
1960 Page 10 WITVIC ATLANTIC 2YLOEDVX 58p 12 SATURDAY, 28th. July 1945.
VOICE AMONG THE SICK ALEXANDER GOULDBOURNE THEIR FIRST MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY WITH THE METHODISTS LOS DOLORES DE CINTURA Mr July 24th. 1942 July 24th. 1945 John Stoote our widely DESAPARECEN Snow, towns and lead of the YET FRESH IN MEMORY Jehnny Steele Orchestrais cuando los riñones vuelver In fond memory of our beloved husband and father regret to mention, suiflring front a la normalidad Tralth. He was admitted to the Si usted padece frecuentes dolores local hospital on Monday the week de cintura es muy probable que as riñones no funcionan bien, is course. We wish him aspeely Entre los drganos más tareados WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY 24th, 1942 recovery del organismo, están los nitiones Actúan como filtros, encargados de Another year marks the passing of one; climinar de la sangre Sadly we ment on the receipt of las impurezas y vene loving one we ll never forget, the information that Mrs. George, nos. Los rinones de biles e inactivos no His memory we will ever treasure the mother of our esteemed shoemaker pueden realizar esta taras And mourn his loss while life lasts. Richard George, lies seriousl en debida forma. Mientras no sean activados usted no podrà it in the city of Panama lit is our sin aliviar sus dolores sordos o agudos.
Ethel and Vicent Gouldbourne He aqui por que las Pidoras ccre hope that the life of Mrs. Geos De Witt para los Riñones y la ge will not give way, while hier son Vejiga son elaboradas especial mente para que obren directa50 iar away, and at this time a! mente sobre los ritiones. Por Hindispesed este motivo alivian los dolores de cinturn desde las primeras dosis Dentro de las 24 On the 22nd Ju y 1944 of marriage. Time brought horas de haber empezado a cozy nes was prepared for them their first anniversary tomarlas, la orina se tornar azulada. Esto demuestra que el ex un notable antiséptico libra los riñotwo of our young and last Sundy. Don Enrique celente antiséptico que contienen las nes de las impurezas y venenos que tinguished citizens, don En eft our city the Pildoras De Witt ejerce sa acción en Jos obstruyen. Pronto los riñones previou la propia raíz del mal: en los riñones. vuelven a la normalidad. Los yerique Pio of the office cay to jcin his esteemed Methodists and friends are by this Tan pronto como llegan a los riño nenos e impurezas son eliminados de nes los ingredientes medicinales de La sangre. Sus dolores en la cintura Staff of the International wife in the Capital, wher pedium reminded of the Missionary Las Padoras De Witt ejeren su o coyunturas desaparecerán.
Balsa Coir pany, and the ve he had gone a few days ea acción benéfica, aliviando la inflama Si usted padece dolores de cintura Services and Public Meeting slated ción, descongestionando y restable debe tratarlos en forma Combata ry attractive Señorita Dom hier to be held in the city Church on ciendo el buen funcionamiento de directamente la causa verdadera del dichos órganos. Al mismo tiempo, mal, coa les Araya, of the teaching Stad The Atlantic Voice wmulay and the night of Monday, the Rafael Yglesias shes then a sparkling tim August 5th and 6th proximo Sehool of this city. wheas also very many more Messages of much interest will they were joined in the bond years of a happy union.
e gather, he delivered by the Cler and ot ther guest epeakers.
Especialmente recomendadas para Reumatism, Lambec, Dolores en las FROM THE MAIL BOX POSTPONED FRATERNAL MEETING TO TOMORROW FOOT By medium of their own brethren er this side of the TAKE PLACE ON 30TH.
literature, Messrs. Atlantic BALL ENCOUNTER Knorr and Frank of Duc to the inclemency of the weatont, had to be postponed. It is now the Watchtower Bible and During the last fiscal year The Atlantic Voice ext ther, the meet ng fixed for the mem sisted for Monday night, the 30th Tract Society, of Brookly, the Government of Great ends a hearty welcome to the ters of the Ancient and illustions at eight o clock, in room No. New York, have given a gra Britain expended, it is said. San Lorenzo Footballers the Order of Star of Bethlehem for toont of the Cathedral chic revie of their airpla neady 31 500, 000 pounds champion team of the Santte night oi Monday the 23 rd, ins ne flight through Mexico sterling in the execution fo Boco League Fixture of San at Central America the Perious public works in her Joe. These players will, to spring ofthe present year Colonies. which will Lomorrow afternoon. engage spread over a lenghthy pe the Barcelonians in a match CANTINA BATAAN Treating on their visit to riod of years. In keeping dedicated to our much este CORNER 5TH. AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET this Repsolie, Mr. Knorr with the decree issued in emed townsman don Albersure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss warmly expressed his plea 1940 one third of the to Esna.
Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are Bure in the growth of the signed trtal will be utilizColonel Enrique Esquivel, the important topics of the Day.
work he represents as Presi. cd in the West Indies in con the Commander of Police, dent and lauded the faith nection with no less than has very kindly consented The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with fuluess aid liberality of this two hundred and ninety one for the Military Band to gea the purest of foreign and native Drink.
ce the occasion.
OUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD Remember you are cordially invited Píldoras al Tea RINCNES VEJIGA De Witt Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO THE OPENING NIGHT OF THE CASA BLANCA RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao The name Casa Blanca le throwi: open to the pi given to the new Bar an blic last Saturday night.
Restauran of our two young and in a jiffy the private friends. Messrs. Beresfo: and cozy reservations were Duncan and Clarence Mit more than capacity occu chell, had its origin in Nors pied. The proprietors had a Africa. a place which we ripping time dispensing the doubt not will be allotted liquids, while the waiters We are Agents for much prominence in the his experienced a blitz in filry to be associatd with thring the orders of the pa Triumph the Democracie trons. An exceptionally busy over Fascism and Nazismime was also evidenced in the grill department, OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE The name is rather appro The Atlantic Voice hopes priate for the new NITE the effort of all connected and the shiendid setting is with the venture will be worthy of it. The doors wel most successful.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Cosla THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT


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