
220 NORTE SATURDAY, 4th. August 1945. Página ATLANTIC VOICE FROM MAIL THE BOX JOHNNY STEELE ORCHESTRA TO MY LOVE IMPORTANT PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, San José, More than seven million fo APDO. NO 1779 Visitors from Limon and other line towns TEL. 6128 reigners are reported to have will not miss their home prepared meals ocen crislaved in Nazi Germa OFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, when in San José by eating and drinking at ny and to have suffered un old misery. Taken from all REGULAR STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING the European territories conMATARAL, RESTAURANT LA GUARIA quered by Hitler, fothers mo ALKALINE TABLETS.
hers and children were sepa cated on arrival in the Reich 100 yds. North Teatro Adela MUL EN OL and put to work like dumb FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC driven cattle. They were par ially starved and often tor Moore KUBANOLA ured HERB TEA FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANT POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon Here are your up to the minuthe musicians and Vanilla Fate played a very regretta Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women, The Johnny Steele Orchestra ble part last Saturday in the Ecuadorian products.
automobile accident which Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags, Our Orchestra has cancelled its contract with the pro prietors of the Liinon Municipal Bath House and our updo. took the life orf Mr. AJ large as ortment.
Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches, nice de igns, the minute services are now at the disposal of the general Dobs a members of the Labour gold filled public. As a means of augmenting our efficiency. We have Party who won a seat in the Native coffee wood souvenirs, fine assortment of designs imported, at a cost of approximately one thousand colones, British Parliament, in the re: Rafael Tuck Sons universally known christmas treet a new drum outfit and fifteen new orchestra arrangemenis.
cent elections. The dejlorable ing cards (British manufacture. Fine Assortment of port cards. American manufacture)
For real Dance music secure the accident occurred at Doncas Large assortment of La Valliere Tollet articles includ.
ter. England ingIykol Lotions and other fine perfumes, face creams.
toothpastes, powders, ete etes According to an anounce Gator Roach hives and other insecticides for ants roaches LIMON ment by the Director General and mosquitos.
of Statistics, Costa Rica had 725. 149 inhabitants on the Why contract MALARIA?
e our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and avoidimos Sist day of December last quitos introducing malaria into your SYSTEM.
Adella dear, oh long to hear of the seven Provinces, Li So much from you again: mon was the least populated, Send us your orders immediately.
Ten years have passed since last you wrote: with a total of only 39, 401, Such silence gives me pain.
while San Jose had the great For your importations of any and every kind of mer The haunting dread you may be dead, est with 235, 590.
chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products, CONSULT US Makes nightmare for my sleep 印空表 bate to eat, and no music sweet France noted exPremier Enough my soul to keep end pro Naxi Pierre Laced in confinement in theder, heroe of the war in the know you don t, and know you won Yal, is stated to have reached Freznes prison Mediterranean, has beet: nam Attempt my heart to wound Paris from Spain, via Austria ed Governor General of Co You love me truly and this you prove.
lest Wednesdav He was ola Marshal Sir Harold Alexan nada in succession to the To all our friends around.
Earl of Athlone. wonder how you re living now, was stumped by the wirkt keeper Do you enjoy life more?
with four to his credit, Clarke dream guess you tell me yes, Situado frente a de la Peña Cia.
You re happier than before.
CIUDAD DE LIMON vas bowled by Smith before tco.
The heinous war in lands afar Una nueva creation, impla, contortable y con servicio ring. Maitland was the not out sin competencia Quadruples hardships here, batsman with three run Extras ga CAFE. SERVICIO LA CARTA REFRESCOS But though its se, there one thing true, ve Total for the intins. 57 COMIDAS.
We re better here than there. Juan and Bern spened El Café CASINO es algo nuevo en el Puerto So write in haste, there no time to waste for the visitors. At nin. Juan was And let me daily smile his new creation in the line of wholesome meals, coffee and bow. ed by Clarke. With To know you love me still and will refreshing beverages. genuinely clean and sanitary place core at two, Bernard was taken Pray for me all the while.
in which to dine along with your friends y Mathews off Clark On earu.
Adella dear, Oh long to hear ing three runs, Morgan fell to en once again from you SERVICE UNPARALLELED Money For LBW and coreRemember this, all our earthly bliss ters, Carrol was dismissed to Depends on how we re true, CHINO ALVARADO, Proprietor Clarke For Yo the wikets of Hop. Howlett, Parte fell to Manley, wh. Was Do re ponebe for th: dismissal For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele nessed on the Bataan Oval An interesting match wus with Facto, after earning three runs. Faclo for two. Caught by on With ony two to his credit. Hall off Manex. Snitt was The Pecple Tailor the 20th ultimo between the Ba. Watson was bewled by Facio dismisses for D. Dixon was tan crickets and those ti the who also bou led und eht bowled by Clarke for Oriet. At the Enterpri e Club of Germanis aham for one run. her rallell of time Francis and Howell Toward the end of the gume of run out before serius riding were at the wiektets the latter nings became thriling with the bree uns Biathew was laying nire runs to his credit risitor having a score of 53 runs auxht by Faclo: Sm now. The total runs there earned by the ro two men still to bar, ile the cxisinach for two. Manley cam being fifty one.
home ters had all beza cismissed for 57 runs. The match drwn WANTED VERY URGENTLY Agents: a consequence of new of Line Wanted for immediate purchase SMYTH COMPANY The tose was won by ne homes.
crs, and Captain Nasmyth. ope Port Limon and San José ed his inning with A, Martin must be in good playing condition and sound and Clarke, former www bow wood work.
Costa Rica Iny by Smith for six and the Address. Post Office Box 199 Limon or in Iatter for 10 by the same bowler person at Room in front the Cathedral Ya mith was dismissed to CAFE CASINO CRICKET AT BATAAN WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON REPUBLIC OF PANAMA AN ORGAN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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