
SATURDAY, 28th. July 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE Pagina 11 BANANA GROWERS CLAIM 350, 000 DOLLARS INDEMNIFICATION FOR JAMAICA POPULATED BY MORE THAN LOSSES BY ENEMY ACTION MILLION SOULS ומו recent San Jose press three hundred and fifty a Company to suspend the Figures recently release the Island.
release states that a housand dollars, being the purchase and exportatio in connection with the cen This total included. 215 ber of the widely known value they place on the of the fruit.
Sus taken many months ago Indian immigrants. 552 agriculturists of this Zone quantity of bananas the of the popuiation of Jama Chinese 249 natives of Syz have lodged a claim with the were prevented from selling The matter is said to be ca British West Indies, dis ria, as also 660 persons Junta de Custodia, against consequent on the torpedoing receiving the attention of the close there were then who were born in Central the enemy assets controlled of the San Pablo, whirl Executive Authority. 1, 237, 063 souls resident of America ay them for the sum of caused the Costa Rica Bana EXCELLENT HOMAGE TENDERED MRS. BRUCE RUBBER. RUBBER HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY will buy all your Rubber at thevery fat price of It gratifes us exceedingly titled Isabel in the form to leam of the splendid tu of a pasillo, which was com o learn of the splendid homa posed by Colonel Jose Quese ge tendered doña Isabel les, the highly endeared de Bruce, the esteemed wrector of the Military Ban 1e of Mr. R. Bruce, the four city of Limon. widely regarded Press Atta sincerely congratulate th che of the British Legation Colonel for his genius sind by the Mihtary Band of Sam generosity, and also tende Jose, on the night of Friday our thanks to Colonel Robe the 20th. instant.
to Cantilano, the Musica spersally pleasing fen Director General and his mu ture of the Tribute was the sicians for having so worthi inclusion of the selection en jy honoured doña Isabel 178. 00 For Each Quintal At Limon in the Caribbean Packing Company Building: In their Commissaries at Guáp iles. Siquirres. Vesta and Penshurst. The Price will be 173. 00 Per Quintal and CITY WATER SUPPLY PUMPS TO BE Die ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN It has been released that in the necessary apparatus to SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW pursuance of the efforts un enable he pumping system be der way for the improveing electrically operated.
S17 ment of our city water sup We anxiously fook for ply, our Municipal Father ward to the realization of have decided, on the recor this long needed improve lick, Melba Clayton NOTICE Brow mendation of the technicians ment in the circulation sys Lena McKenzie. Mrs. who recently effected a close tem of the precious fluid.
McRae and Miss Susana Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de ob study of the matter to instal Allen presided alternate ing Requirements to ingenjeria dirijase a ut the organ. The characte AMONG THE BAPTISTS ristic eulogy and comments ROIG the Pastor provided added Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos On the evening of Tues. The principal iteni of the casoning to the entertain da the 17th, instant, a ve loral Cantata was the Ganent. BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 ry representative audienolden Guest. The interpreta couk cheers to the youngssion of the narrative was illa Ters of the Junior Christian minatingly portrayed, and Endeavour Society, an auxi Lorought nature marvellou.
liary of the city Baptist work into view by demonsChurch. The renditions we strating thout every plant was re self sufficient to compena part of the Creator sate for whatever sacrifices pan and therefore, had heri might have been effecterlage to the Garden.
by those in attendance. Th: Endeavourers, in a two part The cast of characters in programme, splendidly resuded sorze of the more po onded to the efforts ninent young talent of the their tutors. The Rev. Denomination: the highli Forde, Pastor of the Church ghts were the Misses Ida Be presided Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA Completely renovated. spick and span.
ERNEST CECIL LEWIS has resumed the management.
We offer the most comfortable rooms with tub and shower baths and an unceasing.
DAY AND NIGHT WATER SUPPLY The refreshing sea breeze enhances your stay.
Our Dining Room and Bar Services are without competition REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR HOTEL WHEN IN LIMON ERNEST OECIL LEWIS PROPRIETOR Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER REMEMBEP WE PAY THE BEST PRICES


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