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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 28th. July 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN REVENUE FROM TWO NATIONS, ONE PROVIDENCE AND OPIUM CAUSE PENICILLIN THIS SHADOW MUST PASS re ium IMPASSE IN INDIA From Saigon on June 16th the It would indeed be difficult to Penicillin might have been It is the natural desire o The latest British offer to India sapanese news agency reported uppress a thrill in the reading of thrown away and never dis parents to provide the bes has met with such astonishing costat revenue from opium monopoly the news that the Unitea. States sovered in time to work its for their children. After the diality so far as the prisciple a es constitude the biggest item and British Poets, together for the marvellous cures among the last war thousands of parent concerned from the major Indian of revenue in this year rudgest test time against Japan home fighting men of this war. Pro mode noble sacrifices in ord political groups, that it would be Ay compared with last year esti. and, forming the greatest carrier fessor Alexander Fleming, dis er to give their sons and do a pity indeed were it to break mated revenue from this source triking force ever astmaled in coverer of the drug, told of ughters better education, in down because of the old Indian nas risen from to 65 milion pias the history of the world, have com this when he preached the proved housing and a highe religious problem. And yetsomethbired to hurt 1, 500 planes at the Hospital Sunday sermon at standard of living ing very like that appears likely To abrolve the Japanese autho okyo area. The meng. and the Savoy Chapel Royolin Each generation hopes to to occur in spite of the real ef ities from responsibility the depth of the thrill gome not So London.
move a step forward on the forts of Fjeld Marshal Wavell, the natter the report noted that the much from the power and might have often thought that generation before. So it Viceroy. to avert it.
budget was drawn up by the for assembled, as from the knowl it was a curious thing that that the mothers and father The crux of the matter les immer Government General of edge that the two great moera. this discovery ever happen. of to day ore hoping to give the fact that the Moslem League, French Indo China, which cea ed es, the United States and Brit ed. he said. Every bacterio will help them to a full and representing those Moslems who to function when ihe Japanese mainpocseas such complete coordi logist has had moulds drop happy life.
fear political domination by the litary took over complete control nation, efficiency and batt unders on to plates by mistake; and sinister shadow, hower Tumerically stronger Hindus, are Indo Chino last March. There tanding, that Japan cannot repel when this happens every bacer, hangs over the children of secking the largest possible repre was no suggestion, however that the impact of their blows teriologist throws them away today. Throughout the ye rentation in the proposed all. par revenue colections from opium saThe admiral in charge is on with suitable language But als of war in Europe it cla ty Executive Council. They are not les would be discontinued. merican, Admiral William Ha nthis case, it happened that med an ugly toll. 7, 148 yo too wely pleased with the plan to Last December it was reported sey, Jr. and under him are the did not throw the plate ung lives destroyed on the allot one third of the seats to them from Saigon that imports of o distinguished British vice ai nirali away at once and so we roads, and thousands more and their co religionistene plum had been reduced and the Sir Bernard Rawling, and Sir got penicillin injured third to the predominantly Hindu, ale price lecreased enormously. Thilip Vian, the skipper of th It is most wonderful This is a matter which af Congress party and one third to The authoritie expressed famous destroyer Cossack. Great thing that a minute spore, no fects the conscience of every the smaller groups. But they are ities from responsability in the British dreadnought bui since one knows from where, drop citizen. These young lines strenou ly resisting the Congress heir determination to suppress the war began, under Halsey com ping on a place where it was must not be wasted. It is the party claim to have one or two smoking although it mand, include the King George not wanted, should have gi duty of each one of us to maof the Moslem seats allotted tould mean. reduction in revel and there are cruisers and destro Yen us this marvellous result, ke some attempt at preven Mo. lems within its own men bers, ue. It was e aimed that oplum yers whose typically English na. It seems as though Providen ting the scandalous slaugh hip. The goal of the Moslem Lea tens had been closed in Tonkin mes rouse hosts of historical me.
ce had been kind in presenter of the roads.
que is partition of India and it und Anrum and that others would mories.
ting us with this substance has fought any attempt at a truly closed in Cochin China and just at a time when it is most national government uintil that Cambodia. Incurable addic:s were The Britih soldier was proud wanted voal can be achieved.
o be rationed to a minimumn and to fight under an America Gene.
