on pigeon flew 100 miles in two Many times during the bomb sites, which enabled with the first message. The Trieste. At the same time, we pray never to refrace. One occupied Europe has opened London.
each of the four signatory Po road, however, that opened in Pigeons were hours and ten minutes.
wers may admit to its zone September, 1939, and broad. the sill, and the window has parachutes to the Maquis old Cherie. Cherie traveled a pigeon has been placed on dropped in containers by Next he sent 17 monthsat its discretion auxiliawy con ened into a highway we can closed again. few hours and to Alied agents in occu 80 miles from inside the tingents of Germany other continue to follow. That is after enemies, which paves the way the road of good comrade in England the green car back invaluable informu vered the goods. Later she release it would be pied territory, and brought Normandy pocket and delifor the participation of Po ship, wideenough to let u tridge container taken froin tion.
Lish, Belgion, Dutch and oth all poss through together and its leg and sent by road to made another 100 mile er force in Germany occu long enough, we hope, to take Wing House, headquarters se rewards for pigeons hand The pigeon party stayed 11 The Germans offered lar flight from Rouen.
potion we to a hoppier state. of the pigeon branch of ed over to them organised days behind the enemy Ines Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
Air tomos hana y CHILE Loa cibio Tito, peace.
municar importa colombi cuales rolitor cacao es Ambe diciones totalida ción de de este surten con la te Tra en


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