
ERNE e 1945 Página ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 28th. July 1945.
LETTER WRITTEN BY POLISH SOLDIER TO HIS PARENTS es osibilidades lo impuestos propietarios ss en el barria own Acuerda 11 osmino lo UNDÓS plads en todo stos de et con el mare detalle y un con importar RECTIFICATION JOHNNY STEELE ORCHESTRA entreabs cotit pris mercancia Especifique la MRS. CAROLINE BAILEY SUCCUMBS TO PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, Flom a recent issue of the 3 let pošiant afraid of brotherhood when he should and Couriero de enll the following and nor worry about enie realisis in telugu San José, frimatter written by a Polish myself an ghung and write The battle against the German APDO. NO 1779 eller to his parents before bein: for my sleals and believe that Golly one part of the battle agains TEL. 6128 rabitur NOT Counded in Germany Marc help me. My deal is that ali per Pages deste among peool and all OFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, 30th. He died on the 6th Aprile are imividuatics and should be wil in the mids and hearts of men, REGULAR STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING He was a paratrooper and had just as such, regardless of their if we do not win this part of on the castern bank of the Rhi igin, understanding of Cod and the battle the whole struggle will MATARAL, To secure six bridges. lle fleppearance. That is my faith, ideal lost for centuries. In this part of ALKALINE TABLETS.
De German invasion of his native and religion, and the goal of my li Tie battle weare fighting so that the Lan, reached. Californ a where he to do whatever can to spreadse of us who believe in what belie MU EN OL nuere horas a university course and thercatat faith among people, so that fic, may live according to their ideas FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC.
ter entered the armed service of the rally everybody nay recognize that and try to spread them among men.
United States of America truth and write as citizens of the believe in quality of men before Moore KUBANOLA world and live together in friend Cod and that brothernood and good HERB TEA FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANT THE LETTER hip, so that the ideals of peace on will toward all men must triumpi POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon and Vanilla My beloved parents earth, goodwill toward eve yone the world Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women, id watched over us and belie Ecuagorian products lie always will believe that Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags, Here are your up to the minuthe musicians large as ortmart de tundi wlistever. He dies is for the best de exhain even if at the moment wo do notreali The Johnny Steele Orchestra Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches nice designs, gold filled.
en los Estat We had many proofs along on Our Orchestra has cancelled its contract with the pro Native coffee wood souvenirs, fine assortment of designs.
tos de Sonoral that, wit seemed hov for us prietors of the Limon Municipal Bath House and our up toRafael Tiek cons universally known christmas greet y alrededorts!
the moment, always came out for the minute services are now at the disposal of the general ing cards (British manufacture. public. As a means of augmenting our efficiency, we have Fine Assortment of po cards. American manufacture)
cu sood.
imported, at a cost of approximately one thousand colones, Large assment of La Valliere Toilet articles includ.
Whatever might happen, believe it a new drum outfit and fifteen new orchestra arrangements. Icykol Litions and other fine perfumes, face crenins, y dueto be toothpastes powder, etc. ete.
For real Dance music secure the Gator Rote hives and other insecticides for ants roaches eo aérto and mosquitos Why contract MALARIA?
LIMON By an unfortunate inalte y derechas ue our famous invito spirals, burn these and avoid mos.
quitos introducing malaria into your SYSTEM vertence in the setting of de entrada in cur material for the artic: Send us your orders immediately.
in our last week imoras taje que tá sion, entitied very ir For your importations of any and every kind of mer der the LINGERING ILLNESS detallist le teresting interview with don chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products, Alfredo Sole. the mame CONSULT US should have read Alfonso Time, with his seythe. ducted at the St.
ENZI. ER Mark Sole instead of Alfredin has further weeded the rank Church and grave by Mr Sole. Hshorld also have of our citizens of pienees Daysley. the Catechist been described as the ex ing days by the passing Her irreparable loss is moar FERS Mrs. Carr Jine Forbes de yee President of the Limon ned by her widower, ty Municipal Council. We ver Bailey, a native of the Pr daughters the Misses Daisy This serves as a muu Proximo rish of Manchester in the and Lena; her son, Erie in to remind the menibera much regret the errors The delegates of the diffe TAILORING ed beyond he Tide on the the Republic of Panama: a the Atlantis Barana Grore.
AND rent districts are specially teenth day of the month small grandson and severa sociation of the meetin requested to attend, as mat HED ters of it ajor imporance her lingering illness with birth. To these bereavel Tuesday the 8tb.
GREETINGS August wait attention exemplified christian piety, ches the stantie Voice ten The deceased was posses ders its profound condolen Our widely known relised of a very amiabie chore. May the soul of our.
NEW SARLEM CANTINA gious and social worke Mrs. Am. Kenton of the racter an! charitable heart te fellow eitizen find peare Vhenever the necessity ar business house Success perpetual AND RESTAURANT was privileged to enjoy and se she willingly rendered ma building terial assistance to her for SOLIED AERO NAVAL U, Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE ther birth anniversary the true Pew creatures. The concour (VIENE de la pàgina SIETE. OFFERS: Tuesday, the 24th. instant se of mounhers and sympath the hydroplane base of Kusumoto, The Cradle of Contfort and first Class service to its patrons.
She was the recipient sers at her obsequies ve aerodrome at Sh onomisaki ani showering greetings from evidence of the wide esteemther objectives, in the southwestern NO ADULTERATION THE PUREST IN FOREIGN AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
her host of friends and gene and admiration she had earnegion of the same Island, also sa ral well wishers. The Ata tic Voice adas its ed. She was of the Anglisered avily from a bembardment quoti Sess in the coastal area west of According to a Washington advi and wishes that her futuran Faith, and on the day was nitsa Formosa the Japanese have intimated their following that of her death communication by General Mae be a long and prospero The japanese are reported retirmg nadiness to quit the struggle, but time.
che funeral services were e Arther states that more than three reir troops from Manchuria, Korca desire an amc oration of the peace lunderd bombing planes operating and Formosa terms om bases in Okinawa, seriously Limayed the port of Shanghai and ka nenber of Cremy ships. For CAFEE CASINO Plive enemy places were also des Situado frente a de la Peña Cia.
Cayed in the same vicin ty CIUDAD DE LIMON Chinese crees are reported to have Una nueva creación limpia, confortable y con servicio Imost completed the isolation of the sin competencia CAFE. SERVICIO LA CARTA. REFRESCOS toportant position of Kwelin in the COMIDAS Agents: Anar vicinity of the former North El Café CASINO es algo nuevo en el Puerto Mer enn wirbase of Yangse. Other SMYTH COMPANY Chinese troops lave launched an new creation in the line of wholesome meals, coffee and attack to the south of the River refreshing beverages. genuinely clean and sanitary place Port Limon and San José Yangtze in order to protect the in which to dine along with your friends vclable stretch of territory by which Tokyo communicates with SERVICE UNPARALLELED Korea and Honkong. Fighting of im CHINO ALVARADO, Proprietor.
bitense character is believed in pra APPROACHING SESSION OF BANANA GROWERS ASSOCIATION SINCERE BIRTHDAY course, after having borne relatives in the land of heated for the evening 0 ITISH OFFICE WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON nel.
REPUBLIC OF PANAMA 20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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