SAYINGS Needless to say, this old marrel Iforts made to cure others.
ral Eisenhower, in Europe, and It has already done a good jeopardizes India hopes for spec It was plain, however, that the the British sailor is proud to fight deal to help the wounded sol I, with all My peoples, to dy self government, whicther Government. General was mak. under an American, Admiral Hal. diers, and it is going to do ke pride in the thought that a dominion or as an independenting a virtute of necessity, as before ey, and the people of the British far more as the supply increa it was we who stood alone to state. The British can argae, with the war orly about four ons of Commonwealth of Nations with ses. In the last war there we face the foe in the darkest much justification, that unless Mas opium were produced in indo Chi the people of the United States re many wounded lems and Hindus agree it will be 18 and the rest was imported must rejoice that in the hard, bit. whose wounds remained open the common triumph.
soldiers days, and who now share in necessary either to coerce the for ter days of battle. their fighting for six months or more, Now mer or maintain the status quo Depite denials to the contrary men give an example to the word we hope that if sufficient peH. THE KING which means, in effect, ecercion the Japanese have exploited the of co operation and comradeship nicillin is available, wounds of the latter. The dilemma not ophum moking habit as major such as has never been soen will not become infected at For the hospitality the a pretty one, but it is very real source of revenue in occupied tehi tory before all, or, even if they do, that British offered us, for the dis Lord Wavel effort to resolve it rritories. Last January, for exam augur well for the future, many of them will be well in comforts they endured which have impressed Airerican pe, The Japanese controllet Pekland comfort must come ama side one month observers, are another indication in radio announced recrip! or a nity in the mnowledge that what It will not be very long now they made for the success of our behalf, for the sacrifices of Great Britain sincerity in see. donation of 1, 870, 000, 000 to the these two great nations have been before this stuff is available operations, every American king to assist the progress ot In Army and Navy Aircraft Fund able to achieve so well ando com to all of us civillons as well acquainted with the facts dian autonomy. The chiel contribu Crom the Tientsin Special Municipa pletely in the days of war they las soldiers, but civilians must will always carry for them a tion toward that end, however, lity Donations Committee. Subse. can also accomplish in the rateful wait just a little longer.
warm and graceful place de must come from the Indians them quently a Tientsin broadrast noted years of peace that lie aleat ep within his heart selves. great civil war, od politi that contributions from opium ad co relogious lines, would not only dicts colected by opium dens ha be used in boilers and motor COAL GAS WITHOUT engines, while the richer qua PRINCESS ELIZABETH be a tragic way in which to launch ve not been sent to the Japanese a nation but would have trave reauthorities because they came too lities can be chemically trea MINING percussions in many other parts of Inte. It is understtood that this con ted to produce synthetic sub If the Japanese insist on the world Coke and gas produced at stances.
continuing resistance beyond Tribution has been receive the bottom of the mine be The idea was evolved in the point of reason, their the Donations Committee through fore any coal is dug is o de Britain by William Ramsay, a country will suffer the same BOMBS the Opium Den Guild ON velopment foreseen by mine famous chemist, and develop destruction as Germany. Our owners and mineworkers. ed in Russia os a result of blows will destroy their who survey of Britain coal Lenin enthusiasm.
le modern industrial plontdamaging Big Ben and the other recomiends that gosifica Quoting Mr. Harold Pose, We have no desire or inter The Speaker, at a farewall party exploding in the Roval Court. tion should be introduced. It Sc, a British scientist, the tion to destroy or enslave the at the House of Commons to au naval she which fell in the libra consists of setting fire to the report on Britain Coni de Japanese people, but only su who took part in the defense of of the House of Commons did coal seam to produce coke clares that while convention trender can prevent the kind the Palace of Westminster against not explode. During the war with The resultant gases, mixed al mining methods yield 30 of ruin which they have seen air attacks said that the Houses Germany there were 1, 224 alert with those produced by in per cent of the total coal income to Germany as the ve of Parliament were hit 12 mes by at the Houses of Parliamet cove complete combustinn, are the seam, underground gasifi sult of continued useless rebombs. The building was niso hit ring 2, 198 hours. Casualt:es were drawn to the surface. cation utilises from 80 to 90 sistance.
by twire anti aircraft shells, ne three killed and 15 injured Goses of poorer quality can per cent of the coal PRESIDENT TRUMAN in on by PARLIAMENT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizana del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

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