p. 12


su Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 18th. August 1945.
ATOM BOMB which has just gone out of TO BE RESTORED PLAN Foreign comment alone sufficiently measures existence as a military unit, the Washington, Aug. will be remembered as long as The historic documents When the new British par now withdrawn from the great stature of the figure Science suggests three the story of this wor is told and other national treasures liament met recently the mem forms of attack with the or read. The Eighthswas con removed from Westminster bers of the recently elected representation of his coun atomic bomb: the ceivably no better than seve Abbey in 1939 are soon to Labor majority sang the Red try in the councils of bomb with a delayed ral other armies. Its soldiers be restored. The Coronation Flag, which is the hymn of world. Never in British his action fuse could be drop were conceivably no braver. Stone is buried in the pre Communism. The event may solves of a people and their tory have the hopes and re ped from an airplane, all the many other soldier. The cincts of the Abbey, and mean little. From news wing the plane time to get Eighth was lucky as well as its exact location is known ports at hand the Laborites been so summed up in a sir.
authority among the nations a way before the bomb ex good.
to few, other than the Dean seemed mainly intent on to gle commanding personali ploded.
It came into existence just and the Canadian Prime Miunting the defeated Mr. Chur ty. In the same sense that bomb coul be propelled os the tide was about to tum nister, who had custody of chill, who will be amply able he has been during the war and it helped turn it in the the plans. Even now the to take care of himself in his years the temporal embodi own way bomb could be propelled North African desert it lear secret is to be kept although the Stone will be uncovered However, there were some less England, Chuchill can have ment to his age of eternal from a ship gun, although ned war the hard way by bes provision would have to be ting the enemy ond also by as soon as the labor can be spectacular events which meno obtained. Other treasures successor. None made for getting the ship being beaten by him. At El an a great deal dream of interpreting his Professor out of the Alamein, in October, 1942, it were hidden in various parts Harold range before Laski, party crushing defeat as of England and Wales.
bomb exploded.
put its lessons, to good use.
who seems to be one of the questioning his place in his After that time it was never dominant figures in the new tory, in national pride or in 15 Jap claims that they are definitely halted, and never government, emphasized that the affection of the people devising defenses against lest any important territory the first step in its program who have followed him thel atomic bomb are scout it had once captured. As it SAYINGS would be the nationalization through the deadliest peril ed here. Our experts tried went into Italy it had the fu One wonders at times it of credit and finance, incluto the 5000 ways of forestalline essed help most complete of the leaders of the motion pic ding government acquisition triump. No shadow can its effects. All failed.
Gen. Mark Clark American ture industry fully appreciate of the Bank of England. On fall across an achievement Fifth, and shared with the the vast power they wield, at the London stock market Briard aname that are forever SWIFT BOMB OUTPUT mericans the terrible advance fecting social life whether in tish shares were weak but in national possessions Official say our facilities up the bristing spine of the the family or in larger civic terational issues were strong; The Times (London. for producing atomic bombs last push was intornational. nion Peninsula. The effort in this groups It is for public opi in other words we are seeing to sustain wholehearted a filght of capital from Great HISTORICAL FINDS are being extended so swiftly Indeed, the Eighth Army, with ly and effectively every legiti Britain. If that continues and that we probably shall be Americans, making more bombs Canadians, mate effort made by men of if the British government me ON BOMB SITES that we can use Behind the three New Zealonders, Indians, Po integrity and honour to puri ans to carry out its program, start nas been mode at great them quick remedial steps are in Southwark on the import government lestinians, Pales and even Ita fy films and to keep plants making atomic bombs are lians, was itself increasingly clean, to improve them and order. Indeed it is entirely po ant archaeological Survey hundreds of smaller to increase their usefulness. ssible that a good many hor, which is to be made by the cosmopolitan ter boi! at 212 degrees.
Of its commanders, Field THE POPE. ses already have galloped out Council of British Archaeolo Dr. Karl Herzfeld, physi Marshal Sir Bernard Mont of the barn while the lock sy of bombed sites in Lon ta cist at Catholic University gomery Monty. for short Many years of hard labo smiths have been engaged in don here, cited these facts con will be longest and most ur will be necessary to make singing imported ditties, An Excavations Cemmi cerning the atomic bomb. vividly recalled. But the hum good the destruction caused In one paragraph of an in ttee has been formed and The force of its explosion blest of its privates will be by the war and make up the terview Prof. Laski is quoted volunteers, ranging from travels more than 7000 mi proud all his life long to we standstill of civil production as follows: sodiers to university studles a second.
ar the figure among his and the devotion of the na You cant plan economica ents, are helping archaeoloThe force of its explosion decorations. Indeed, this em tion energy to wor. Life ily without control of the cen gists to dig up the history of four billion degrees. Waſ blem of membership. in the will be hard and should betral bank. government of Roman and Elizabethan ter boilt at 212 degrees force which outfoxed Rom hard. Human nature goes to which is not responsible for Southwark. What lies be 110 The heat of the bomb expo mel is itself a decoration pieces under conditions of the operation of credit is not neath sites of buildings le. sion can make sand solid which anyone knowing the ease master in his own house. velled by bombs is of consi story behind it will be glad Prof Laski intends that the derable importance, as piece of uranium 235 to salute.
Field Marshal Smuts. British government shall be Southwark was the bridgethe size of a pin head would master. The government head settlement for koman contain 50 million million will not be the creature and London da million atoms the servant the British peThe first site to be opened ople. It will be their mas up disclosed the fact that do CUMULATIVE EFFECT ter.
there are undisturbed Roman pu Without this mastery you levels within two feet or so When one of these atoms is split, it generates 200 mi can pan economically, says of the modern surface One de Prof. Loski. That is compel of the most interesting finds fud llion volts of energy. Electely correct. If anyone is free so far is the rim of a Roman Tan tric wires in most houses ca to do as he pleases you can mortarium, used for grinding rty 110 volte plan. If you hope to plan vegetables, with the feor Splitting a single atom you must have control ker stamp quite clearly Chi need not cause wholesale des Control of credit is mostery: preserved que truction Scientists for some again Prof. Laski is time have been watching quite ir savings free from such con right. When you can guide in trol, they will do so.
VAT They pieces of split atoms flying vestment and when you can will send them out of the co Трој aroun behind glass have direction over ra income untry. Premier Stalin has the The big bang comes when end expenditures, you certa most perfect system to preJeun the explosion of one inly have mastery. except vent that. The second most ef atom splits the next atom and it for those Реле rare individuals ficient. although far from in turn explodes another Prime Minister Clement Attlee leaving Nº 10 Downing who will starve to death rath leakproof evalved by and so on The cumulative Street London, the official residence of British Premiers, er than comply.
one Hjalmar Schacht, who effect does the business.
for Big Three Conference at Potsdam. But if people can get the worked for Herr Hitler.
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