
NA DA SE ATLANTIC VOICE CLEMENT ATTLEE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Kindness is preserved by a constant reciprocation of benefits or interchange of pleasure; but such benefits can only be bestowed as others are capable to receive, and such pleasEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 ures imparted as others are qualified to enjoy.
YEAR LIMON, JULY, 28th. 1945 NO 476 THE GENERAL ELECTIONS IN BRITAIN INTENSIFIED PRODUCTION ONLY CURE FOR SPECULATION As this paper goes to rals: 2, 069, 000: Indepenpress, it is apparent that dents: 398, 450; Nationals Speculation is rife. From all parts we hear the Labour Party scored a 140, 221; Commonwealthe cry of the large majority of the working decisive victory over the th: 107, 547: Communists classes against the traders whose unscrupuConservative Party. At 10 74, 540; Independent Li lous actions compel them to procure most of o clock in the morning of berals: 46, 679. Although their items of every day necessity at well nigh. Thursday, July 26, The there can be no doub profiteering prices or, at least, much beyond Labour Combine hed obthat the next British Go those fixed by the Competent Authority.
tained 390 segts in the vernment will be formed There was the case, somewhat recently, of new House of Commons, by the Lobour Party, head Dulce when the price of a head soared to while the Conservative ed by Clement Antlee and more than two colones. Rice and Sugar are Combine held 190. The Ernest Bevin, the general the items most affected at the present time.
Liberal Party, whose potrend of the vote indicar Necessity has no regard for well established litical policies were simi tes that there will be al principles customs; so when the stomach lar to those of the Con strong opposition in the is empty, and there is a marked scarcity of the servatives, lost a number famous insurance sche House of Commons, and needed article of food, it will be purchased, of seats. Sir Archibald me.
that for this reason the whatever the inflated price may be. The unsSinclair, the leader of the At the above given debates will be salutary crupulous trader, consequently, seizes the party and former Minis time the voting by num for the British Nation as opportunity to add to their gains, regardless ter for Air, was defeated, bers was as follows: Lor a whole as it faces the of the heavier burden he places on his less as also Sir William Beve bour: 10. 843, 228; Conser vast problems of the post fortunate fellow creatures.
ridge, the author of the valives: 8, 004, 615; Libe war period.
The Competent Authorities endeavour to SCHOOG0. 00 00 00 000000000 0000 es control the situation, but they will never comALLIED AERONAVAL OFFENSIVE CONTINUE TO pletely succeed. In our opinion the only measu re which will effectively destroy the malevoEFFECTIVELY DESTROY JAPAN lent germ is an intensification of our agricul.
tural activities. a greater production of the The combined North American creny ships and 596 of their airpla poed, we are told, the heaviest losses things we need for our daily consumption and British fleets continue their pres. They have also laid in ruins a vet effected in a single act. The more abundant an article the lower the eiective destruction of Japan an: large number of military and indus thousand Nort price will fall.
Japanese interests in which they are trial centers.
American planes also raided the im An experiment was made, we have been being outstandingly aided by power portant naval base of Kure in the reliably informed, with the cultivation of Rice ful earial suations. During itectThe at tack launched last Monday land of Honshu, 650 kilometers days of their intensified activities, apainst the big naval base of Yok south of Tokyo, and left it in ruins in this Zone. Cultivation was conducted on a they are said to have destroyed 791 suka in the Bay of Tokyo, produc(PASA a la página OCHO) quarter of an acre of land at Sandoval in the district of Zent, and notwithstanding the depredatory actions of birds, a harvest of twelve EARN MORE MONEY: quintals was reaped. This certainly proves that if the cultivation of Rice be scientifically unLA JABONERA NACIONAL, dertaken, and a threshing plant established within easy reach of the growers, instead of will buy all the our experiencing such frequent shortages, there would be regular and sufficient supply for all. This also holds good for other items of feod.
More than two COPRA Notice To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
or dried Cocoanut pulp that you can produce at 70. 00 PER QUINTAL PLACED IN ALAJUELA The Banco Nacional in Limon will pay on the presentation of the Railway Invoice and according to the weight of the copra shipped and stated on the Invoice.
Ship the COPRA direct to Alajuela manifested to the JABONERA NACIONAL, ALAJUELA You can either collect at the Banco Nacional in Limon or at the Jabonera Nacional, in San Jose, The empty sacks will be returned three days after the arrival of the Copra in Alajuela.
For further information enquire of the Banco Nacional in Limon or the Jabonera Nacional in San Jose.
Our Prices for the following Products ar CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred 28. 00 Colones HULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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