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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 11th: August 1945.
THEIR OWN STORY the Encouragement of Music and ton, London, from which penici Japanese troops cut off in Bur. Here, in cold logistics, is the end The outstanding feature of the the Arts is to be continued after lin was given to the world, celeb rational story of how, in just under na, Borneo, the Philippines and 1914. 45 list of schemes approved the war by the new Arts Council rated its centenary at the end of a year, British troops of Admral Melanezia, are paying with their under the Colonial Development of Great Britain, which will be June. On that occasion a meet.
Lord Louis Mountbatten Souto lives for the over canfidence and Welfare Act of 1940 (public finaneed by the Treasury and ing was held with the Lord Ma AL Eut Asia Command won Rangoon of their leaders.
shed as a White Paper on July will continue to be associated yor presiding, and a ten million and overran Burma. land as big The front of over 6, 000 miles 10th. is the grant of over. with the Ministry of Education dollar drive for funds was launch This and the Scottish Education Deped to build a new hospital to as France with almost none of that which the Japanese High Command 28, 000, 000 to Nigeria.
country lines of communications occupied in 1942, from the Soco sum is to help finance Nigeria artment cover two and a half acres and Betw. en June 8, 1944, and May nions through New Guinea, and own comprehensive development Sir John Anderson making. Drovide 700 beds.
1, 1945, a period of 326 days, Bri the Netherlands East Indies to the plan recently approved by the known these plans to the House Two major medical discoveries that in two wars is the proud record tain 14 th Army swept forward Burma. India frontier, as a bul. Nigerian Legislative Council of Commons, pointed out 900 miles, from Kohima to. kan wark for the new Japanese Empire which will take from 10 to 20 the present Council was set up of St. Mary penicillin in this gon, at an average rate of advance in the south, was too extended to years to implement fully, pro. to mainatin the standard and and anti typhoid vaccine in the of miles per day.
be strongly held and was always bably costing some 160, 000, 000 the national tradition of the arts war of 1914 18.
in all under war conditions. The ex In the Boer War, when only The fastest advance by any ini un vulnerable on its Pacific tank.
Prominent on the economic perience gained seemed to show a comparatively small army was try was in November, when the This Japanese defense perimeter side of the plan is the road dey. that there would be a lasting engaged, deaths from typhold 10th Indan Division crossed the was turned by the occupation of elopment scheme covering the need after the war for a body fever totalled over 8, 000, but, Chindwin River and struck east in the Philippines by United States next 15 years, for which the first of this kind to encourage know. thanks to the vaccine from St.
28 days British Indian troops fcrces and is now is the process of grant of nearly 000, 000 has ledge, understanding, and prac. Mary s, only 1, 327 British sol gged their way over 140 miles of being split up. on its land flank been approved for the period totice of the arts in the broad sense diers died from typhoid on all billy country.
by the British armies in Burma, March, 1951. The plan aims at of that term.
fronts in the last war.
Later, the mechanised th Cups and behind its center in Borneo, providing 4, 000 miles of first The change in status would not It is hardly possible to overunder General Frank Messerwy, we and on its Melanesian flank by class, and another 4, 000 miles mean an alteration in policy. It estimate the number of lives one better. In the final stages of Australian forces.
of feeder roads. Other Nigerian would continue to be the role of saved in this war by penicillin Wie dash by land towards Rangoon. In Burma, the Japanese force cut grants go to electrical develop the Arts Council to stimulate, which has been the accepted a armoured brigade with motoriset off in the Pegu Yomas, estimated ment, telecommunications, educa aid, and abet, give courage and treatment for certain wounds infantry brigades covered 299 mis two weeks ago at 10, 000, has vir tion, broadcasting and the dev. confidence and, where necessary and pneumonia cases since 1942.
but to leave as between Yameth and Pagu 10 tually been destroyed. The num. elooment of rural industries financial aid days, an average of 15 and a halt ber of dead including those killed which use local raw materials much as possible to individual part of much wider plans. Summary miles per day, with the temperatu guerril. as has now reached and produce for home consump. initiative and enterprise.
of much wider plans. Summary re over 100 degrees in the shade 600, and to this must be added tion. Far reaching plans for agri.
shows that since 1940 grants total.
