
902 Saturday, 18th. August 1945.
RUBBER. RUBBER ngels; HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY will buy all your Rubber at thevery fat price of ERS Two French doctors, Vidal Cho. could not, according to medical ine and Bernard Sureau, mem views be tried on rats.
bers of the famed Pasteur Ins Parisian boy, who had suffer itate, have, according to a pressed for several months with tuberelease, discovered a new method culosis and had a temperature of or the treatment of tuberculosis, more than forty degress, was dec.
which will, it is expected help to lared incurable and slated to die.
id humanity of one of its most Though Chorine rabbit ex.
Treaded ailments.
periment was not at the time The chain of experiements com complete, the boy parents pleadmenced, it is said, when Dr. Choled that he apply the method to rine was engaged investigating their son, Dr. Sureau applied the a method for the cure of leprosy, treatment and improvement was For these experiments several observed shortly afterwards. The rats were infected with leprosy boy temperature reduced and and later injected with Vitamin his general health improved The rats were cured. Simi. rapidly. Twenty other seriously lar experiments were made with affected persons were also treatIndian rabbits. One of them was ed with excellent results, it is infected with tuberculosis, as this stated. 178. 00 For Each Quintal ILORING AND At Limon in The Caribbean Packing Company Building: In their Commissaries at Guáp iles. Siquirres. Vesta and BD dolo Penshurst.
The Price will be 3 173. 00 Per Quintal lovil bedol NEW HARLEM CANTINA SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW euilding, train AND RESTAURANT 19 vils OFFICE our highly msman and ednesday A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE 9301 SH SAN LORENZO FOOTBALLERS TRIUMPH arned goal and the OFFERS: other SO resulted from the trippies The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
of Frank Jackson of the NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN The first football match neutral position nome side by two of the visi AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
on the renovated the Paza An ill wind began to blowing players who were giYglesias was witnessed last against the Barcelonians ven the advantage of reope e People Sunday afternoon The Mit from the very start. Every ning the attack Rus, bet MYSTERY AT LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND tary Band honoured the effort of their to pierce the Whe visitors certainly pio exercise fortress of the visitors was ved themselves worthy day.
The police and other autho and nineteen inches in diame The contest was between blocked by their goalie, Guithe championship honours rities of the city of Liver ter, and was partly sealed, on the San Lorenzo Football Hermo Meza, and whether they possess. They out strip pool, England are said to haly a four inch apperture being Team of San Jose, and the intentionally or otherwise ve been greatly baffled recent left at one end. The fully Barcelonians of this city. The fuel was added to the fire third man in the ring gb ped our boys and with the ors ly, as the result of the discov clothed skeleton had been match was dedicated to our of fate by two very questioj viously inclined on their sielo, ery of a human skeleton in a laid on socking with a brick, young sportsman, don Enrinable decisions of the refe we seemingly had no cause heals cysindor. Te mystery lies covered with the same mate que Esquivel, Jr. who, onree Abel La Frane, in favour to lower our heads in haventity, the time of his death. rial for a pillow. With the being escorted to the start of the visitors. One denied ing beein shut out to the entiy, the time of his death, skeleton were seven keys, aing point, gracefully kicked the Barcelonians what was ond the means by which the gold signet ring, a pastcard off the ball in a significant regarded as a legitimately The numerical and other ha tune of their three goals body was placed in the cylin dated 3rd. July 1885, two pects connected with the der which was deposited at diaries dated 1884 and 1885, For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele play evinced an overwhelmabomb sight, where it was dis railroad ticket bearing the The People Tailor ing success.
covered by a bamb repair date of 27th June 1885 and BELL squadron.
an undated bill of a LiverpoThe container measured, it ol firm which had gone out of Sca Bu was stated, six feet in height business, 78 at Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR sted on ter the been Mark Days fficiaton pre he ita e, was Clau Folkes CITY NEW ALM OR THE SICK IS NOW OPEN The Medical Consulting Office of DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA MEDICO AND SURGEON situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel Hispano America, next door to the Dental Parlour of Dr. Jose Pacheco bne Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER our of eed, give, words ed.
AC Hours of Consultation: to p.
MUNICIPAL VIGILANCE vired Rosa It is understood that our Mu for commercial or industrial nicipal Fathers recently approv. purposes.
ed a scheme for a general vigi It was mentioned that these lance of urban properties, and places had never been included that a classification was accord in Municipal Tax gatherings, as ingly effected with respect to the owners did not furnish the bulldings of two or more floors, Councils with any information with the lower one being used regarding the designs at the time of their construction REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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