
NA TECA 1945. 1704 ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK stri 98 99 Patriotism is a beautiful word, but it should be. made to mean living for ones country not ding for it. Any weakling can die. It takes strenght Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 and determination to live.
LIMON, AUGUST 25th. 1945 No. 480 NTE LES SVIQUEZ DELS gesimos enes press 00. 000, 00 50, 000. 00 10. 000. 00 000. 00 14. 000. 00 22. 000. 00 000. 00 200. 00 900. 00 000. 00 se2. 000. 00. 300. 00 600. 00 THE OFFICIAL ACT OF JAPAN UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER THE TASK WHICH LIES AHEAD WILL BE EFFECTED ABOARD THE BATTLE SHIP MISSOURI The warring nations have sheathed their sWords; their cannon have ceased to roar; the ON 31ST. INSTANT longed hoped. for victory has been achieved.
From Manila comes the ad. sugi, in the Tokyo region. on The enemies of our civilization have been beavice that General Douglas Tuesday the 28th. instant.
ten on the battle fields, and in the fulnes of MacArthur has announced the same time that naval our souls there is unrestricted gladness. We that the official act of the forces will land in the vicini are neverthelesscognizant of the vast and comunconditional surrender ofty of the naval base of 10plex circumstances which lie ahead of the PoJan will take place on kosoka. wers that be; of the great task which confronts board the United States ba: It has been stated that in ttleship Missouri on Friday addition to Great Britain the them. the task of the re adjustment of a world the 31st. of the present United States of America upset by the horrors of a ruthless war.
month, in the Bay of Tokyo. China and Russia, represen It will be no easy task to re organize the It hay also been authoritatives of Austrialia, Canada great masses who have experienced untold suftatively released that, accom France. Holland and New Ze ferings from a tyrannical aggression, and have panied by aerial troops, Gealand will sign the docum them see and accept the new order of things.
neral MacArthur will descents of surrender.
The most important phase of the work to end at the aerodrome of Ath According to the present be successfully undertaken will be the estaHIROHITO blishment of a genuine, lasting peace, based on of Japan VERY REGRETTABLE RAILWAY ACCIDENT a perfect understanding among all peoples.
Discontentment must be eliminated. So long Our city was greatly alarning a small bridge, the same announcements the as dissatisfaction exists, so long will it be imed at an early hour last gave way and caused the Alied forces of occupatioa possible to obtain the true rewards of the Wednesday, when the news machine to be thrown off will start arriving by air in final victory. hr OZA was Spitfired around that the track The engineer Japan onthe first of SepThe structure of our civilization had almost serious accident had occurr Roberto Molinari Campi was tember at the air base of Kabeen crushed. The damages inflicted on the ed to the freight and pas so badly injured that he died noya in the area of Kaggos senger combination which on the spot.
human race are incalculable, and the true The fireman hima The North American had left the station here at Selio Garino, was also troops will, it is said, com effects of the evils wrought by Nazi and Shinto the usual hour for San Jose. riously hurt.
mence their landings on Sun militarism Will long remain unknown. It then The information subseday, in the near vicinity of refore requires the united efforts of all the peaquently recived disclosed Molinari remains Tokyo and also in the zones were Yace loving peoples of the universe to participate that on the train reaching taken to Alajuela, where in of Chiba, Kanawaga, Liverpool the engine was terment was effected manashi and Shizuoka. The; in the task of reconstruction.
on disconnected and proceeded Thursday.
We are greatly concerned, too, of our own The first lot of occupation troops Atlantis While the war to pick up a freight car, but Voice tenders its deepest will aggregats around 120 re adjustment programme.
most unfortunately, on criss condolence to all concerned (To Page. 10)
waged, we were the recipients of effective sympathies from many avenues. It is obvious these benevolent activities will now be directed elsewhere. The onerous task therefore lies with ourselves. Our earliest efforts should be direc ted toward treating with the two controlling factors. Capital and Labour. To procure the TO MEMBERS OF THE CACAO CO OPERATIVA AND greatest common good, these must Work in per fect harmony. This is of paramount import if BANANA CULTIVATORS OF PENSHURST we are to pull ourselves out the economic rut and guide our beloved Republic along the road The Cacao Cooperativa, which had a promise made by the of progress.
Minister of Agriculture for the ac ministration of the Penshurst Tram An unrestricted confidence is necessary line System, views with surprise that the Contract has been given between emplover and employed. Relationto the International Trading Corporation, Ltd.
ships between both factors should be based We cannot admit nor tolerate that a foreign entity should obon intelligence free of all cant. To denounce tain such a privilege over a Corporation which is Costarrican and either the interests of the capitalist our worker is protecled by the laws of the Republic.
without proper cause would be unjust. phli anthropically disposed public opinion is need We must now depend on a Trem Line service by a company ed to help bridge the gap between these two repudiated by the Banana producers. We must defend what has camps, and the sooner this is accomplished taken place and we must prove to the Secretary of Fomento tha the better will be the stability of our economic his action as informed, do not give account with the confidenc peace.
of which by his dominion of propery in this Zone having acquired legitimate rights which cannot be so easily trampled. oblogi Address all your Enrineer Para todos sus trabajos de RAUL VELAZQUEZ ing Requirements to ingeniería dirijase a General Manager, Cacco Cooperativa ROIG Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica 400. 00 400. 00 Notice NOTICE


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