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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 25th. August 1945.
oam 911 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN SCARLET PIMPERNEL food am STRANGE CARGOES nights were carried out had no at ANGLO AMERICAN ODD GIFTS SECRET FACTORY ONE IN FIVE TEAM Original gifts helped to raise When flying bombs were falling The Marchant Navy has lost From the little village of Tem 200, 000, 000 for Britain Redon or passing over, the heart of Lon one in five of its men in the ford in Bedfordshire the KAF.
Cross Fund don last year, a miniature but eam war.
erated two secret speil missie From a Speech by plete war factory was at work under The strength of the Merchant squadrons.
General Eisenhower Gifts of livestock, though al. the Central Hall of the Houses of Navy has been maintained at The squadrons delivered arms ways welcome, were sometimes a Parliament GE manufacturing special about 150, 000 men throughout ammunition, radio sets, source of embarrassment when new instruments for combatting the the war years, and Mr. Chur other supplies to the undergroun delivered, as they often were, to raids.
chill stated in a written Paria fighters of all the occupied countries one of the London depots. Like The opening of the factory in mentary reply yesterday that they carried skis and sleighs to the the live cockerel which intended which 74. 000 man hours were wor 30, 589 have been killed.
Norwegians and bicycles and bicycle for Mrs. Churchill Aid to Rusked in 1944 alone, was one of the That is a little more than one.
sia Fund, was deposited on the best guarded secrets of the war. It fifth of the number constantly Tyres (made in England but stampe with the names of French makers secretary desk after an un maintained in the service.
beyan shortly aiter the fall of Singa succesful attempt to effect per In addition 4, 690 were report to the underground in Westem El pore in 1942, when the Prime Minised missing. 215 wounded and some sonal delivery at Downing Street te fr. Churchill called for even 4, 088 interned, making the total There was also a passenger servi diamond necklace way congreater efforts from the nation.
casualties 43, 582. Of those report ce. Czech, Polish and Dutch akents tributed and sold for 44, 000.
Members of Parliament and the ed missing or interned 5, 991 are were dropped in their own COUD One new laid egg the only sin staff offered to give their assistance still unaccounted for tries, while others were brought back to England for training gle item salvaged unbroken from in nearby factories, but their dutis a house demolished by a bomb were already so heavy that it was (London Daily Mirror) boteurs. was sent by the woman who decided to open an underground fac The old unarmed Lysanders and COD General EISENHOWER had lost her home. Some of the tory in the heart of Parliament.
Hodsons in which the pick up cash gifts had their peculiarities, strange assortment of part time too like the 400 given by an workers was assembled men over cret devices to help them operate, DO old couple who wanted an an seventy, giels under twenty, has The war has been responsible Guided only by the dim lights show No man in history has been nouncement of the gift to be bands and wives, mothers and daugh for the carriage of some very stran by the patriots below, the ones supported, encouraged and given broadcast as a way of breaking ters, Parlimentary counsel, policemen. Le cargoes in British transport ae landed in small secret fields to pick things more liberally than have the news to their relatives not Gabinet Ministers wives retired Ar roplar1. Live frost have oken up their passengers.
By the British Government and to expect anything in the fu my officers, fremen, civil servants, been flown from South Africa for the British Empire.
There were many hairbreadth e One inci ture.
and even members of the Parlimen research purposes. On the tip con capes. pilot was just about to land dent only. We got into Africa, PII tary kitchen staff.
toiners is printed the injunction: when he saw a German with a re and we were trying to do a lot One enthusiastic youngster They were soon turning out pre The water must be changed volver standing behind each flash of good work, and things got a wrote a letter to tell of his cision instruments, maebined in ma Cairo. Live reas are flown from light holder. Realizing what was bit grim, and one day received scheme for charging a penny any details to bali a thousandth of a Sierra Leone, and guinea pigs for happening he revved his engine and a telegram from the Prime Mi peep at a baby hedgehog he had inch.
