
ATLANTIC VOICE a were uniferitain he power THE BIG THREE CONCLUDE CONFERENCE tina to this point. To come by the regular Zent AMENDMENT NEEDED TO EXISTING RAIL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM In more than one way, the new railway time table between the cities of Limon and San Jose, Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 as far as the passenger trains are concerned, YEAR LIMON, AUGUST 4th. 1945 NO 477 has earned much favourable comments; but, on the other hand, there are undeniable facts ALLIED. AERO NAVAL ATTACKS IN 21 DAYS COST JAPAN, in proof that the inhabitants of certain districts along the route known as Swamp Mouth and 1, 500 SHIPS ND 1, 300 PLANES as far as Matina, on the main line, are faced The authorities of Japan a number of other cities of discharged 6, 000 tons of in with great setbacks in their movements by rail.
hoving rejected the ultimatum strategic importance. cendiary bombs and high ex From Moin Junction, if need be that any of submitted by Great Britain, By his communique, dated plosives with devastating re those residents are to effect a trip to San Jose North America and China, the 2nd. Admiral Nimitz results.
by the regular passenger train, it will require which accorded them the opported that a force of 8CO su As the result of the devas an early rising with its added punishment of portunity of terminating the perfortress had established a rating attacks launched aga three or four more hours at the first passenger war, the Allied naval and a new record with their attacks inst them during twenty one rial forces initiated on Mon on the cities of Mito. Hochi train stop at Bataan, since there is no means ucces. ve days, the Japane day last what is regarded as oju, Nagaoka y Toyoma, os se are reported to have lost other than the Limon Manila passenger and an onprecedented and final at also centers of war industry 546 ships and 1, 300 pla freight combination, which leaves the railway tack on the Island of Honshu and mes, Admiral Halsey fleet station in this city at five o clock in the mornpetroleum installations at Ka hos also destroyed what was ing The Third North American wasaki near Tokyo, when they (Pasa a la pág. 11) The greatly embarrassing condition is in the Pacific Fleet, reinforced by se case of serious illness of any dweller from Maful. a pest of fire over the ins. IloOH or. tions at Hamamatsu, 216 kiAT POTSDAM the sick cannot reach this city till long after lometers south of Tokyo, whiy It has been Officially re Truman, Marshall Stalin and the closing hour of the Medical and Sanitary le 1, 500 planes, and super leased that the historic Con Premier Attlee came to Department of the Government, as well as the fortresses attacked Tokyo ond ference between President close half an hour before time closing of our doctors in private practice.
midnight on Wednesday, last.
Then the present practice of throwing off EX PREMIER CHURCHILL DECLINES OFFER The results obtained have not been made public up to newspapers, radiograms, letters, telegrams, etc.
OF KNIGHTHOOD this time of writing, but it is as we learn, at the non stop localities, will, we stated that full and comple doubt not, entail much disappointments. We London advice states that ourse of the war. The ex accords have been reached believe, that in the interest of suffering humaat the time Mr. Winston Premier, however, begged on the vital problems of the nity, a two way omnibus service could be es Churchill presented his resig that he be permitted to decli Middle East, the reconstruc tablished between this city as far as Matina, nation to King George VI at ne the offer in view of the tion of Europe and the war Buckingham Palace, His Ma existing circumstances.
in the Far East. In so far as along the passenger route, and with adequate jesty took the opportunity of It is the belief that the mo the Japanese campaign is arrangements to carry correspondence, as well offering to bestow on him tive behind the refusal, is Mr. concerned, it is generally as the milk from Saborio. Whatever drop from the high honour of a Knight Churchill determination to thought that nothing will be the head would surely fall on the shoulder.
of the Order of the Garter continue in the political field released regarding the deci We appeal for a charitable consideration in in recognition of his out the head of the Opposisions of Russia until the premises.
standing services during the tion Party. ime later on.
YOUTH CONFERENCE TO BE HELD EARN MORE MONEY: IN ENGLAND The announcement has, arrival of the invitation, the been effected that a univer Juvenile Organizations of will buy all the sal Youth Conference will be this Republic have, we un held in Engiand from abeutderstand, appointed their the 29th. August to 6th Ser delegates through the me tember of the current year dium of their respective ExeDue to the somewhat latr cutive Committees.
fiscal my muncit CS 0, US el cos Hadien dejal some Romano LA JABONERA NACIONAL, COPRA 19 bit 59 Notice 699 la esc or dried Cocoanut pulp that you can produce at 70. 00 PER QUINTAL PLACED IN ALAJUELA The Banco Nacional in Limon will pay on the presentation of the Railway Invoice and according to the weight of the copra shipped and stated on the Invoice.
Ship the COPRA direct to Alajuela manifested to the JABONERA NACIONAL, ALAJUELA asi To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Our Prices for the following Products ar CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred. 28. 00 Colones HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation GoT RAUL VELAZQUEZ at Manager ctade You can either collect at the Banco Nacional in Limon or at the Jabonera Nacional, in San Jose.
The empty sacks will be returned three days after the arrival of the Copra in Alajuela.
For further information enquire of the Banco Nacional in Limon or the Jabonera Nacional in San Jose Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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