
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 21st, July 1945 Rápido alivio del IDA MAUD LOZANNE SMITH REUMATISMO ol EDMUND BINNS para los Píldoras RINONES nanas at present available this area is limited, trese si not Gone but not forgotten enough to keep two companies alive. It is therefore, wise to adhere to the present company, for it is very possible, if the who died on July 14th. 1943.
other succeed, you might fare a great deal worse, If there were Onee upon a time we could hear her sing another Jesus lover of my soul, let me to thy bosom fly But her sweet smiles and loving voice Regarding Mr. Britton stupid Are seen and heard no more, where shines the star.
Precious is the spot where lies our darling wife and mother assertion that eighty per cent of last year bananas was lost to Thomas Smith widower. Nelly, Daisy, the planters, may we remind you Los dolores sordos panzantes Auny daughters. Algernon, Winfield, that our company spent over del reumatismo son una advertencia: Arthur, Allan sons. two millions colone in bananas revelan que ciertos órganos vitales no cumplen en debida forma su during that period it is true that tarea Los dolores en las coyuntuduring the month of January nas y maculos se deben a la formación de afilador y microscópicos February and March of this year cristales de ácido arico, que no hau we had difficulty in obtaining sido eliminados del organismo.
Los riñones deberían eliminate de the proper ships, due to existing la sangre este exceso de ácido úrico impurezas y venenos. Sus rinones In Unfading Memory demás impurezas y venenos. He volverán a la normaldad. La war conditions. am sure that aqni por qué, asted, al sentir las inflamación e hinchazón de las OF OUR BELOVED HUSBAND AND FATHER during these three months primeras punxadas reumáticas, debe coyunturas disminuirán, como procurar que sus riñones vueltan a los dolores. Las Articulaciones eighty per cent of the bananas funcionar en forma rigidas recuperarán su agilidad.
Los niñones reanudarán sus areas, could not have been lost to the Las Pildors De Witt se elaboran especialmente para que obren sobre eliminando las impurezas de la planters as inconsistently stated los riñones débiles e inactivos. Des sangre y expulsándolas del orWHO DIED ON JULY 20th. 1944 by Britton.
congestionan, estimulan y fortalecen ganismo, mediante el maravilloso estos órganos. Dentro de las 24 mecanismo de la naturaleza Every planter in this Zone horas de haber tomado la primera He aqui por qué un tratamiento One year ago he left us dosis la orina se tornará azulada. con las pudoras De Wittes tan knows that fostered the birth Esto demuestra que el excelente conveniente para el alivio del renA vacancy which never can be filled of the Atlantic Banana Growers antiséptico que contienen las Pildoras De Witt empezó a eliminar las fuente del mal: los riñones.
We know he in the Father care Association, but do not approve of people, actively interested in And hope to meet him in the end banana purchasing, holding the throttle of this organization and WP Isabel and Children arranging matters to suit them Especialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Dolores en las Coyunturas y Trastornos de los riones selves. He would like to sit at the head of this body of people REMINDER ness, for the first time in their and dictate to them how when From poge existence, in association with and why they should act and to uin the banana business. It is, the Fraser Company, but this whom they should sell their ba An organ in very good playing condition. Suitable for however, needless to quote that writer has been assured by Mr. nanas. HITLER and his kind Church or home.
through the staunch support of Hernan Salas, the Manager of passed out when Berlin fell, and nearly all the banana planters the above company, that they the duty of us all is to see that this region, we were able to again have not the slightest interest he and they shall never Apply to the Editor of this Weekly Room No. in front continue in business and be with in bananas on the Lines. Their rise the Cathedral, Limon.
you until now entire activities will be devoted Mr. Britton, having been dis. guarantee you weekly cut.
to bananas from the Colorado tings for your bananas, and will OVERTURE charged from the employ of our na Willis acted the leading Bar area always maintain Company, we observe he is now a fair price. From page role as Mother Earth. Miss In regard to competition, we You stick to me and will sticked commendatory working for the LIMON TRAD.
al agree that it is in many expres Auria Reid sang intermedia ING COMPANY This Company to you fields of business decided sions on every hand. The tely.
broke into the banana busi.
asset; but as the quantity of basetting included the lasses The gem and pearl of the CHANDLER EHRMAN Juanita Hawkins, Violet night melodies were earved NOTE. THE ATLANTIC VOL Blackman, May Pate, Ade and Jim Campbell, Mrs. Ju Wright, Maria Reid, Nalda by Master Bernard Isaacs For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele further correspondence on CE is not disposed to entertain lina Campbell and Lena de dith Hart presided at the pia this The People Tailor subject Bossart. Their stage gestu no and also progressively res, singing and personifica played a duet along with tions represented a praise her cousin, the little Miss Ca worthy effulgence. The pot. therine Delpratt.
antates were emotionaly per We heartily congratulate sonified by Mesars. Joe Cuze Mesdames Teserina Reid and Bernard Isaacs, Everett and Babb and Miss Reid, Terence Brooks, Glen Baby who effected the preparaand George Nelson. Miss Eie tory features, DeWitt FOR SALE FOR SALE GOING AT REASONABLE PRICE Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele The Pecple Tailor The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao 13 CANTINA BATAAN RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER CORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are the important topics of the Day.
We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI STAR sited The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with the purest of foreign and native Drink.
OUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD Remember you are cordially invited LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE Proprietors des OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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