Shifts were changed every smalpox research are sent to the flew off. He was wounded in the nister, who said, have a chur found. He enclosed a postal or three or four hours, and the work Medical Re. earch Council. yel back but returned safely. When a chill Brigade. He said, The der for 50, but was sorry went on ceaselessly and smoothly low fever vaccine labelled The Hudson was bogged down on land shipping people told me can there would be no more to come, When enemy planes and flying bombs Uſe of this serum is 48 hours afing the pilot rounded up 200 peo as the exhibit had made its get were overhead the workers ship it, and they said it is not away while he was out buying never ter leaving the laboratory has ple, 12 oxen and six horses, and ready, but if you want it, it will the postal order! Another small once went to shelter, although they been taken to its destination in ti worked for two and one half hours be on the road immediately. before the airplane could leave.
boy who devoted all his spare were in one of the most vulnerable me And it came. didn know how he had sent it, but it came and which, sould to his friends at the time to the catching of tadpoles parts of the bu lding. works canteen served 150 meals it took an important part in the rate of 14 a peony, raised 60 a day at 20 cent a meal. 1, 000, 000 battle.
articles were assembled, inspected AIR CASUALTIES and despatched by this small but en have never forgotten that thusiastic body of workers.
thing because of the complete SAYINGS Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur, at his alma maters, All Hallows generosity with which it was ofT. Harris has revealed that. School, he said: In modern war.
fered His associates in govern General EISENHOWER 47, 000 men of the total of. fare, rather than put the whole ment, and you will forgive me 100, 000 who passed through the youth of the nation into thefray, if don know what their poli. The Christian forces in Bri The first eye. witness account Royal Air Force Bomber Com you send out selected champions tics were, but his associates in tain and in Russia hove of the epic sea battle in which the mand were killed during the to take the edge off the enemy government and his assistants in the Chiefs of Staff have given great part to play in keeping British Armed Merchant. Cruiser war, but that this loss held down first. That was the task of the me exactly the same cooperation the true spirit of the allian Rawalpindi steamed into action alo the army casualties. Speaking boys in my crews.
all the way through this war. ce firm and strong, and in ne against the German heavy ships guiding and helping the two scharnhorst and Gneisenau was giWould it not the have seemed nations to put into practice ven recently by CPO Humphthorst signalled to Rawalpindi Vallable gur until she was at last Iittle on my part if had not those high principles to which ries, a survivor of the fight who bondon your ship. repeating the hit in the magazine and blown in translated some of it within my they are pledged.
has just been repatraited from a message three times. Captain Kenwo.
own command? To the great of German prison camp after five nedy answer was to open fire ficers that have served with me Archbishop of Canterbury and a half years imprisonment immediately, scoring a hit amidsthere is no tribute that can pay Although twice warned by the hips of the Gneisenau.
you, and almost hesitate a To day we are on the German battlecruiser Scharnhorst The Scharr. hort and Gneisenau moment for the simple reason threshold of a great future to heave to and three times or then began firing simultaneously Air Force Transport Group opeThe India bases of the Royal that may forget one. But as once more we can begin to dered to abandon ship. sald at the Rawalpindi. In spite of the long as histories are written in build again without fear; on Sumphories, the Commanding of incredible odds. the Rawalpindi and Burma has carried in the rating internal services for India the English language, Sir Ance more we can freely meet Acer of the Rawalpindi refused was armed with guns and as drew Cunningham, Tedder, Mont our friends and plan togeth these instructions and steamed full a converted liver had no armored past 15 months 100, 000 passengomery, Alexnder, Crerar, Sir gers, 15, 308, 834 pounds of er for the future. We have speed into action.
Protection while the German ships freight, and 4, 820, 613 pounds of John Cunningham, those men before us an will be remembered and respect adventurous Shortly afterwards a cruiser ap had 11 guns, armored protection mail. In 78, 500 hours of flying, ed and loved, and say loved path, which may test our copeared on the starboard side. The and a far greater range and speed over 11, 000, 000 miles, only four because those men not only per uroge and resourcefulness. Rawalpindi took it to be one of the and a secondary armament of twel deaths occurred. It a passenger formed a magnificent duty, they Let us make it a path that British Northern Patrol Ships and ve suns aplice. the Rawalpin flew 200 hours a year, he need did it with a selflessness that leads to a new way of peace, made towards her. It turned out di continued to fire with every a only worry about a fatal aceh only real men, big men, possess. new life and happiness. to be the Gneisenau. The Schorndent after 100 years.
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