
ECA TUR ATLANTIC VOICE of one THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK No degree of knowledge attained by man can set him above the want of daily assistance, Editor: JOS THOMAS or extinguish the desire for fond endearments BOX 1991 and tender officiousness. None should, thereYEAR LIMON, JULY 21st. 1945 475 fore, consider it unnecessary to acquire those UNTS OF NORTH AMERICAN AND BRITISH FLEETS CONTINUE TO arts by which friendship may be gained and maintained EFFECTIVELY BOMBARD JAPAN Official reports from the ve has been the naval bom fleet to leave their bases BUSINESS IS PARALIZED Far East announce that the bardment that units from and give battle.
North American Third Tect, the attacknig fleets are said Taking advantage of the Business is paralized augmented by powerful Brito have penetrated the remarked collapse of the Ja. So say our liquor tish units, which include the gional waters to within six Ipanese resistence in Bortraders in consequence of the new regulation battleship Jeorge the miles off the coast in the neo, the Autralians ar: said which orders the closing of all liquor selling airplane carrier Formidabay of Tokyo to be rapidly advancing and establishments at the hour of noon every Sunble and the cruser New It is generally thought that have captured the town day, and at ten o clock each night of the week.
roundland. have intensified the present Allied activities Aborawang, of the Our attention has been specially called to the attacks against Japan will shortly be followed by more important petroleum this important matter and our views solicited.
metropolitan and industrial an invasion of Japan home fields under enemy control areas. More than 2, 000 air territory, when, by reason. They completely control the As we are among those who still give unres units are also reported tak of the destruction of the ma situation in this area tricted reverence to the sacred observance of ing part in the unprecei jor part of her war indusSunday, we consequently hold no objection dented offensive.
try and resources, she will The first large number of against the mid day closing. We are, however, The important industrial be unable to present an North American soldiers, in sympathy with the proprietors of the can center of Hitachi, on th effective opposition. transferred direct from Eu tinas with respect to the ten o clock nightly in east coast of the Island of Admiral Nimitz has declar rope, reached Manila on Tues closing.
OIL ST super Honshu and 135 kilometersed that the United States day of the week in course The economic situation in this zone does 89 from Tokyo has been seve dominate the maritme appro They numbered 4, 300, the rely hit from the air, as also aches to Japan and haye majority being men of conot, in general, warrant our male citizens free SAB a number of other places in also paralized the ability of laur and veterans of the quenting liquor establishments during the day.
the Tokyo area. So effecti what is left of the enemy campaign in Italy while those not otherwise regularly employed are mainly engaged in agricultural activities.
REMINDER TO MEMBERS AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS OF ATLAN The former terminate their ordinary day work at p. and the latter usually get backTIC BANANA GROWERS ASSOCIATION to the city about the time of the setting of the sun. Then, too, as it is well known that the able The article published in last Mr. Britton assertions, coning institutions are as inconsisbodied day time habitues of such places are week ATLANTIC VOICE. cerning the prospective and forth tent as his assertions with res.
signed by the provisional presi coming activities in the banana pect to competition at the predisdainfully regarded, an appreciable number dent, Stanley Britton, of the Abuyers market, are indeed inter sent time.
await the coming of night.
tlantic Banana Growers Associa esting.
The reader will well remem We have no desire to encourage the cup tion and former grog shop proMr. Britton rapid changing ber the experience of last year which inebriates. but having regard to the fact prietor of Limon, is observed of flag, that is to say from when the Fraser Company did that there exists a National Liquor Factory, with amusement and some interconnections he has had with va everything in their power to est.
rious coco and banana purchas.
To Page 10 the industry merits, to say the least, a maximum of public support, while the financial interests of the large number of proprietors EARN MORE MONEY: must not be overlooked. These traders depend on the support of the general public for the suc LA JABONERA NACIONAL, cessful carrying on of their business, and we are of the opinion that there will be an apwill buy all the preciable talling off, in this respect, consequent on the operation of the new regulation. Our city is an important sea port and its maritime activities will, it is expected, resume normal conditions at no distant period, and bring us or dried Cocoanut pulp that you can produce at the accustomed large number of visitors who are wont to spend generously in these estabC 70. 00 PER QUINTAL PLACED IN ALAJUELA lishments during the later hours of the night.
They will spend much less in the future.
The Banco Nacional in Limon will pay on the presentation of the Railway Invoice and according to the weight of the copra shipped and stated on the Invoice.
FOR SALE FOR SALE Ship the COPRA direct to Alajuela manifested to the FOUR APARTMENT HOUSE JABONERA NACIONAL, huilt of lumber and roofed which Zinc, 24 feet in length by equal width. Spacious kitehen, sanitary bathroon and ALAJUELA toitet.
SITUATE IN JAMAICA TOWN, 200 METROS FROM You can either collect at the Banco Nacional in Limon or at the RAILWAY TRACK, NORTH OF ST. MARK RECTORY.
Jabonera Nacional, in San Jose.
ALSO TWO LOTS OF LAND The empty sacks will be returned three days after the arrival at Cieneguita, not far from the Bridge.
of the Copra in Alajuela.
Apply Charles Daley, Contractor and For further information enquire of the Banco Nacional in LiBuilder or address Box 444, mon or the Jabonera Nacional in San Jose.
LIMON COPRA. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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