
SA Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 4th. August 1945.
PERSONAL BRIEFS Rápido alivio del Perhe Kreet opinion RICARDO FELIPE CLARKE REUMATISMO her im service Cross might tical in operate Tarado te his him the Jance nise his ow twelve localho dical menta REBECCA WILLIAMS Add in CH Píldoras DeWit us VEJIGA ceatly RATHER COLD TREATMENT WITH THE METHODISTS IN REMEMBRANCE Our little friend. Marie Chris Tomorrow, Sunday, August 5th, will bring topher We ton is. We reito us that sad scene of one year ago, when the Angeles mention on the sick rol Heun.
took into their company our darling infant derwent, it is said a mau curgical treatment in the local 10 pital week ago. We are glad to Enow August 5th 1944)
els progressing favorably You were a sweet flower that blooms and fades, Miss Zamorine Lucis, student With your fragrance free of all impurity.
of the Nurse Training Departat We knew you were welcomed, poor innocent babe, mert of the San Juage Dios In the sacred realm of the Blest.
Ho pital, returned to the Copita!
Los dolores sordos punzantes Parents, Grand Parents, Relatives.
ty last Monday appassenger trafn del reumatismo son una advertencia after spending the midsummer va revelas que ciertos órganos vitales (Clarke. Baker Families Do cumplen en debida forma su cation with her paren and area. Los dolores en las coyunturas y músculos se deben la forMrs. Washington Lucas, her presen mación de aslados y microscópicos ce was pleasingly welcorced cristales de ácido árico, que no han sido eliminados del organismo.
Delightfully we chock hands Los riñones deberian climinar de la sangre este exceso de ácido úrico impurezas y venenos. Sus riñone IN with our much esteeme. young MEMORY (y demás impurezas y venenos. He volverán a la normaldad. Limonenses, the Mises Elba Araaqui por que, usted, al sentir las inflamación e hinchazón de la In loving memory of dear Mother gon and Emilina Hilarion primeras punzadas reumáticas, debe coyunturas disminuirán, como a and procurar que sus rinones vuelvan a los dolores. Las articulacione!
Master Guillermo Sinclair on Mon funcionar en forma rígidas recuperarán su agilidad Las Pildoras De Witt se elaboran Los riñones reanudarán sus tareas day morning of the weesh cour.
especialmente para que obren sobre eliminando las impurezas de se Concluding the los riñones débiles e inactivos. Des sangre expulsándolas del or ini sunmer who left us on August 7th, 1943 congestionan, estimulan y fortalecen ganismo, mediante el maravillos Vacation with their parents, relaestos órganos. Dentro de las 24 mecanismo de la naturaleza horas de haber tomado la primera He aqui por qué un tratamient for the touch of a vanished hand, tives and friends, they left for dosis la orina se tornar azulada con las pildoras De Witt esta And the sound of a voice that still, San Jose to continue tn Esto demuestra que el excelente conveniente para el alivio del ten respec.
antiséptico que contienen las Pildo matismo Van directamente But though your smile is forever gone, tive aducational career. We wish ras De Witt empezó a eliminar las fuente del mal: los ribones.
And your voice we no longer hear, them continued success We ll never lose sweet memories Our thanks sincere, to NES Major Of the one we loved so dear.
Lynch for having preted during the afternoon of last SaEspecialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Dolores e Husband and Iris turday, to the very welcomed Coyunturas y Trastornos de los riñones Florence and Beryl (adopted daughters young ladies, the Misss Mercedes for their angelic treatment to him kept him a patient in the institu.
Somarribas D, and Jovita elas during the periods of illness whicht on quez of the San Jose Bible Irtitute. The Major reiterated his fervent gratitude to the visitors The Methodists will conduct the year Missionars There can be no doubt that attended, we understand, at Services tomorrow, Sunday the Barcelona Sport Club, the railway station to receithe 5th. The celebration will the honouree, our much es ve their guests, but in vain, be interwoven with the rele teemed don Alberto Esna. neither did they appear nor CORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET gular 11 a, m, and p. and the general sport loving has any form of excuse been sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss Services Young People of our citizenry, sensed received by the BarceloHere is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are Programme will be present feeling of deep disappoint nians. Obviously a very the important topics of the Day.
ed at three o clock in the ment, on Sunday the 29th cold treatment.
afternoon ultimo, consequent on the The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with The Public Meeting slated non arrival of the players of the purest of foreign and native Drink. for the night of Monday the OUR CROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF 6th. will have it is stated, the Club of San Jose, when all THE HIGHEST STANDARD participation of several wel had been set for their wel Comerciante detallista Remember you are cordially invited known guest speakers.
come and the anxiously LICORES, ABARROTES, CRISA cordial invitation is ex awaited contest with the Bar TALERIA, MATERIALES DE LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE celo nians.
tended the general public to TODO, TODO SE ENCUENTRA all the services and meeting The Reception Committee EN ESTE ESTABLECIMIENTO. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION The home of Mrs. trene; tion. Mr. Jos. Thomas Willis was a scene interwo presided over the order ven with mirth on Thursdayeu ogies Among the contri night the 26th, ultimo on butors were Masters Ruben the occasion of the birth an Hazel Oswald Bernard, the niversary of her daughter, Misses Marjorie and Naldn Miss Elena Willis. She was Biackman and Aureilia Ber surrounded by a bevy of mudez Those who expressed attractive lasses and smart their felicitations in song The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao appearing lads, who included were Masters Harry Jackson, some of lier mates of the Bernard Isaacs, Mr. Clifford city complimentary school. Taylor the Misses Nelda Reid well set refreshment ta and Juanita Hawkins. The ble adorned with two beau second part of the Fe. brotiful floral bouquets, situate ught Messrs Marcus Cuzadue east and west, was the and Longford Blown with central figure of attraction, their guitars in tuneful ma We are Agents for and around the feast table lodids to the great enjoy the invitees enjoyed the de Iment of the participants.
licious dainties provided for The honouree was the rethem. The Birthday Cake cipient of many valuable was cut by Miss Nalda Black gifts. We hope each coming man and Master Ruben Ha anniversary will find our OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE zel, the latter won the con esteemed young Limonense test. The social features nearer the goal of her life highly enhanced the celebracambition.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de CANIINA BATAAN co Children The prus service Hiten of Lawy started the San Lorenzo Football JOSE ACHIONG NG.
the trdi other it Horor and is followed Caribbean Packing Co.


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