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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ANO BRITAIN AGAINST JAPAN JAPANESE COUNTER DISBANDING At a moment in the war against Japan when the appro ATTACKS IN BURMA THE LUFTWAFFE THE END OF THE ROAD TO BERLIN El se Segun conte de Tv últim gos Senior Secretar Federaci de Limo Profur amab e de la pojodore Udes Prometo con todo torricens que es la AQUEL Limón in ach, though not the form, of a remendous climax is The Japanese have been counter seen, a brief view of Britis effort and achieveattackings in strength in the bend The spervision of 88. 000 terson in 1942 it must have someda ment so far in that field may be useful of the Sitang river, north. ca of nel of the German air force, still long way to Berlin for the Desert The British Pacific Fleet has American and Chinese combat for forcing their isolated partire al quartered on their own aerodro Rats of the Belgth Army.
even after fer months now be actively pre have now moved from Burma to Pegu. Recenty they came in frommes under their own officers and though they were racite ting against the Japanese at Sakasini tuna, together with the American the cast bank of the Sitt ugriver, NcOS, is one of the resposibilCermans at top speed across the ma, Truk and Formosa. Now they forces who, with the RAF, Pla reinforcing their olate porijesties of the Air Disarmament statt Desert. And so it was a long way, lave joined with Admiral Halsey ed such an important part in the aready in the area, and established of the Secon! Thetical not only in mileage (E1 Alamein Third Fleet in striking against the ictory. In their place a new British therelves astride the Pegu sit Air Force. All of them are doeu to Berlin: 000 mi esd) hul also with sustable the Ingth and ardusness of the Japanese mainland, Forming part of Army, the Twelíth, has been formel tang canal and the Pegu Moulmeinimented, and those the vast airsca attack their planes and RAF. reinforcements have arrirailway.
qua ifications will be detailed to as struggle. But now they are there.
dialt smashing blows at Japanes cair ved from Europe. The British Twel The enemy object is to relieve sist air Disarmament is the task The Eighth Army break thro fields and battleships joined in the its Army, based on Rangoon, has Pegu Recently they came in trom of ensuring that the lufwalle doe. ugh at El Alamein on November bombardment of the Tokyo area. now taken its place with the veteran, the pressure on his forces in the not rise from the asheet wo 1942, and the Desert Rate great The Royal Navy have been bal Fourteenth Army. These representing has been in low lying wround, destruction tank battie at El Aqqaqir the ding to the fleet continuously since the largest Innd forces engaged with in the waist deep mud of the rice next day, were actually the first their first strike in March against the ceny on the Aiatic mainland, Lields and in shoulderhich ceph The nucleus of Air Disarmanent steps on the road to Serlin DuSakushima, in support of the Ameri with the exception only of the Chiant grass.
was formed more than a year ago ring the months immediately be Can Janings on Okinawa Admiral nese.
The Japanese made their cros expansion began last. autumn and fore the first Monty barrage open Nimitz himself thanked the officers In Melanesia and Borneo, six Aus sings of the Sittang river on rafts the last weeks of war units fol ed at El Alamein the war against and men of wie British Pacific Fleet tralian Divisions are participating in in parties up to 500 stron. Many lowed close on the heels of the Germany had been one of holding for their valuable service in the Oli operations en an arc of 3, 000 miles of these ware sunk by tank, arti British Second Army. After the not of advance; and before that hawa campaign, at the same time from Bougainville in the east to Borllery and mortar fire. Shortly capitulation they were tren ahead it had been one of fighting retreat.
blasting those idle gossipcrs who neo in the west. This represents the after the crossing were made the army, for one officer penetra The Elgh Army and its Desert seek to drive awedge btween the peak of Australian land achievement, the Japanese lost heavily at the ting into Schleswig to take over Raty may lay claim not nuly to United Nations in saying the Britis like the British, is in the sixth year hands of Briti. and Indian in the Ifwaffe organization, found him have started off te period of Flveth the Pacific is small, slow and of their active participation in the fentry. Though the Japanese are set the only Allied au hority in advance at ledge up so uncon inadoyute war.
stricken with malaria, there is no the area and was forced to asume ditional surrender, but also to have The ships of the Royal Navy iden Of the considerable air forces in sign of a break in thei morale. the role of Military Governor brought an end to the period of Gified in the Pacific Fleet include China, Burma India theatre They are still ready to come in for nearly a week.
retreat. For when the Euch took three 35, 000 ton battleships, the King 50 are American and 40 British, with bomb and bayonet and its stand between The Qaitara George V, another and the Duke of while those in Burma are 100 Bril their recent atacks, made under Thirteen Disarmament Wings now Depression and El Alamein GerYork. This only leaves one battleship Itish. RAF participation in curreat heavy arti. lery and mortar roverir operation in Germany, Eelgium, man advances came to a full stop.
of this most modern class, the Anand future air operations in the ing fire, they advanced shoutin Denmark, Holland an! Norway German success had reacherlite on not yet nientioned in this theatre whole Far Eastern theatre will be in Urdu to the Indian soldiers their targets being all German high water mark. On na front Of the six large fast new aircraft limited only by the availability of Thepr esent fighting in Burma airfield and all factories producing did the German army ever again carriers (including light fleet ca suitable airfields. The RAF. effort is an example of the enemy equipment for the luwaffe.
