
945 ATLANTIC VOICE SO TE SVIQUEZ e él, pedirle o dlos, dicht do che ti si da y por con lo conocis to was estros leder nores diputa re men. S abo gran entu.
os one со THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK There exists a certain class of men who imagine they are entitled to be provoked on the slightest occasion, and to vent their rage in vehement vociferations and furious menaces.
Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 As, however, their rage usually fumes away in YEAR LIMON, AUGUST 11th. 1945 NO 478 outbursts of injury rather than in actual violence, they disturb the quietude of those within THE ATOMIC BOMB. THE WORLD MOST POWERFUL AND DES the reach of their clamours and the enjoyment of society.
TRUCTIVE WEAPON HELD BY BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT URGENTLY President Truman annour the area is said to have been over enemy territor states NEEDED cement of the existence of destroyed that the impact in the disthe Atomic Bomb. the Washington advice states trict of Hiroshima was The fact cannot be justifiably denied that newest and most powerful that if the Japanese do not, terrible that practicaly etery it entailed an appreciable amount of solicitaLES explosive known up to this within a reasonable period, living thing human heings tions and other efforts, by the officials concertimes more powerful than of time, accept the terms of and animals were literally from the Blue on the peoples the ultinratum tndered them carbonized by the tremenned and the men who cultivate in the Estrellaof the entire universe. The the Allied High Command dous heat. The number of Cahuita regions, to have urged the National newly discovered weapon of have decided to launch referido pra destruction is said to be 2, 000 final and destructive offen has been placed, unoffcialy hurst Hone Creek tranway system, in the ina lives lost in this single tack Congress to prohibit the lifting of the Penstime more powerful than sive with the new bombs at one hundred thcusand, terests of our agricultural activities.
the noted British 11 ton. The possession of the new The second attack by an The work of its weapon of destruction by the Atomic Bomb made We are sanguine that the Executive Dedevelopment has covered a British and North American against the important indus cree which was enunciated on the subject did period of years with a total authorities has changed the trial city of Nagasaki last not disregard, in its principle, the need which expenditure of around. entire phase of the war in Thursday, and though the re would always exist for the proper care and 2, 000, 000, 000 dollars, and the Far Eastern area, and sults have not yet reached maintenance of the tram lines in order that the employment of 150, 000 vastly improved their posi us at this time of writing, it they should fully serve their purpose, until ion in every respect.
has been stated that they Tómese bue Further reports regarding will be no less devastating the district were provided with properly consA well known scientist, the results obtained by the than those suffered by Hitructed highways.
who was associated with the explosion of the first bomb roshima.
During the past several weeks our attendevelopment of the bomb tion has, however, been invited othe present and bildo Abierto, the atfected to the explosion of CANADA SUPPLIES TRINIDAD AND BAR very unsatisfactory condition of the system as ué resultado of them becomes a means of transportation, particularly baBADOS WITH POLICE HORSES so saturated with mortifenanas. Complaints have also been made with rous effluvium that it can Eighteen police horsess The six animals sent to Bar respect to the need for a systematic arrangenot be re inhabited during have been sent from Canada bados average 15 hands, ment for the collection of the haulage fees, as a period of many years. to the British West Indian Is 2 inches in height and also for the proper preservation of the life of One of the Atomics was lands of Trinidad and Barrange in age from four to CHIN some days ago dropped from bados for constabulary duty. seven years.
the system. Only make shift repairs which, ty The twelve a 29 superfortress on the They are all halfhreeds and which went to Trinidad were it is claimed, endanger the lives of the animals lated ada. important industrial Japan were selected by the Domi o fan average heighth of 15 used by the farmers, are being undertaken ese center of Hiroshima with nion Department of Agricul hands, inches with The complainants declare a complete tie up ERIA its 300, 000 and more inha ture from breeding stations from three to six years.
of the service may occur at any moment, and, bitants. The greater part of in Ontario.
perchance, at a time just when a ship is in port awaiting a supply of fruit.
An up to date and responsible manage them EARN MORE MONEY: ment is an indispensable factor in very im tions lives LA JABONERA NACIONAL, portant public utility. We believe the contre grate of the Penshurst Hone Creek tram line should Prsawill buy all the be assigned to a capable individual or co operation. an entity that would not fruther ruia but improve and efficiently maintain the service.
May we suggest that, as a mark of gratis or dried Cocoanut pulp that you can produce at tude to our much lamented fellow citizen, tre late, Mr. Fernando Asch Escocia, Who labour. 70. 00 PER QUINTAL PLACED IN ALAJUELA ed tenatiously to secure the retention of the service, the line be rechristened with his nan The Banco Nacional in Limon will pay on the presentation of the Railway Invoice and according to the weight of the copra аг.
NEW SAN JOSE HOME FOR LIMONENSES shipped and stated on the Invoice.
nes Ship the COPRA direct to Alajuela manifested to the The people of this city the coastal and line towns nes are now provided with JABONERA NACIONAL, their own home in San Jose at the ALAJUELA es SYDNEY COX HOTEL se You can either collect at the Banco Nacional in Limon or at the Jabonera Nacional, in San Jose, situate on Front Street bición de los The ernpty sacks will be returned three days after the arrival statie de ce modern structure with large airy and comfortable rooms of the Copra in Alajuela.
equipped with shower baths anh tubs constantly supple For further information enquire of the Banco Nacional in Limon or the Jabonera Nacional in San Jose.
Come and help us grow buena nota tably an sto this ages the the COPRA de la ese peso Hola así.
directa spués de with cold and hot water.
non 1 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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