
Página ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 18th. August 1945.
FROM THE MAIL BOX REMEMBER THE OLD HARBOUR LAUNCH EXCURSION Opportunities of this kind do not come every day 50 embrace it Launch will leave Limon Dock for Old Harbour at a. September 4th.
In will be the smooth sailing Moderno The Wanderer Cricket Team will be on board to meet the United Cricket Club of the coastal twon. Professor Lebert Brown and his Swing Boys will supply the latest in Dance Music Dance Music. de Round Trip Fare. each person From this city 00 From Cahuita 3. 50 THE COMMITTEE PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, San José, After a trial which lasted for APDO. NO 1779 TEL. 6128 about three weeks, Frances OC togenarian ex Minister of Siate. OFFER FOR SALE, IN WHOLESALE LOTS, Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, REGULAR STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING has been declared guilty of the crime of High Treason by a jury MATARAL, of twenty. four of his fellow na ALKALINE TABLETS.
tionals. The verdict was announ.
ced at a. last Wednesday.
with a recommendation for cle 13 meney. Should General De Gau.
Moore KUBANOLA lle accede to the request and com HERB TEA, FAMILY LINIMENT, ANTISEPTIC, ANT mute the sentence, which will be POISONS, GULF BRAND Extracts of flavorings, Limon one of death, for imprisonment, and Vanilla.
it is expected the aged Marshal Large Assortment of Pita hats for men and women, will be held prisoner on the Isle Ecuadorian products.
Sainte Margarritte, in the of Ladies pure leather and alligator leather hand bags, Mediterranean large as ortment.
Fancy Jewelry, bracalets and broaches, nice designs, gold filled.
Native coffee wood souvenirs, fine assortment of designs.
Rafael Tuck Sons universally known christmas greet Information gathered in Ber ing cards (British manufacture. lin since the Allied occupation Fine Assortment of po cards. American manufacture. disclose, it is stated that the Large assortment of La Valliere Toilet articles includ.
ins Icykol Lotions and other fine perfumes, face creams German High Command had, for toothpastes, powders, etc. etc.
some time, been encountering Gator Roach hives and other insecticides for ants roaches difficulties maintain the morale and mosquitos.
of the major part of their arrced forces. No less than 9, 213 men Why contract MALARIA?
are said to have been shot for We our famous mosquito spirals, burn these and avoid mosinsubordination quitos introducing Inalaria into your SYSTEM.
NEW SAN JOSE HOME FOR LIMONENSES The people of this city the coastal and line towns are now provided with their own home in San Jose at the SYDNEY COX HOTEL situate on Front Street modern structure with large airy and comfortable rooms equipped with shower baths anh tubs constantly supplied with cold and hot water.
Send us your orders immediately.
Come and help us grow Up to six months prior to their capitulation, the Nazis are renant ed to have suffered an aggregate of 3, 630, 269 casualties in their For your importations of any and every kind of mer chandise or machinery, and the exportation of your products, CONSULT US WEDDING RECEPTION AT MITCHELL HEIGHTS armies 200, 899 in their air forces and 94, 470 in the navy Their greatest losses were on the Rus. lost their lives and 907, 000 were C. Bernard; Mrs. Teresa Hen Tuning in with the recep picturesque view of the eas sian fronts, where 1, 419. 000 men taken prisoners.
ry, the Misses Graham of tion after a pleasing wedding tern end of the reception taZent, relatives of the groom; day a sincere tribute was pable. With the bob nob. the Miss Edna Lawson of Liver id Mr. and Mrs. James Stra order of toasts wos headed MISS LERIEL BROWN WEDS pool, Miss Amy Blake of Ger wn of this city on the night by the writer. Several of the mania, Messrs. Stanley Bla of Wednesday the 8th ins invitees seasoningly augment On the 8th of the month Very impressive was the ke, Allan Hylton, and Jos.
tant. The Mifcheli Heightsed the shower of congratula Wednesday marriage was ef bridal ensemble. Accompanied Thomas. The festive board provided the accommodation. tidns and eulogies.
fected by Miss Leriel Brown by Mrs. Daisy Blake as Chief wos graced by the Rey Mr.
The spread occupied Mrs. Carlos Evans and Mrs. in course, the characteristic bridole nsemble. Accompanied Holmes, and in turn effecti central position and presen Edwards of the Jamaica Town of the Old Harbour English by Mrs. Dansy Blake as Chief vely presided over by Mr.
Brown ted much charm and admira Settlement assisted the bri language school and Mr. Lam Matron, Miss was Brotherton. flood of elotion. The dainties were of de mother with the serving bert Graham, a well known a cdm. robly attired. She was gi quence was heard in the or rich varieties and flourishing of the dainties and rich be griculturist of that zone. ven in marriage by Mrs. der of congratulations and eu in character. The mirthful verages.
In the early afternoon the Gayle logies. Mesdamas Westney custom of cutting the Cake civic right was effectively adand Mr. McGregor ably aswas performed by Miss At the close of the felici ministered by our widely es At night, o comely recep sisted Mrs. Adora Brown, the Bolton and Mr. Albert Ad ious reception, Mr. Lebert teemed Governor, dontion was held the residen bride mother, at the service ams: the latter won the con Brown and his associates dish Robles, and at the twi light ce of Mrs Susan Hylton. Te table very appropriate mu test ed out the light fantastic nu hour the reigious ceremony lict of the late Mr. Hearysical combinatin supplied The bride is the former mbers until the dawn of an was colemnized in the city Hylton The guests were che dancing features of the Miss Cecilia Williams, a wiother day. Our sincere congre Methodist church with the highly representative, and in ceiabration. The Atlantic dely known social talent, and tuations are tendered Mr. Rev Holmes officialting cluded, in addition to those Voice wishes the newly the daughter of Mrs. Marga and Mrs. Strawn. May they li already mentioned, Mr. and weds the fullest harvest of a ret Williams ve long and be embedded in Mrs. Brotherton, Mr. long union.
ANNIVERSARY The newly wed presented a happiness.
and Mrs. F Barrets, Mrs.
CAFE CASINO WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON Situado Erente a de la Peña Cia.
Una nueva creación limpia, confortable y con servicio sin competencia CAFE. SERVICIO LA CARTA REFRESCOS COMIDAS.
El Café CASINO es algo nuevo en el Puerto REPUBLIC OF PANAMA We recall with mingled happiness the coming to us, one year ago, of two highly distinguished officials in the persons of Dr Bal.
domero Fernandez S, the Chief of the medical section of the Unitew Medical and Sanitary Department, and don Gonzalo Cordero Lizano our Westeemed Inspector of Schools During the comparatively short period they have been with us they have, as the result of their respective labours, won the en.
dearment of every true minded citizen May they spend many more anniversaries in Limon new creation in the line of wholesome meals, coffee and refreshing beverages. genuinely clean and sanitary place in which to dine along with your friends 29nolo) 00. 85 Agents: 199. CIUMADOS SMYTH COMPANY SERVICE UNPARALLELED Port Limon and San José Costa Rica CHINO ALVARADO, Proprietor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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