
SATURDAY, 21st July 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Pagiria 11 19 Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FR Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER VERY INTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH DON ALFREDO SOLE Our much appreciated citite accommodations for the zen, who occupies the impor workmen and others. The pa tont position of Vice President noramo increased its interest of our Municipal Council, was when Almirante was recched among those who visited Almi and its well laid out American raate, a fortnight ogo, as colony observed.
guests of the Management of Treating on the special pur the Almirante Division of the pose for which the distinguish United Fruit Company, ed number of Limonenses we We were afforded the plea re invited, dop Alfredo said sure, a few days ago, of an the new Community House interview with don Alfredo, which was inauguraed, repre when we received much food sents o wonderful architectu for serious thought He told val work with its very conve us, inter alia, that he and his nient and tasteful interior fur fomily took the Saturday mornishings. He assured us of the ning airplane for Sixaola, superb hospitality of the peo!
and on oriving at the regular ple, and of their entire party 10 transportation point betweeen being embracingly treated there and Almirante, found specially by the courtesies ex, that the accustomed conveyan tended by Mr. Royce Helcome.
ce had already departed. the Assistant Manager, Mr.
They, however, experienced no Ralph Myrick, the Company inconvenience as a special ser Wharf Agent, and don Estevice was promptly accorded ban Lopez, the Captain of the them a means which permit Port. We yearn for they day ted their having an interest when the grond opportunity ing sight seeing trip. They we will be ours to reciprocate the re greatly impressed with all marvellous fraternity extended they sow along the entire rou by these splendid friends ofl.
te; but more so with the Shan our neighbouring and friend eartfelt greetings from me ed at the points visited. ned were Messrs. Philip Brown guinola bridge, which repre ly Republic of Ponomo, con former Limonenses, now det og those srses mentirand Frank Abel.
sents a splendid engineering cluded Sr. Sole accomplishment, as also with tis our understanding that the Base Line Farm, with its don Alfredo characteristie THE BIG THREE CONFER IN POSTDAM OSE ACHIONG NG.
well constructed buildings, fit) goodwill to all whom he con ted with ample and appropria Itacted, brought him genuine A: the hour of five in the present certain Comerciante detallista afternoon of Tu ay of the sals on their bear during LICORES, ABARROTES CRISwel in the much the progress or LOT ITALERIA, MATERIALES DE WEEKLY SAILINGS ta ked about Conferenet het rence.
From LIMON to CAHUITA OLD HAR Premier Chur hillund BOUR COLORADO BAR. PANAMA shal Stalin was inaugurated NOTICE in the late Kaiser palace ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT in Potsdam, Germany. PreFor particulars, see or communicate with Address all your Engineer sident Truman presided over Para todos sus trabajos de ing Requiremnts to ingeniería dirijase a BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents the session.
There is a rumour current ROIG Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor, of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE that Marshal Stalin will not AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON.
agree to go to war aganist Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos the Japanese, but is likely to PO BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 MEMBER WE PAY. THE BEST PRICES ween FLASH!
RUBBER. RUBBER HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY will buy all your Rubber at thevery fat price of Ali members of the Ancient and Illustrious Order of the Star of Bethlehem, residing in this Republic of Costa Rica, are con dially invited to attend a special meeting to be held at the office of the writer, Room No. directly in front of Roman Catholie Church in this city, commencing at eight o clock on the nigba of Monday the 23rd, instant. special communication has been received in their interest.
178. 00 For Each Quintal At Limon in The Caribbean Packing Company Building: In their Commissaries at Guap iles. Siquirres. Vesta and CERVEZA PABST POR CAJA DE DONDE?
The Price will be 173. 00 Per Quintal SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW FRENTE UNIDAD SANITARIA CIUDAD DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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