
SATURDAY, 4th. August 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE. Pagina 11 CITY RED CROSS AMBULANCE CONSTANTLY SERVES. ITS. PURPOSE RUBBER RUBBER HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY will buy all your Rubber at the very fat price of Perhaps the man on the street nas had his strange Jose.
opinion with respect to the Commencing its regular very important and constant public operations in the services of the Liraun Red month of May there were Cross Ambulance, and he transported 87 sick persons, might also have seen seep and in the month of June tical in seeing the vehicle 107. It should be remember operated by Captain Nas Aled that it is not only the duty varado. Let us then enligb of the chauffeur to transfer ten his darkness by telling the sick, but the right and him that before the Ambur proper care of the vehicle is lance was placed in official ndispensible, and there can use. Captain Noe sacrificing not be easily found a more his own time, hai conveyed capable man and of greater twelve sick person to the perience than our deeply local hospital, the United Mesteemed Captain of the Vol dical and Sanitary Depart unteer Fire Brigade.
ment, as also to the Railway 179. 00 For Each Quintal At Limon in the Caribbean Packing Company Building: In their Commissaries at Guap iles. Siquirres. Vesta and Penshurst. The Price will be 173. 00 Per Quintal NOTICE SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW Address all your Engineer ing Requirements to Para todos sus trabajos de Ingeniería dirijase a IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FURTHER DISCUSSED IN NATIONAL CONGRESS AMONG THE BAPTISTS man ROIG Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 We are in receipt of the wor, Gunaca. e to have the regions and the betterment of the mation that tavourable approval carried out by contracts. incity water supply rannanim has been granted by the Nationaaddition to the work of the Na. The classification of the morCongression conjunction with the tional Road Committee chandise and other produism.
On Simday the 22nd of the oyd, the Misses Butand Eva improvement projects, which had The work in our province will puted, as we gather, Vibº as cently passed month a splendid The duet Joyfully Singh was con been presented previousiy before irclude the constitution of a high signed to the office the Ecogesture wa. in view at the Gertributed by the Misses Beatrice the Constitutional Congress by our way between Estread Tala lo Defence Committee with mania Baptist Church on the ocara Thelma. Additional recitations very widely esteemed Congrersmn manca: the linking up yoadsgard to such goods wicy might casion of the annual ce eation of come from the Misses Sarah Shit. Attrey Francisco Fonseca Chemier the most important. ultural e exempted from the ness Tax.
Children Day ley, Mastera Wilber und and don Carlos Falla. the De.
The propelling feature of the ob Guncimo was again to the iront puty for Puntarends, a wotect of servance was effected by the cho with the song Come enreren of Law to impose a taxe se cent ri ters of the Guacim Church Zjon. and the Mises inneford, on each kilo of merchandise that Nuevamente bajo la Administración de In a very corapetent nanne: hey Thelma, Lennet, Norins Irene, is imported into the Re jubiica with started the programme by sing, Olga Esmie, and Masters So and a view of securing the required ten ing. We gladly bid we Franklin followed with anotionsmilton colones to be dedicated to come. This was followed to the We gather in the ch. a the urgent needs of Lim, ta El edificio completamente renovado y con citation of we come! tive quartette, was melodiosly sung renas and Guanacaste.
servicio de AGUA DIA NOCHE other items given by te Mis. es Mrs. Ernet Watson and the Misses It has been reported that after SIN CESACION.
Honoria, Marcia, Dolors. Ameia Ethis Reid and Hilda presided a ter come modification to the original SU RESTAURANTE ESPECIALIZADO EN LA PREPARA.
and Master Franklin The Christor of the church, offelsted. text, the Congress has recreed CION DE MUY BUENA SABROSA ALIMENTACION LA CANTINA OFRECE ters again burst into song with Germania owes a debt satiLundamentally and authorized the Children of the King. Recitations tude to the choristers and others Central Manicipalities of the Pro. UN GRAN SURTIDO DE LICORES followed by Masters Vindel, and of the Guacimo Churi vinces of Limon, Puntarenas. and En el Hotel Hispano América uno nunca se siente fatigado.
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA To ERNEST CECIL LEWIS GA to Limón Trading Company 92 MILLION DOLLARS BEING RECOVERED FROM BOTTOM OF SEA Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS Raicilla de Ipecacuana HULE Cacao, Cocos y Copra Divers are reported engag, which had a depth of thirty ed in the work of recovering eight meters, in order to a fortune of eight and a halt prevent its falling in the million dollars in silver coins hands of the Japanese with from the bottom of the wathe fall of Corregidor in ters in the Bay of Manila. 1942.
This large quantity of coins It is estimated that it will which weights two hundred require from five to six and forty tons. was thrown months to recover the moin the water at a location neys.
ALLIED General. BacArthur reports (Viene de la pág. 7) that American air units opera left of the enemy fleet in ting from bases in Okinawa their own faters and bases have caused the dastruction The destruction of the same of 250 enemy ships in the navol boses, ports, railways, waters of Korea and the IsNO LO OLVIDE aerodromes and other installa land of Kyushu, since the ear tions has been described as their own waters and bases.
sed month Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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