
CIUDAD DE LIMON Colonel Francis Hom, is a true son of the Ar! Staff Conferense, held in Lon Una nueva creación, linipia, confortable y con servicio the newly appointed territorie Both his parents became don, England, in the year sin competencia CAPE. SERVICIO LA CARTA. REFRESCOS Commander of the Sa vatic Lers in Canada as far back T937. He there met mary of COMIDAS Army in Central America a 1885, and did much to es The officers who are now wo El Café CASINO es algo nuevo en el Puerto West Indies, will be olish the work of the Army king under his comand, inclu corded a sing Welcome athat Dominion in its Pionier ding his Chief Secretary, It new creation in the line of wholesome meals, coffee and in the Army Hall in this ci ays. He graduated from the Col George Robinson. refreshing beverages. genuinely clean and sanitar place ty, on the night of Tuesday aining College in 1910, and The Colonel eldest son a.
in which to dine along with your friends he 24th. instant, at 30 reafter held a serie of fiolso one son in low are serv o clock.
appointments. He was aping in the Royal Canadian Na SERVICE UNPARALLELED Colonel Ham was born in ed a delegate to The Iny, while another son in lov Nacwawa Manitoba, Canada, CHINO ALVARADO, Proprietor al Young People with the Canadian Army Italy, and serving as an Aux iary Supervisor with the Ca sity, on th night of Tuesdaders a hearty and sncere nadian Salvation Army We he 24th, instant come to the Col. and Mrs.
San José. CRU Servides. While stationed at Ham and also to Adjutant APDO. NO 1779 TEL. 6128 Monoton in 1917, the Coon The ATLANTIC VOICE te Fisher of Panama cont of the terrible disaste OFFER FOR SALE, IT WIOLESALE LOTS, Halifox, and immediately REGULAR STOCK OF THE ROLLOWING placed himself at the dispo al of the city authorities. He MATARAL, was the first. Salvation ALKALINE TABLETS.
Army Relief Worker arrive on the scene ofter the MU EN OL explosion. He served in seve FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC.
al capacities and had charge Agents: of the fuel distribution for the Moore KUBANOLA HERB TEA, FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANT peralyzed city. He was ap SMYTH COMPANY POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings. Limon nointed Field Secretary for and Vanila he Army in Canada in 1937 nd promoted to the rank of Port Limon and San José Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women, all colonel in 1943. His Ecuarian products.
Id Costa Rica include Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags, appointments large as ortment. of the most importan Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches, nice de gris, Corps Commands in the Do gold filled von, among them were Mo Native coffee wood souvenirs fine assortment of designs Rafael Tuck Sons universally known christmas treet 100, St. James Win ing cards (British manufacture. todon, Pétersboroug The beautiful moon lit comet. It was preluded by Fine Assortment of po cards. American manufacture) od the Toronto Temple. Hi Large assortment of La Valliere Tollét articles includ.
of rointments covered night of Monday the a song of welcome by the reykol Lotions and other fine perfumes, face creams, rim with the Training Collinstant was a great incontive Chorus Troupe. The Misses todthpastes, bowders, etc. eto, Gator Roach hives and other insecticides for ants roaches Divisional Common for the spienuid aud. ence in Daphney Blackman, Cecilia and mosquitos. Tast appointment attendance at the Overture Blair, Minott, Delrita vis o 3a Commander was of the St. Martha Sewing Hunter and Master Glen Why contract MALARIA?
fo, Where the ser Club held in the Hall of the Babb contributed recitae our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and avoid mos.
deals with marked dayschoo. of the Catholic tions. ss Aura Reid spiquitos introducing walaria Into your SYSTEM.
Parish. His Lordship the Vicily rang Am the one?
Major Thos. Lynch he car Apealblic, Monseñor The dialogue Shrew was Send us your orders immediately.
Cormand of the Juan Caun hl graced the brimful of humour with ex ends occasion. The Rev. Fr. Hu s Maria Reid starring as For your importations of any and every kind of mer chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products. Cong to the gen bert was kept busy with the Mrs. John and Mr. Joe Cuza CONSULT US the Coloptage arrangements ah as her very inactive husbın!
nel in th Atin Hol, in this other important features of After he had spilled the tea the entertainment. It is Budall over her table cloth, in amild expression to say the fit of trimper, the discharg decorative effects of the ed him from the homestead, AND ATTACKED platform stirred prolific at then, immediately after date the 19th. once powerful. nels, covered col van were Masters Glen hundreds of airplanes from big naval base of Yokaohu with a background striped associates were the Misses the American fleet are atta ka, 50 kilometi south With the same colourful des Morthe Charles, Larice cking the remnants of a Tokyo.
ign, bespeak the artiste Brown, Juanita Hawkins and This medium is adopted to accomplishment of Herma Mr. Everett Brooks as the DO YOUR SHOPPING AT advise the general pub. ic Do Pedro of the Cathedral. professor who called at the that the Progressive EnThe principal ature of Fam y residence.
glish Language School, the programme was a musi The main show commandwhich is operated in the Kin cal play entitled To page 10 gdom Hall in this city, under the directorship of Mr. Jos.
DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS TIES, Eta Al Thomas Up Yeoper, NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO PLEASE lidays, on Monday the 30th after the Mid Summer HoAND RESTAURANT YOU of the present month.
UN FIFTH AVENUE Both former scholars OFFERS: well as new ones are assurThe Cradle of Contfort and first Class Crvice to its patrons.
ed a hearty welcome and LIMON the continuance of efficient NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
and sincere services.
OVERTURE BY ST. MARTHA SEWING CLUB on REMNANTS OF JAPAN FLEET DISCOVERED PROGRESSIVE miration. The revolving side brooded over him. The chil tant Guam amounces the which they are the SCHOOL WILL REOPEN oursBlue, white and red, Rakib Berita Taalde the ON 30TH. INST.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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