On one day alone, 56 miles were co the number of prisoners taken.
cultural and forestry develop WEST INDIES ling over 7, 000, 000 made to west vered It seems that many of the 1, 000 ment are still under considera Indian schemes, sum roughly corThe Japanese suffered hPavily in Sapanese who were reported last tion.
DEVELOPMENT responding to recent grants to Nigo material losses. Between Jaitary week to have caped along the One approach to better health Sine September 1940 a start ofria LOBU and May 15 of this year the bill 77 mile stretch south of Toungoo so important to the welfare and erte has been contiuosly assist. Main emphasis has been on wa.
read: captured or destroyed by our must have been killed by Burmese economic life in the tropics, is to the scattered West Indies to ter. supply, soil conservation and DORA be the improvement of rural and ground forces, 450 guns, 1, 250 ve yuerril as before they reached the urban water supplies affecting a development plans These agricultural development on econo hicles, 20 locomotives cum 1, 000 sittang river. These Burmese for over 3, 000, 000 people. Prelimie, consequently at an advanced mic side, and in social matters on railway rolling stock.
ces have acquitted themselves weu nary grants towards an estimate and grants of 1944 45, main health and medical services, British armour, with Sherman, and are setting a pattern for other cd final cost of about.
concerned with development in education and on social clubs for Grant and Stuart tanks, claimed nations of South East Asia who 40, 000, 000 total 10, 000, 000 and air communications and all ages, combining facilities for large proportion of the booty. Two nave been under Japanese rule.
guiente: Plans for a 200 per cent increase rol variety training schemes for recreation with chances for practiarmoured brigades, the 254th Indian In Melanesia, Australian troops of strategically planned hospitals West Indian per onnel are only cal training.
quintal Tank Brigade operating on the Irra have cleared the island of Choi. dispensaries, health centers, waddy with the 33 rd Corps, and seul, which has an area of 1, 200 mobile health units and dental the 255 th Indian Tank Brigade, mu anuales.
souare miles, killing the remnants services, etc. add up to an estiving down the railway under this of the Japanese garrison. Opera. mated cost of 32, 000, 000 (ex 4th Corps, were used tions in Bougainville, New Britain clusive of buildings) to which an The world knows tae story of the and New Guinea are being pressed initial grant of 724, 000 is al secret concentration nf tanks hrough the jungle approaches of Assam and by the Australians, and in Borneo located. 648, 000 goes to furdown on to the Shwebo plains the major task of clearing Balik ther development of malaria con.
Papan has been completed by Ma.
trol measures in the Lagos area.
Burma. This is what it meant in jor General Milford 7th Autracffort. For the 254th Brigade, 469 lian Division MONUMENT TO transporter lifts were necessary, in volving a total lif: 9, 203 tons and days over difficult roads, and be PEOPLE OF SOUTH a total distance of 102, 966 miles ween them the three regiments ki The 255 th Division took part in 11 2, 500 Japanese.
DEVON the 4th Corps assaul: cossnig of The artillery figures are equally the Irrawaddy at Pakciku 10 Fe mpressive. Between January and On a South Devon beach near bruary. Special rafts capable of ca April, 1945, over half a million rrying 45 tons sach were used. In shells of 25 pound calibre were fi the tiny village of Torcross, the one month this Brigade alone corse red. More than 7, 000 medium shell. United States Army and Navy dedicated a monument to realmed 93, 160 gallons of petrol, every were used Shells to the tune of dents of the South Hams area drop of which was supplied by air. 12, 000 tons were flown in byar.
who evacuated their homes and Theree armoured car regiments al Some 40 British, 20 Indian and made their lands available for so operated. Two of the regiments 20 African artillery regiments were amphibious assault training mucovered over 1, 500 miles each, whi employed in these operations. Si noeuvres by American forces le the third completed just over men manned guns ranging from before Day.
1, 000 miles. The percentag: of a pack artillery on mules to big tractar The sacrifices of the people moured cars kep. in action in the drawn mediums: of Devon will not soon be forgotthree regiments varied between 83 Every figure tells its own story. ten, and think that their so the United States have come to munications Zone, European and 98, a tribute to the high stan and SEAC troops have every reason rifice and selfless devotion epit know intimately and to rospect. Theatre of Operations, at the Lorroz dard of maintenance. One of the re to be frond of their stotaking on omized the stern and intlexible said Lleutenant General John dedication ceremony, giments covered 850 miles in 20 the fall of Rangoon.
spirit of England which we of Lee, commanding the Com Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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