win anything but a local victory ories and baby flat tops. the Ro will be closely integrated with that determination to continue resistance Now the Desert Rats have ex.
yal Navy, five have heer announced of the As was indi on the fringes of his defensive In addition to the disbandment changed the dust and wreckage srving with the Britsh Pacific cated last week War Notes IV 11 position in South East Asia, even of the lufwaffe personnel their o! the Desert for the dust and Floer; they are the Formidable, Illus Changing Roles in the Air) the Amethough communications with Ja task is threefold: first, to identity wreckage of the Unte: der Linden trious, Indeiatigable, Indomitable rican British team which so success pan are virtualy cut. It is un ikely new inventions and novel items of and the Brandenburger Tor anul Victorious Cruiser are the folly bombed Germany will not be that the Japanese soldier has any equipment so that they may be Bac Prince, Swiſsure, Cambia, broken up, but used to bring its full idea what the real situation dispatched to research experts in ER N. Newfoundland and impact on Japan.
even his commanders are probab Britain; second, to segregate any Uganda (R: Destroyers airThe British prople accept the conly under the impression that the Ja material (such as transport Grenville, Undine, Baríleur, Tron rintance of civilian mobilization and panese fleet is still capable of com crate which can be useful to our was therefore organized to work bridge, Tenacious, and Termagent restriction ing out and clearing the sea com forces, third, to destroy or immo in co operation with the East In.
also the Australian destroyers Na Taxation is maintained at its main munications to South St Asia biltze any material immediately dian Chart Production Waited in piery Natal, Nizam, Norman, Quibeatised al its present high rate, inclu There is no sign of ary large dangerous. All combat aircraft of Ceylon, which supplies the grid rokand Quickmatch.
alt ding a standard income tax of 50 scale Japanese winthdrawal either the lufwaffe are immobilized for ded chart. maps used by Referring to the above ships, the the campaign for the increase in a in lower Burma, Malaya. Siam, example, and all bomb and ammu Services in a combined cpiration statentent by a British Naval Spokesme production of food is intensified: Indo China, or the Dutch Eat nition dumps are dealt with by The vessel choren for, e task on July 20 th at Washingtoa the mobilization of manpower resour Indies. In this respect the japanese bomb. poslal squads Wsa a former luxury yacht, bought that every major unit in the British ces is unrelaxed; the rationing of in South East Asia are acting in by the British Government from Pacific Flect has been constructed clothing is as servers as, and the ra much the same way as they have the United States for the sum of since the war started in 1999, and tioning of food evenmore drastis done in Melanesia one dollar at the outbreak of war that No large modern units of the than, before E Day, and the pro and converted for use by the As regards future operations, the British Fleet remain in British poris, duction of naval, military and air action of the large taak turce of TRIBUTE TO THE Navy. The yacht was equipped other than those being refitted force equipment and stores is being the East Fleet, which has been not only for survey work, but repaired, dispels any idea that Bri rapidly and wholly concentrated for clearing mines off Nicoba, is sig.
also with a printjog blant which tain has purely a token taval force the neds of the war against Japan. nificant. Nicabar is on the direct would enable her to produce the in the Pacific An important but little known charts on board. number or selling route between Madras and The worst defeat inilicted on the Japanese Arruty on the Continent of SAYINGS Penang, the most important porti unit of the Royal Navy back small ships better suites bocaure room boys (which nevertheless of their size to nose their way, Asis in this, or any war, has been Never have the qualities which in northern Malaya.
functions on the front line) is the into hallow and treacherous in Butua. Out of a total force of inspired the civil deferice service Hydrograpic Survey, on auty with creeks and rivers, were bened over 200, 000 in 1944, less than been more needed that in the the East Indies Fleet.
to work with her.
50, 000 are left; and of these, all times to come. The King ever be Insurmountable. Moreover, On the formation of the South THhe data obtained by the sur have not yet made good their escape No petty difference in the when this truth has permeated Eats Asia Comand it was realvey parties in these small ships into Sism. The Allied comba for world of trade, national traditions to the remotest hamlet and heart ized that Britain task here transformed by the Carto cos engaged in the campaign were and pride should ever bind us to of all peoples, then indred may would call for much navigation crophers on board the mother B5 per cent British, 13 Chinese, identities in priceless values, If we beat our swords into ploughs in coastal waters that were hip into vital charts, which are American, and the main operations we keep our eyes on this guide hares, and all nations can enjoy either completely uncharted or then reproduced by the photo were and still are under British ipost, then no difficulties un our the fruitfulness of the earih hid not been charted for many thography experts and printers Tection road of mutual co operatiu ean General Elsenhower.
years Asea going survey unit who work below deck Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Señor Sec el Despac Prevision Lk, don Miguel Son José Muy senc is En rela TO 00082 de julio sirve Gerente panig Ba ca, Mr.
quin Her cretoria ración de mon, refe le funcion junio del cuanto a trobajado cacao je Don Fu lones INDIAN ARMY con or En nue Hor public Roberto Comercian que ofreci colones el mejor ca de ensanchan TRINIDA sonel do pos merecie leerde


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