
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao The Triumphant School nan, Hrenda Thompson associated with the Seventh Pearl Alvarez, Gertrude Bu Day Adventist Denomina rrett, Leone Royce, Voila tion in this city presented Sam, Laura Daley. Mina very praiseworthy program Brown, Masters Jose Sam, me on the evening of TuesCyril Sinclair, Lenan Patter day the 14th. instant in hnson, Vivian Buechanan, Geor mage to the national celebrage Saunders, Carlos Hawa tion of Mother Day. an the school in general.
Among the participants In addition to her activiwere Mrs. Rosa de Berrios, ties as the moving spirit in who effectively propounded the celebration, Mrs. Ross the opening remarks. She de Berrios accompanied ma was followed by the Misses ny of the soongs with the Davis Paterson, Teresa and guitar. We sincerely extend Waldina Ortiz, Amy Bucha lour congrats.
RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. UF THE GOVT WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON REPUBLIC OF PANAMA OFFICES: LIMON SAN JOSE HI NE ou 31 in eco EXCELSIOR TAILOR Agents: SMYTH COMPANY nagement and not be conti ned only to the monotonous Port Limon and San José routi ne of production and ma WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS Costa Rica utenance If management CHARM and Jabour will agree on the SERMON gement Labour relations must bardos point of all. the HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING (From page ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND take into account the public need frust and co operaticism FURNISHING HOUSE from the tion in the common interest, Christian which, in its role as consumer, THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, point of view. At the outset and in other ways, is vitally the way in open for a won the Christian faith WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIAB affirms interested in industrial poli derful development that we are all members of cies and should have a part in nomic life in all countries one another, a family in their framing and execution foced with industrial problems.
which cach members has rig. Also the workers should be all The Church ministry of hty and obligations that affect owed to know more of the pro reconciliation is much needed CLIFFORD STEELE all the rest. Hence the Mana blems and difficulties of mato overcome the distrust, and suspicion of the industrial con Now situated in an improved and convenient building.
flicts of recent years, but most In going to take the train and in coming from the train am in your way NEW HARLEM CANTINA important of all we must all aim for that right undertan COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH ding of the relation between VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE.
AND RESTAURANT God and man and nature A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE which is needed to bring the dered homeless. In the latter OFFERS: THE OFFICIAL kingdoms of this world into The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
From page 7)
pace the total was given as the Kingdom of God, whose 120, 000 NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN will is PEACE. Thanks be to mill men of the infantry di Due to the inability of AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
God, who giveth the VIC visions France to assume, at this TORY Japan capitulation to Chi time, the administration of na will be effected officially French Indo China, Chinese in Nanking after that to the troops will take charge of Allied Nations in Tokyo. the northern portion, while Further information obtain the remaining portion will ed with respect to the ef be controlled by the British.
fects of the Atomic Bomb The Russian forces are attacks on Hiroshima and said to have secured almost Nagasaki, disclose that the absolute control of Manchu huge total of 360, 000 casual ria, where the Japanese tro ties took place in the former ops are surrending in large will buy all your Rubber at thevery fat price of place, includnig the killed numbers, 52. 000 succender the wounded and those ren ed their arms last Monday.
RUBBER. RUBBER HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET MONEY THE HECHT, LEVIS KAHN COMPANY C178. 00 For Each Quintal At Limon in The Caribbean Packing Company Building: In their Commissaries at Guap iles. Siquirres. Vesta and IMPORTANT Visitors from Limon and other line towns will not miss their home prepared meals when in San José by eating and drinking at RESTAURANT LA GUARIA 100 yds. North Teatro Adela Penshurst. ThePrice will be 173. 00 Per Quintal MAY SELL TODAY. YOU MAY BE LATE TOMORROW RA For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele The People Tailor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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